title = "Hikari"
description = "Fluid, responsive blog theme for Zola"
template = "theme.html"
date = 2021-05-06T18:30:07+02:00

created = 2021-05-06T18:30:07+02:00
updated = 2021-05-06T18:30:07+02:00
repository = "https://github.com/waynee95/zola-theme-hikari"
homepage = "https://github.com/waynee95/zola-theme-hikari"
minimum_version = "0.5.1"
license = "MIT"
demo = "https://waynee95.me/zola-theme-hikari"

name = "waynee95"
homepage = "https://waynee95.me"

# hikari

> this is a port of the [hikari theme](https://github.com/mx3m/hikari-for-jekyll) for [Zola](https://www.getzola.org/)

Hikari is a simple theme perfect for dev-savvy bloggers.


[View demo](https://waynee95.github.io/zola-theme-hikari/)

## Installation

First download the theme to your `themes` directory:

$ cd themes
$ git clone https://github.com/waynee95/zola-theme-hikari
and then enable it in your `config.toml`:

theme = "hikari"

## Configuration

author = "John Doge"
author_bio = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex, pariatur!"
twitter = "waynee955"
github = "waynee95"
instagram = false
enable_mathjax = false

## License


Thanks to [Mathieu Mayer-Mazzoli](https://github.com/mx3m) for creating this awesome theme!