2015-05-13 12:40:46 +02:00

91 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable file

@REM echo off
@REM execute a single test case of the accessibility test suite
@REM (c) 2006 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University
@REM See tidy.c for the copyright notice.
@REM <URL:http://www.html-tidy.org/>
@echo Testing %1 %2 %3
@set TESTNO=%1
@if "%1x" == "x" goto NOTEST
@if "%2x" == "x" goto NOEXPECT
@if "%3x" == "x" goto NOLEVEL
@if "%TIDYLOG%x" == "x" goto NOLOG
@set CFGFILE=%TIDYINPUT%\cfg_%1.txt
@set TIDYFILE=%TIDYOUT%\out_%1.html
@set MSGFILE=%TIDYout%\msg_%1.txt
@REM If no test specific config file, use default.
@if NOT exist %CFGFILE% @set CFGFILE=%TIDYINPUT%\cfg_default.txt
@REM Get specific input file name
@for %%F in ( %INFILES% ) do @set INFILE=%%F
@echo ERROR: Can NOT locate [%INFILE%] ... aborting test ...
@echo ======================================= >> %TIDYLOG%
@echo Testing %1 %2 %3 >> %TIDYLOG%
@echo ERROR: Can NOT locate [%INFILE%] ... aborting test ... >> %TIDYLOG%
@goto done
@REM Remove any pre-existing test outputs
@if exist %MSGFILE% del %MSGFILE%
@if exist %TIDYFILE% del %TIDYFILE%
@REM this has to all one line ...
@%TIDY% -f %MSGFILE% --accessibility-check %ACCESSLEVEL% -config %CFGFILE% --gnu-emacs yes --tidy-mark no -o %TIDYFILE% %INFILE%
@REM output the FIND count to the a result file
@find /c "%TESTEXPECTED%" %MSGFILE% > tempres.txt
@REM load the find count, token 3, into variable RESULT
@for /F "tokens=3" %%i in (tempres.txt) do @set RESULT=%%i
@REM test the RESULT variable ...
@if "%RESULT%." == "0." goto Err
@if "%RESULT%." == "1." goto done
@REM echo note - test '%TESTEXPECTED%' found %RESULT% times in file '%INFILE%'
@goto done
@echo FAILED --- test '%TESTEXPECTED%' not detected in file '%INFILE%'
@type %MSGFILE%
@echo FAILED --- test '%TESTEXPECTED%' not detected in above
@REM append results to the ACCERR.TXT file
@echo ======================================= >> %TIDYLOG%
@echo %TIDY% -f %MSGFILE% --accessibility-check %ACCESSLEVEL% -config %CFGFILE% --gnu-emacs yes --tidy-mark no -o %TIDYFILE% %INFILE% >> %TIDYLOG%
@echo FAILED --- test '%TESTEXPECTED%' not detected in file '%MSGFILE%', as follows - >> %TIDYLOG%
@type %MSGFILE% >> %TIDYLOG%
@echo FAILED --- test '%TESTEXPECTED%' not detected in above >> %TIDYLOG%
@goto done
@echo Error: NO test number given as the first command!
@echo Error: NO expected result given as the second command!
@echo Error: NO accesslevel given as the thrid command!
@goto HELP
@echo Error: TIDYLOG NOT set in the environment!!! This is set in acctest.cmd
@echo The file acctest.cmd should be used to run this cmd...
@echo Use Ctrl+c to abort, to fix...
@goto NOLOG