[package] name = "gutenberg" version = "0.4.0" authors = ["Vincent Prouillet "] license = "MIT" readme = "README.md" description = "A fast static site generator with everything built-in" homepage = "https://github.com/Keats/gutenberg" repository = "https://github.com/Keats/gutenberg" keywords = ["static", "site", "generator", "blog"] # build = "build.rs" [build-dependencies] clap = "2" [[bin]] name = "gutenberg" [dependencies] clap = "2" chrono = "0.4" toml = "0.4" term-painter = "0.2" # Used in init to ensure the url given as base_url is a valid one url = "1.5" # Below is for the serve cmd actix = "~0.5" actix-web = { version = "~0.6", features = [] } notify = "4" ws = "0.7" ctrlc = "3" site = { path = "components/site" } errors = { path = "components/errors" } content = { path = "components/content" } front_matter = { path = "components/front_matter" } utils = { path = "components/utils" } rebuild = { path = "components/rebuild" } [workspace] members = [ "components/config", "components/content", "components/errors", "components/front_matter", "components/highlighting", "components/pagination", "components/rebuild", "components/rendering", "components/site", "components/taxonomies", "components/templates", "components/utils", "components/search", "components/imageproc", ]