use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use slotmap::{DenseSlotMap, Key}; use tera::{Value, to_value}; use front_matter::SortBy; use sorting::{find_siblings, sort_pages_by_weight, sort_pages_by_date}; use content::{Page, Section}; #[derive(Debug)] struct Values { pages: HashMap, sections: HashMap, } impl Values { pub fn new(cap_pages: usize, cap_sections: usize) -> Values { Values { pages: HashMap::with_capacity(cap_pages), sections: HashMap::with_capacity(cap_sections), } } pub fn get_page(&self, key: &Key) -> &Value { return self.pages.get(key).unwrap() } pub fn insert_page(&mut self, key: Key, value: Value) { self.pages.insert(key, value); } pub fn remove_page(&mut self, key: &Key) { self.pages.remove(key); } pub fn get_section(&self, key: &Key) -> &Value { return self.sections.get(key).unwrap() } pub fn insert_section(&mut self, key: Key, value: Value) { self.sections.insert(key, value); } pub fn remove_section(&mut self, key: &Key) { self.sections.remove(key); } } // Houses everything about pages/sections/taxonomies #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Library { pages: DenseSlotMap, sections: DenseSlotMap
, paths_to_pages: HashMap, paths_to_sections: HashMap, values: Values, } impl Library { pub fn new(cap_pages: usize, cap_sections: usize) -> Self { Library { pages: DenseSlotMap::with_capacity(cap_pages), sections: DenseSlotMap::with_capacity(cap_sections), paths_to_pages: HashMap::with_capacity(cap_pages), paths_to_sections: HashMap::with_capacity(cap_sections), values: Values::new(cap_pages, cap_sections), } } pub fn insert_section(&mut self, section: Section) -> Key { let path = section.file.path.clone(); let key = self.sections.insert(section); self.paths_to_sections.insert(path, key); key } pub fn insert_page(&mut self, page: Page) -> Key { let path = page.file.path.clone(); let key = self.pages.insert(page); self.paths_to_pages.insert(path, key); key } pub fn pages(&self) -> &DenseSlotMap { &self.pages } pub fn pages_mut(&mut self) -> &mut DenseSlotMap { &mut self.pages } pub fn pages_values(&self) -> Vec<&Page> { self.pages.values().collect::>() } pub fn pages_values_mut(&mut self) -> Vec<&mut Page> { self.pages.values_mut().collect::>() } pub fn sections(&self) -> &DenseSlotMap
{ &self.sections } pub fn sections_mut(&mut self) -> &mut DenseSlotMap
{ &mut self.sections } pub fn sections_values(&self) -> Vec<&Section> { self.sections.values().collect::>() } pub fn sections_values_mut(&mut self) -> Vec<&mut Section> { self.sections.values_mut().collect::>() } /// Find out the direct subsections of each subsection if there are some /// as well as the pages for each section pub fn populate_sections(&mut self) { let mut grandparent_paths: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); for section in self.sections.values_mut() { if let Some(ref grand_parent) = section.file.grand_parent { grandparent_paths .entry(grand_parent.to_path_buf()) .or_insert_with(|| vec![]) .push(section.file.path.clone()); } // Make sure the pages of a section are empty since we can call that many times on `serve` section.pages = vec![]; section.ignored_pages = vec![]; } for (key, page) in &mut self.pages { let parent_section_path = page.file.parent.join(""); if let Some(section_key) = self.paths_to_sections.get(&parent_section_path) { self.sections.get_mut(*section_key).unwrap().pages.push(key); } } self.sort_sections_pages(None); let sections = self.paths_to_sections.clone(); let mut sections_weight = HashMap::new(); for (key, section) in &self.sections { sections_weight.insert(key, section.meta.weight); } for section in self.sections.values_mut() { if let Some(paths) = grandparent_paths.get(§ion.file.parent) { section.subsections = paths .iter() .map(|p| sections[p]) .collect::>(); section.subsections .sort_by(|a, b| sections_weight[a].cmp(§ions_weight[b])); } } } pub fn sort_sections_pages(&mut self, only: Option<&Path>) { let mut updates = HashMap::new(); for (key, section) in &self.sections { if let Some(p) = only { if p != section.file.path { continue; } } // TODO: use an enum to avoid duplication there and in let (sorted_pages, cannot_be_sorted_pages) = match section.meta.sort_by { SortBy::None => continue, SortBy::Date => { let data = section.pages .iter() .map(|k| { if let Some(page) = self.pages.get(*k) { (k, page.meta.datetime, page.permalink.as_ref()) } else { unreachable!("Sorting got an unknown page") } }) .collect(); sort_pages_by_date(data) }, SortBy::Weight => { let data = section.pages .iter() .map(|k| { if let Some(page) = self.pages.get(*k) { (k, page.meta.weight, page.permalink.as_ref()) } else { unreachable!("Sorting got an unknown page") } }) .collect(); sort_pages_by_weight(data) } }; updates.insert(key, (sorted_pages, cannot_be_sorted_pages, section.meta.sort_by)); } for (key, (sorted, cannot_be_sorted, sort_by)) in updates { // Find sibling between sorted pages first let with_siblings = find_siblings(sorted.iter().map(|k| { if let Some(page) = self.pages.get(*k) { (k, page.is_draft()) } else { unreachable!("Sorting got an unknown page") } }).collect()); for (k2, val1, val2) in with_siblings { if let Some(page) = self.pages.get_mut(k2) { match sort_by { SortBy::Date => { page.earlier = val2; page.later = val1; }, SortBy::Weight => { page.lighter = val1; page.heavier = val2; }, SortBy::None => unreachable!("Impossible to find siblings in SortBy::None") } } else { unreachable!("Sorting got an unknown page") } } if let Some(s) = self.sections.get_mut(key) { s.pages = sorted; s.ignored_pages = cannot_be_sorted; } } } pub fn cache_all_pages(&mut self) { let mut cache = HashMap::with_capacity(self.pages.capacity()); for (key, page) in &self.pages { cache.insert(key, to_value(page.to_serialized(self.pages())).unwrap()); } for (key, value) in cache { self.values.insert_page(key, value); } } // We need to do it from the bottom up to ensure all subsections of a section have been // cached before doing it pub fn cache_all_sections(&mut self) { // we get the Key in order we want to process them first let mut deps = HashMap::new(); for (key, section) in &self.sections { deps.insert(key, section.subsections.clone()); } loop { if deps.is_empty() { break; } let mut processed_keys = vec![]; for (key, _) in deps.iter().filter(|(_, v)| v.is_empty()) { let section = self.sections.get(*key).unwrap(); let value = to_value(section.to_serialized(self)).unwrap(); self.values.insert_section(*key, value); processed_keys.push(*key); } // remove the processed keys from the action for key in processed_keys { deps.remove(&key); for (_, subs) in &mut deps { subs.retain(|k| k != &key); } } } } pub fn get_all_orphan_pages(&self) -> Vec<&Page> { let pages_in_sections = self.sections .values() .flat_map(|s| s.all_pages_path()) .collect::>(); self.pages .values() .filter(|page| !pages_in_sections.contains(&page.file.path)) .collect() } pub fn get_section(&self, path: &PathBuf) -> Option<&Section> { self.sections.get(self.paths_to_sections.get(path).cloned().unwrap_or_default()) } pub fn get_section_mut(&mut self, path: &PathBuf) -> Option<&mut Section> { self.sections.get_mut(self.paths_to_sections.get(path).cloned().unwrap_or_default()) } pub fn get_section_by_key(&self, key: Key) -> &Section { self.sections.get(key).unwrap() } pub fn remove_section_by_path(&mut self, path: &PathBuf) -> Option
{ if let Some(k) = self.paths_to_sections.remove(path) { self.values.remove_section(&k); self.sections.remove(k) } else { None } } pub fn contains_section(&self, path: &PathBuf) -> bool { self.paths_to_sections.contains_key(path) } pub fn get_cached_section_value(&self, path: &PathBuf) -> &Value { self.values.get_section(self.paths_to_sections.get(path).unwrap()) } pub fn get_cached_section_value_by_key(&self, key: &Key) -> &Value { self.values.get_section(key) } pub fn get_page(&self, path: &PathBuf) -> Option<&Page> { self.pages.get(self.paths_to_pages.get(path).cloned().unwrap_or_default()) } pub fn get_cached_page_value(&self, path: &PathBuf) -> &Value { self.values.get_page(self.paths_to_pages.get(path).unwrap()) } pub fn get_cached_page_value_by_key(&self, key: &Key) -> &Value { self.values.get_page(key) } pub fn get_page_by_key(&self, key: Key) -> &Page { self.pages.get(key).unwrap() } pub fn remove_page_by_path(&mut self, path: &PathBuf) -> Option { if let Some(k) = self.paths_to_pages.remove(path) { self.values.remove_page(&k); self.pages.remove(k) } else { None } } pub fn contains_page(&self, path: &PathBuf) -> bool { self.paths_to_pages.contains_key(path) } }