but you can also publish any generated files provided you have an `index.html` file in the root of a branch called `gh-pages` or `master`, in addition you can also publish from a `docs` directory in your repository. That branch name can also be manually changed in the settings of a repository. **However** this only applies to publishing in a custom domain, i.e. if you want to publish to a GitHub provided web service under the `github.io` domain, you can **only** use the `master` branch of your repository as explained [here](https://help.github.com/en/articles/configuring-a-publishing-source-for-github-pages), so we will focus on the method which will work regardless of the domain.
Copy it into your clipboard and head back to Travis.
Once on Travis, click on your project, and navigate to "Settings". Scroll down to "Environment Variables" and input a name of `GH_TOKEN` with a value of your access token.
**NOTE**: The script below assumes that we're taking the code from the `code` branch and will generate the HTML to be published in the `master` branch of the same repository. You're free to use any other branch for the Markdown files but if you want to use `<username>.github.io` or `<org>.github.io`, the destination branch **MUST** be `master`.