Before pushing anything, Travis needs a Github private access key in order to make changes to your repository.
If you're already logged in to your account, just click [here]( to go to your tokens page.
Otherwise, navigate to `Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens`.
Generate a new token, and give it any description you'd like.
Under the "Select Scopes" section, give it repo permissions. Click "Generate token" to finish up.
Your token will now be visible!
Copy it into your clipboard and head back to Travis.
Once on Travis, click on your project, and navigate to "Settings". Scroll down to "Environment Variables" and input a name of `GH_TOKEN` with a value of your access token.
Make sure "Display value in build log" is off, and then click add. Now Travis has access to your repository.
## Setting up Travis
We're almost done. We just need some scripts in a .travis.yml file to tell Travis what to do.
# Download and unzip the gutenberg executable
# Replace the version numbers in the URL by the version you want to use