// Contains an embedded version of livereload-js // // Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Andrey Tarantsov // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. use std::env; use std::fs::{remove_dir_all, File}; use std::io::{self, Read}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf, MAIN_SEPARATOR}; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; use std::time::{Instant, Duration}; use std::thread; use chrono::prelude::*; use actix_web::{self, fs, http, server, App, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Responder}; use actix_web::middleware::{Middleware, Started, Response}; use notify::{Watcher, RecursiveMode, watcher}; use ws::{WebSocket, Sender, Message}; use ctrlc; use site::Site; use errors::{Result, ResultExt}; use utils::fs::copy_file; use console; use rebuild; #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] enum ChangeKind { Content, Templates, StaticFiles, Sass, Config, } // Uglified using uglifyjs // Also, commenting out the lines 330-340 (containing `e instanceof ProtocolError`) was needed // as it seems their build didn't work well and didn't include ProtocolError so it would error on // errors const LIVE_RELOAD: &str = include_str!("livereload.js"); struct NotFoundHandler { rendered_template: PathBuf, } impl Middleware for NotFoundHandler { fn start(&self, _req: &HttpRequest) -> actix_web::Result { Ok(Started::Done) } fn response( &self, _req: &HttpRequest, mut resp: HttpResponse, ) -> actix_web::Result { if http::StatusCode::NOT_FOUND == resp.status() { let mut fh = File::open(&self.rendered_template)?; let mut buf: Vec = vec![]; let _ = fh.read_to_end(&mut buf)?; resp.replace_body(buf); resp.headers_mut().insert( http::header::CONTENT_TYPE, http::header::HeaderValue::from_static("text/html"), ); } Ok(Response::Done(resp)) } } fn livereload_handler(_: &HttpRequest) -> &'static str { LIVE_RELOAD } fn rebuild_done_handling(broadcaster: &Sender, res: Result<()>, reload_path: &str) { match res { Ok(_) => { broadcaster.send(format!(r#" {{ "command": "reload", "path": "{}", "originalPath": "", "liveCSS": true, "liveImg": true, "protocol": ["http://livereload.com/protocols/official-7"] }}"#, reload_path) ).unwrap(); }, Err(e) => console::unravel_errors("Failed to build the site", &e) } } fn create_new_site(interface: &str, port: &str, output_dir: &str, base_url: &str, config_file: &str) -> Result<(Site, String)> { let mut site = Site::new(env::current_dir().unwrap(), config_file)?; let base_address = format!("{}:{}", base_url, port); let address = format!("{}:{}", interface, port); let base_url = if site.config.base_url.ends_with('/') { format!("http://{}/", base_address) } else { format!("http://{}", base_address) }; site.set_base_url(base_url); site.set_output_path(output_dir); site.load()?; site.enable_live_reload(); console::notify_site_size(&site); console::warn_about_ignored_pages(&site); site.build()?; Ok((site, address)) } /// Attempt to render `index.html` when a directory is requested. /// /// The default "batteries included" mechanisms for actix to handle directory /// listings rely on redirection which behaves oddly (the location headers /// seem to use relative paths for some reason). /// They also mean that the address in the browser will include the /// `index.html` on a successful redirect (rare), which is unsightly. /// /// Rather than deal with all of that, we can hijack a hook for presenting a /// custom directory listing response and serve it up using their /// `NamedFile` responder. fn handle_directory<'a, 'b>(dir: &'a fs::Directory, req: &'b HttpRequest) -> io::Result { let mut path = PathBuf::from(&dir.base); path.push(&dir.path); path.push("index.html"); fs::NamedFile::open(path)?.respond_to(req) } pub fn serve(interface: &str, port: &str, output_dir: &str, base_url: &str, config_file: &str) -> Result<()> { let start = Instant::now(); let (mut site, address) = create_new_site(interface, port, output_dir, base_url, config_file)?; console::report_elapsed_time(start); // Setup watchers let mut watching_static = false; let mut watching_templates = false; let (tx, rx) = channel(); let mut watcher = watcher(tx, Duration::from_secs(2)).unwrap(); watcher.watch("content/", RecursiveMode::Recursive) .chain_err(|| "Can't watch the `content` folder. Does it exist?")?; watcher.watch(config_file, RecursiveMode::Recursive) .chain_err(|| "Can't watch the `config` file. Does it exist?")?; if Path::new("static").exists() { watching_static = true; watcher.watch("static/", RecursiveMode::Recursive) .chain_err(|| "Can't watch the `static` folder.")?; } if Path::new("templates").exists() { watching_templates = true; watcher.watch("templates/", RecursiveMode::Recursive) .chain_err(|| "Can't watch the `templates` folder.")?; } // Sass support is optional so don't make it an error to no have a sass folder let _ = watcher.watch("sass/", RecursiveMode::Recursive); let ws_address = format!("{}:{}", interface, site.live_reload.unwrap()); let output_path = Path::new(output_dir).to_path_buf(); // output path is going to need to be moved later on, so clone it for the // http closure to avoid contention. let static_root = output_path.clone(); thread::spawn(move || { let s = server::new(move || { App::new() .middleware(NotFoundHandler { rendered_template: static_root.join("404.html") }) .resource(r"/livereload.js", |r| r.f(livereload_handler)) // Start a webserver that serves the `output_dir` directory .handler( r"/", fs::StaticFiles::new(&static_root) .unwrap() .show_files_listing() .files_listing_renderer(handle_directory) ) }) .bind(&address) .expect("Can't start the webserver") .shutdown_timeout(20); println!("Web server is available at http://{}", &address); s.run(); }); // The websocket for livereload let ws_server = WebSocket::new(|output: Sender| { move |msg: Message| { if msg.into_text().unwrap().contains("\"hello\"") { return output.send(Message::text(r#" { "command": "hello", "protocols": [ "http://livereload.com/protocols/official-7" ], "serverName": "Zola" } "#)); } Ok(()) } }).unwrap(); let broadcaster = ws_server.broadcaster(); thread::spawn(move || { ws_server.listen(&*ws_address).unwrap(); }); let pwd = env::current_dir().unwrap(); let mut watchers = vec!["content", "config.toml"]; if watching_static { watchers.push("static"); } if watching_templates { watchers.push("templates"); } if site.config.compile_sass { watchers.push("sass"); } println!("Listening for changes in {}{}{{{}}}", pwd.display(), MAIN_SEPARATOR, watchers.join(", ")); println!("Press Ctrl+C to stop\n"); // Delete the output folder on ctrl+C ctrlc::set_handler(move || { remove_dir_all(&output_path).expect("Failed to delete output directory"); ::std::process::exit(0); }).expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler"); use notify::DebouncedEvent::*; loop { match rx.recv() { Ok(event) => { match event { Create(path) | Write(path) | Remove(path) | Rename(_, path) => { if is_temp_file(&path) || path.is_dir() { continue; } println!("Change detected @ {}", Local::now().format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").to_string()); let start = Instant::now(); match detect_change_kind(&pwd, &path) { (ChangeKind::Content, _) => { console::info(&format!("-> Content changed {}", path.display())); // Force refresh rebuild_done_handling(&broadcaster, rebuild::after_content_change(&mut site, &path), "/x.js"); }, (ChangeKind::Templates, _) => { console::info(&format!("-> Template changed {}", path.display())); // Force refresh rebuild_done_handling(&broadcaster, rebuild::after_template_change(&mut site, &path), "/x.js"); }, (ChangeKind::StaticFiles, p) => { if path.is_file() { console::info(&format!("-> Static file changes detected {}", path.display())); rebuild_done_handling(&broadcaster, copy_file(&path, &site.output_path, &site.static_path), &p.to_string_lossy()); } }, (ChangeKind::Sass, p) => { console::info(&format!("-> Sass file changed {}", path.display())); rebuild_done_handling(&broadcaster, site.compile_sass(&site.base_path), &p.to_string_lossy()); }, (ChangeKind::Config, _) => { console::info("-> Config changed. The whole site will be reloaded. The browser needs to be refreshed to make the changes visible."); site = create_new_site(interface, port, output_dir, base_url, config_file).unwrap().0; } }; console::report_elapsed_time(start); } _ => {} } }, Err(e) => console::error(&format!("Watch error: {:?}", e)), }; } } /// Returns whether the path we received corresponds to a temp file created /// by an editor or the OS fn is_temp_file(path: &Path) -> bool { let ext = path.extension(); match ext { Some(ex) => match ex.to_str().unwrap() { "swp" | "swx" | "tmp" | ".DS_STORE" => true, // jetbrains IDE x if x.ends_with("jb_old___") => true, x if x.ends_with("jb_tmp___") => true, x if x.ends_with("jb_bak___") => true, // vim x if x.ends_with('~') => true, _ => { if let Some(filename) = path.file_stem() { // emacs let name = filename.to_str().unwrap(); name.starts_with('#') || name.starts_with(".#") } else { false } } }, None => { true }, } } /// Detect what changed from the given path so we have an idea what needs /// to be reloaded fn detect_change_kind(pwd: &Path, path: &Path) -> (ChangeKind, PathBuf) { let mut partial_path = PathBuf::from("/"); partial_path.push(path.strip_prefix(pwd).unwrap_or(path)); let change_kind = if partial_path.starts_with("/templates") { ChangeKind::Templates } else if partial_path.starts_with("/content") { ChangeKind::Content } else if partial_path.starts_with("/static") { ChangeKind::StaticFiles } else if partial_path.starts_with("/sass") { ChangeKind::Sass } else if partial_path == Path::new("/config.toml") { ChangeKind::Config } else { unreachable!("Got a change in an unexpected path: {}", partial_path.display()); }; (change_kind, partial_path) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use super::{is_temp_file, detect_change_kind, ChangeKind}; #[test] fn can_recognize_temp_files() { let test_cases = vec![ Path::new("hello.swp"), Path::new("hello.swx"), Path::new(".DS_STORE"), Path::new("hello.tmp"), Path::new("hello.html.__jb_old___"), Path::new("hello.html.__jb_tmp___"), Path::new("hello.html.__jb_bak___"), Path::new("hello.html~"), Path::new("#hello.html"), ]; for t in test_cases { assert!(is_temp_file(&t)); } } #[test] fn can_detect_kind_of_changes() { let test_cases = vec![ ( (ChangeKind::Templates, PathBuf::from("/templates/hello.html")), Path::new("/home/vincent/site"), Path::new("/home/vincent/site/templates/hello.html") ), ( (ChangeKind::StaticFiles, PathBuf::from("/static/site.css")), Path::new("/home/vincent/site"), Path::new("/home/vincent/site/static/site.css") ), ( (ChangeKind::Content, PathBuf::from("/content/posts/hello.md")), Path::new("/home/vincent/site"), Path::new("/home/vincent/site/content/posts/hello.md") ), ( (ChangeKind::Sass, PathBuf::from("/sass/print.scss")), Path::new("/home/vincent/site"), Path::new("/home/vincent/site/sass/print.scss") ), ( (ChangeKind::Config, PathBuf::from("/config.toml")), Path::new("/home/vincent/site"), Path::new("/home/vincent/site/config.toml") ), ]; for (expected, pwd, path) in test_cases { assert_eq!(expected, detect_change_kind(&pwd, &path)); } } #[test] #[cfg(windows)] fn windows_path_handling() { let expected = (ChangeKind::Templates, PathBuf::from("/templates/hello.html")); let pwd = Path::new(r#"C:\\Users\johan\site"#); let path = Path::new(r#"C:\\Users\johan\site\templates\hello.html"#); assert_eq!(expected, detect_change_kind(pwd, path)); } #[test] fn relative_path() { let expected = (ChangeKind::Templates, PathBuf::from("/templates/hello.html")); let pwd = Path::new("/home/johan/site"); let path = Path::new("templates/hello.html"); assert_eq!(expected, detect_change_kind(pwd, path)); } }