Vincent Prouillet bdcad38310 Finishing up site ()
* Finishing up site

* Make site a bit responsive

* Fix menu responsiveness

* Remove Fira Sans and revamp a bit text

* Update list of syntax and change output of syntax

* Add Rust mention

* Some doc tweaks

* Correct capitalization for GitHub

Correct capitalization for GitHub

* Some CSS tweaks

* More css tweaks + favicon

* Add link to my site
2017-10-19 13:48:50 +02:00

50 lines
2 KiB

//! This program is mainly intended for generating the dumps that are compiled in to
//! syntect, not as a helpful example for beginners.
//! Although it is a valid example for serializing syntaxes, you probably won't need
//! to do this yourself unless you want to cache your own compiled grammars.
extern crate syntect;
use syntect::parsing::SyntaxSet;
use syntect::highlighting::ThemeSet;
use syntect::dumps::*;
use std::env;
fn usage_and_exit() -> ! {
println!("USAGE: cargo run --example generate_sublime synpack source-dir newlines.packdump nonewlines.packdump\n
cargo run --example generate_sublime themepack source-dir themepack.themedump");
// Not an example of Gutenberg but is used to generate the theme and syntax dump
// used for syntax highlighting.
// Check README for more details
fn main() {
let mut args = env::args().skip(1);
match (args.next(), args.next(), args.next(), args.next()) {
(Some(ref cmd), Some(ref package_dir), Some(ref packpath_newlines), Some(ref packpath_nonewlines)) if cmd == "synpack" => {
let mut ps = SyntaxSet::new();
ps.load_syntaxes(package_dir, true).unwrap();
dump_to_file(&ps, packpath_newlines).unwrap();
ps = SyntaxSet::new();
ps.load_syntaxes(package_dir, false).unwrap();
dump_to_file(&ps, packpath_nonewlines).unwrap();
for s in ps.syntaxes() {
if !s.file_extensions.is_empty() {
println!("- {} -> {:?}", s.name, s.file_extensions);
(Some(ref cmd), Some(ref theme_dir), Some(ref packpath), None) if cmd == "themepack" => {
let ts = ThemeSet::load_from_folder(theme_dir).unwrap();
for path in ts.themes.keys() {
println!("{:?}", path);
dump_to_file(&ts, packpath).unwrap();
_ => usage_and_exit(),