Configuration is mainly done in `config.toml` and here I'll describe the main topics.
### Global
`config.toml` starts with the global variables. All of these items are important, but it is fundamental to create two taxonomies at least:
taxonomies = [
{name="categories", rss=true},
{name="tags", rss=true},
Remember that all descriptions (`config.description` and `page.description`) are shown on the index page, one at the header and the others through the body.
### Extras
ZOLA.386 comes with a lot of extra variables which eases the creation and maintenance of the site, so it's important to review all of them after installing the theme.
The `zola386_menu` composes the navbar and is created by setting up a `path`, which will be appended to the `base_url` and the `name` will appear on the navbar.
zola386_menu = [
{path="/", name="Home"},
{path="categories", name="Categories"},
{path="tags", name="Tags"},
{path="about", name="About"},
### Social
ZOLA.386 is also prepared to deal with Google Analytics, Disqus, and Twitter --[Open Graph Protocol]( is welcome. This theme is prepared to use the output of [Favicon Generator](, to do so, you'll just need to download the output of that site and extract in `static/images`.
As said, Disqus is supportted, but besides setting the username in `config.toml`, you also must to put a `comments = true` extra option on the pages where Disqus will be enabled --this gives you the freedom to enable or disable comments on certain posts. You can use the extra option `image` on each page, to represent that post.
All JavaScript animations can be set at `static/js/zola386.js`. Basically you can disable all animations, use one or two scans, and change the scan speed. Personally, I prefer only one scan with a speed factor of 5.
### Language
Under the `label_` variables, you can set names to better localize your site. Note that you can change the language of a single page, by using `page.extra.lang`, which causes `<html lang="">` to change only on that page. A theme to provide information for its owner and SEO-friendly.
Search was implemented according to the [official documentation]( It uses JavaScript to search on an indexed version of the site based on `search_index.LANG.js`, `elasticlunr.min.js`, and `search.js` --the first two are generated after each build. If you're running your site in other default language other than English, you **must** change the `search_index.LANG.js` line in `index.html`, setting up `LANG` accordingly.