use rayon::prelude::*; use errors::{Error, ErrorKind, Result}; use crate::Site; /// Very similar to check_external_links but can't be merged as far as I can see since we always /// want to check the internal links but only the external in zola check :/ pub fn check_internal_links_with_anchors(site: &Site) -> Result<()> { let library = site.library.write().expect("Get lock for check_internal_links_with_anchors"); let page_links = library .pages() .values() .map(|p| { let path = &p.file.path; p.internal_links_with_anchors.iter().map(move |l| (path.clone(), l)) }) .flatten(); let section_links = library .sections() .values() .map(|p| { let path = &p.file.path; p.internal_links_with_anchors.iter().map(move |l| (path.clone(), l)) }) .flatten(); let all_links = page_links.chain(section_links).collect::>(); if site.config.is_in_check_mode() { println!("Checking {} internal link(s) with an anchor.", all_links.len()); } if all_links.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let mut full_path = site.base_path.clone(); full_path.push("content"); let errors: Vec<_> = all_links .iter() .filter_map(|(page_path, (md_path, anchor))| { // There are a few `expect` here since the presence of the .md file will // already have been checked in the markdown rendering let mut p = full_path.clone(); for part in md_path.split('/') { p.push(part); } if md_path.contains("") { let section = library .get_section(&p) .expect("Couldn't find section in check_internal_links_with_anchors"); if section.has_anchor(&anchor) { None } else { Some((page_path, md_path, anchor)) } } else { let page = library .get_page(&p) .expect("Couldn't find section in check_internal_links_with_anchors"); if page.has_anchor(&anchor) { None } else { Some((page_path, md_path, anchor)) } } }) .collect(); if site.config.is_in_check_mode() { println!( "> Checked {} internal link(s) with an anchor: {} error(s) found.", all_links.len(), errors.len() ); } if errors.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let msg = errors .into_iter() .map(|(page_path, md_path, anchor)| { format!( "The anchor in the link `@/{}#{}` in {} does not exist.", md_path, anchor, page_path.to_string_lossy(), ) }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::Msg(msg), source: None }) } pub fn check_external_links(site: &Site) -> Result<()> { let library = site.library.write().expect("Get lock for check_external_links"); let page_links = library .pages() .values() .map(|p| { let path = &p.file.path; p.external_links.iter().map(move |l| (path.clone(), l)) }) .flatten(); let section_links = library .sections() .values() .map(|p| { let path = &p.file.path; p.external_links.iter().map(move |l| (path.clone(), l)) }) .flatten(); let all_links = page_links.chain(section_links).collect::>(); println!("Checking {} external link(s).", all_links.len()); if all_links.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } // create thread pool with lots of threads so we can fetch // (almost) all pages simultaneously let threads = std::cmp::min(all_links.len(), 32); let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new() .num_threads(threads) .build() .map_err(|e| Error { kind: ErrorKind::Msg(e.to_string()), source: None })?; let errors: Vec<_> = pool.install(|| { all_links .par_iter() .filter_map(|(page_path, link)| { if site .config .link_checker .skip_prefixes .iter() .any(|prefix| link.starts_with(prefix)) { return None; } let res = link_checker::check_url(&link, &site.config.link_checker); if link_checker::is_valid(&res) { None } else { Some((page_path, link, res)) } }) .collect() }); println!( "> Checked {} external link(s): {} error(s) found.", all_links.len(), errors.len() ); if errors.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let msg = errors .into_iter() .map(|(page_path, link, check_res)| { format!( "Dead link in {} to {}: {}", page_path.to_string_lossy(), link, link_checker::message(&check_res) ) }) .collect::>() .join("\n"); Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::Msg(msg), source: None }) }