complete-c gutenberg -n"__fish_using_command gutenberg"-s c -l config -d'Path to a config file other than config.toml'
complete-c gutenberg -n"__fish_using_command gutenberg"-s h -lhelp-d'Prints help information'
complete-c gutenberg -n"__fish_using_command gutenberg"-s V -l version -d'Prints version information'
complete-c gutenberg -n"__fish_using_command gutenberg"-f-a"init"-d'Create a new Gutenberg project'
complete-c gutenberg -n"__fish_using_command gutenberg"-f-a"build"-d'Builds the site'
complete-c gutenberg -n"__fish_using_command gutenberg"-f-a"serve"-d'Serve the site. Rebuild and reload on change automatically'
complete-c gutenberg -n"__fish_using_command gutenberg"-f-a"help"-d'Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)'
complete-c gutenberg -n"__fish_using_command gutenberg init"-s h -lhelp-d'Prints help information'
complete-c gutenberg -n"__fish_using_command gutenberg init"-s V -l version -d'Prints version information'
complete-c gutenberg -n"__fish_using_command gutenberg build"-s u -l base-url -d'Force the base URL to be that value (default to the one in config.toml)'