# HTML Tidy with HTML5 support ## Prerequisites 1. git - http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git 2. cmake - http://www.cmake.org/download/ 3. appropriate build tools for the platform CMake comes in two forms - command line and gui. Some installations only install one or the other, but sometimes both. The build commands below are only for the command line use. Also the actual build tools vary for each platform. But that is one of the great features of cmake, it can generate variuous 'native' build files. Running cmake without any paramaters will list the generators available on that platform. For sure one of the common ones is "Unix Makefiles", which needs autotools make installed, but many other generators are supported. In windows cmake offers various versions of MSVC. Again below only the command line use of MSVC is shown, but the tiyd solution (*.sln) file can be loaded into the MSVC IDE, and the building done in there. ## Build the tidy library and command line tool 1. `cd build/cmake` 2. `cmake ../.. [-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/for/install]` 3. Windows: `cmake --build . --config Release` Unix/OS X: `make` 4. Install, if desired: Windows: `cmake --build . --config Release --target INSTALL` Unix/OS X: `[sudo] make install` ## History This repository should be considered canonical for HTML Tidy as of 2015-January-15. - This repository originally transferred from [w3c.github.com/tidy-html5][1]. - First moved to Github from [tidy.sourceforge.net][2]. [1]: http://w3c.github.com/tidy-html5/ [2]: http://tidy.sourceforge.net