Geoff McLane 83fe261d58 More informative output if onetest.cmd run singularly.
It was not intended that this cmd file be run separately. It is invoked by
alltest1.cmd which in turn is invoked by alltest.cmd. This 'chain' is
requierd to set up the appropriate environmnet variables.
2015-05-14 14:38:13 +02:00

120 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file

@echo off
@set TMPTEST=temptest.txt
REM onetest.cmd - execute a single test case
REM (c) 1998-2006 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University
REM See tidy.c for the copyright notice.
REM <URL:http://www.html-tidy.org/>
@if "%TIDY%." == "." goto Err1
@if NOT EXIST %TIDY% goto Err2
@if "%TIDYOUT%." == "." goto Err3
@if NOT EXIST %TIDYOUT%\nul goto Err4
@if NOT EXIST input\nul goto Err5
@if "%1x" == "x" goto Err8
@if "%2x" == "x" goto Err9
set TESTNO=%1
set INFILES=input\in_%1.*ml
set CFGFILE=input\cfg_%1.txt
set TIDYFILE=%TIDYOUT%\out_%1.html
set MSGFILE=%TIDYOUT%\msg_%1.txt
REM If no test specific config file, use default.
if NOT exist %CFGFILE% set CFGFILE=input\cfg_default.txt
REM Get specific input file name
@set INFILE=
for %%F in ( %INFILES% ) do set INFILE=%%F
@if "%INFILE%." == "." goto Err6
@if NOT EXIST %INFILE% goto Err7
REM Remove any pre-exising test outputs
if exist %MSGFILE% del %MSGFILE%
if exist %TIDYFILE% del %TIDYFILE%
@REM Noisy output, or quiet
@REM echo Testing %1 input %INFILE% config %CFGFILE% ...
@echo Doing: '%TIDY% -f %MSGFILE% -config %CFGFILE% %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 --tidy-mark no -o %TIDYFILE% %INFILE% >> %TMPTEST%
@%TIDY% -f %MSGFILE% -config %CFGFILE% %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 --tidy-mark no -o %TIDYFILE% %INFILE%
@echo Testing %1, expect %EXPECTED%, got %STATUS%
@echo Testing %1, expect %EXPECTED%, got %STATUS% >> %TMPTEST%
@if %STATUS% EQU %EXPECTED% goto done
@echo *** Failed - got %STATUS%, expected %EXPECTED% ***
@type %MSGFILE%
@echo *** Failed - got %STATUS%, expected %EXPECTED% *** >> %TMPTEST%
@type %MSGFILE% >> %TMPTEST%
goto done
@echo ==============================================================
@echo ERROR: runtime exe not set in TIDY environment variable ...
@echo ==============================================================
@goto TRYAT
@echo ==============================================================
@echo ERROR: runtime exe %TIDY% not found ... check name, location ...
@echo ==============================================================
@goto TRYAT
@echo ==============================================================
@echo ERROR: output folder TIDYOUT not set in environment ...
@echo ==============================================================
@goto TRYAT
@echo ==============================================================
@echo ERROR: output folder %TIDYOUT% does not exist ...
@echo ==============================================================
@goto TRYAT
@echo ==============================================================
@echo ERROR: input folder 'input' does not exist ... check name, location ..
@echo ==============================================================
@goto TRYAT
@echo Try running alltest1.cmd ..\build\cmake\Release\Tidy5.exe tmp
@echo ==============================================================
@goto done
@echo ==============================================================
@echo ERROR: Failed to find input matching '%INFILES%'!!!
@echo ==============================================================
@goto done
@echo ==============================================================
@echo ERROR: Failed to find input file '%INFILE%'!!!
@echo ==============================================================
@goto done
@echo ERROR: No input test number given!
@echo ERROR: No expected exit value given!
@goto done