title = "Pagination"
weight = 30

Two things can get paginated: a section and a taxonomy term.

Both kinds get a `paginator` variable of the `Pager` type, on top of the common variables mentioned in the
[overview page](@/documentation/templates/overview.md):

// How many items per pager
paginate_by: Number;
// The base URL for the pagination: section permalink + pagination path
// You can concatenate an integer with that to get a link to a given pagination pager.
base_url: String;
// How many pagers in total
number_pagers: Number;
// Permalink to the first pager
first: String;
// Permalink to the last pager
last: String;
// Permalink to the previous pager, if there is one
previous: String?;
// Permalink to the next pager, if there is one
next: String?;
// All pages for the current pager
pages: Array<Page>;
// Which pager are we on
current_index: Number;
// Total number of pages accross all the pagers
total_pages: Number;

A pager is a page of the pagination; if you have 100 pages and paginate_by is set to 10, you will have 10 pagers each
containing 10 pages.

## Section

A paginated section gets the same `section` variable as a normal
[section page](@/documentation/templates/pages-sections.md#section-variables)
minus its pages. The pages are instead in `paginator.pages`.

## Taxonomy term

A paginated taxonomy gets two variables aside from the `paginator` variable:

- a `taxonomy` variable of type `TaxonomyConfig`
- a `term` variable of type `TaxonomyTerm`.

See the [taxonomies page](@/documentation/templates/taxonomies.md) for a detailed version of the types.

## Example

Here is an example from a theme on how to use pagination on a page (`index.html` in this case):

<div class="posts">
    {% for page in paginator.pages %}
        <article class="post">
            {{ post_macros::title(page=page) }}
            <div class="post__summary">
                {{ page.summary | safe }}
            <div class="read-more">
                <a href="{{ page.permalink }}">Read more...</a>
    {% endfor %}
<nav class="pagination">
    {% if paginator.previous %}
        <a class="previous" href="{{ paginator.previous }}">‹ Previous</a>
    {% endif %}
    {% if paginator.next %}
        <a class="next" href="{{ paginator.next }}">Next ›</a>
    {% endif %}