# Tidy Options generated and exported by Balthisar Tidy for Mac OS X. # Please visit http://www.balthisar.com for more information about Balthisar Tidy. # - Double-check encoding values; Balthisar Tidy set them all to "utf8". # - If "accessibility-check" has a string after the number, it’s okay; it will work fine. # To use this configuration file with the native command line version of Tidy, use Tidy like this: # tidy -config tidy.cfg some_file.html # accessibility-check: 0 (Tidy Classic) add-xml-decl: no add-xml-space: no alt-text: anchor-as-name: yes ascii-chars: no assume-xml-procins: no bare: no break-before-br: no clean: yes coerce-endtags: yes css-prefix: decorate-inferred-ul: no doctype: html5 drop-empty-elements: yes drop-empty-paras: yes drop-proprietary-attributes: no enclose-block-text: no enclose-text: no escape-cdata: no fix-backslash: yes fix-bad-comments: yes fix-uri: yes force-output: no gdoc: no hide-comments: no indent: yes indent-attributes: no indent-cdata: no indent-spaces: 4 input-encoding: utf8 input-xml: no join-classes: no join-styles: no literal-attributes: no logical-emphasis: no lower-literals: yes markup: yes merge-divs: auto merge-emphasis: yes merge-spans: auto ncr: yes new-blocklevel-tags: new-empty-tags: new-inline-tags: new-pre-tags: newline: LF numeric-entities: no omit-optional-tags: no output-encoding: utf8 output-html: no output-xhtml: no output-xml: no preserve-entities: yes punctuation-wrap: no quote-ampersand: yes quote-marks: no quote-nbsp: yes repeated-attributes: keep-last replace-color: yes show-body-only: no sort-attributes: none tab-size: 8 tidy-mark: yes uppercase-attributes: no uppercase-tags: no vertical-space: no word-2000: no wrap: 0 wrap-asp: yes wrap-attributes: no wrap-jste: yes wrap-php: yes wrap-script-literals: no wrap-sections: yes