dist: trusty language: rust services: docker sudo: required env: global: - CRATE_NAME=gutenberg matrix: # TODO These are all the build jobs. Adjust as necessary. Comment out what you # don't need include: # Linux - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl # OSX - env: TARGET=x86_64-apple-darwin os: osx # Testing other channels - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu rust: beta - env: TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu rust: nightly before_install: set -e install: - sh ci/install.sh - source ~/.cargo/env || true script: - bash ci/script.sh after_script: set +e before_deploy: - sh ci/before_deploy.sh deploy: # TODO update `api_key.secure` # - Create a `public_repo` GitHub token. Go to: https://github.com/settings/tokens/new # - Encrypt it: `travis encrypt YOUR_TOKEN` # - Paste the output down here api_key: secure: 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 file_glob: true file: $CRATE_NAME-$TRAVIS_TAG-$TARGET.* on: # TODO Here you can pick which targets will generate binary releases # In this example, there are some targets that are tested using the stable # and nightly channels. This condition makes sure there is only one release # for such targets and that's generated using the stable channel condition: $TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION = stable tags: true provider: releases skip_cleanup: true cache: cargo before_cache: # Travis can't cache files that are not readable by "others" - chmod -R a+r $HOME/.cargo branches: only: # release tags - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+.*$/ - master