289 lines
10 KiB
289 lines
10 KiB
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use slotmap::Key;
use tera::{Context as TeraContext, Tera};
use config::Config;
use errors::{Result, ResultExt};
use front_matter::{split_section_content, SectionFrontMatter};
use rendering::{render_content, Header, RenderContext};
use utils::fs::{find_related_assets, read_file};
use utils::site::get_reading_analytics;
use utils::templates::render_template;
use content::file_info::FileInfo;
use content::ser::SerializingSection;
use library::Library;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Section {
/// All info about the actual file
pub file: FileInfo,
/// The front matter meta-data
pub meta: SectionFrontMatter,
/// The URL path of the page
pub path: String,
/// The components for the path of that page
pub components: Vec<String>,
/// The full URL for that page
pub permalink: String,
/// The actual content of the page, in markdown
pub raw_content: String,
/// The HTML rendered of the page
pub content: String,
/// All the non-md files we found next to the .md file
pub assets: Vec<PathBuf>,
/// All the non-md files we found next to the .md file as string for use in templates
pub serialized_assets: Vec<String>,
/// All direct pages of that section
pub pages: Vec<Key>,
/// All pages that cannot be sorted in this section
pub ignored_pages: Vec<Key>,
/// The list of parent sections
pub ancestors: Vec<Key>,
/// All direct subsections
pub subsections: Vec<Key>,
/// Toc made from the headers of the markdown file
pub toc: Vec<Header>,
/// How many words in the raw content
pub word_count: Option<usize>,
/// How long would it take to read the raw content.
/// See `get_reading_analytics` on how it is calculated
pub reading_time: Option<usize>,
impl Section {
pub fn new<P: AsRef<Path>>(file_path: P, meta: SectionFrontMatter) -> Section {
let file_path = file_path.as_ref();
Section {
file: FileInfo::new_section(file_path),
ancestors: vec![],
path: "".to_string(),
components: vec![],
permalink: "".to_string(),
raw_content: "".to_string(),
assets: vec![],
serialized_assets: vec![],
content: "".to_string(),
pages: vec![],
ignored_pages: vec![],
subsections: vec![],
toc: vec![],
word_count: None,
reading_time: None,
pub fn parse(file_path: &Path, content: &str, config: &Config) -> Result<Section> {
let (meta, content) = split_section_content(file_path, content)?;
let mut section = Section::new(file_path, meta);
section.raw_content = content.clone();
let (word_count, reading_time) = get_reading_analytics(§ion.raw_content);
section.word_count = Some(word_count);
section.reading_time = Some(reading_time);
section.path = format!("{}/", section.file.components.join("/"));
section.components = section
.map(|p| p.to_string())
.filter(|p| !p.is_empty())
section.permalink = config.make_permalink(§ion.path);
/// Read and parse a .md file into a Page struct
pub fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P, config: &Config) -> Result<Section> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let content = read_file(path)?;
let mut section = Section::parse(path, &content, config)?;
let parent_dir = path.parent().unwrap();
let assets = find_related_assets(parent_dir);
if let Some(ref globset) = config.ignored_content_globset {
// `find_related_assets` only scans the immediate directory (it is not recursive) so our
// filtering only needs to work against the file_name component, not the full suffix. If
// `find_related_assets` was changed to also return files in subdirectories, we could
// use `PathBuf.strip_prefix` to remove the parent directory and then glob-filter
// against the remaining path. Note that the current behaviour effectively means that
// the `ignored_content` setting in the config file is limited to single-file glob
// patterns (no "**" patterns).
section.assets = assets
.filter(|path| match path.file_name() {
None => true,
Some(file) => !globset.is_match(file),
} else {
section.assets = assets;
section.serialized_assets = section.serialize_assets();
pub fn get_template_name(&self) -> &str {
match self.meta.template {
Some(ref l) => l,
None => {
if self.is_index() {
return "index.html"
/// We need access to all pages url to render links relative to content
/// so that can't happen at the same time as parsing
pub fn render_markdown(
&mut self,
permalinks: &HashMap<String, String>,
tera: &Tera,
config: &Config,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut context = RenderContext::new(
context.tera_context.insert("section", &SerializingSection::from_section_basic(self, None));
let res = render_content(&self.raw_content, &context)
.chain_err(|| format!("Failed to render content of {}", self.file.path.display()))?;
self.content = res.body;
self.toc = res.toc;
/// Renders the page using the default layout, unless specified in front-matter
pub fn render_html(&self, tera: &Tera, config: &Config, library: &Library) -> Result<String> {
let tpl_name = self.get_template_name();
let mut context = TeraContext::new();
context.insert("config", config);
context.insert("current_url", &self.permalink);
context.insert("current_path", &self.path);
context.insert("section", &self.to_serialized(library));
render_template(tpl_name, tera, &context, &config.theme)
.chain_err(|| format!("Failed to render section '{}'", self.file.path.display()))
/// Is this the index section?
pub fn is_index(&self) -> bool {
/// Creates a vectors of asset URLs.
fn serialize_assets(&self) -> Vec<String> {
.filter_map(|asset| asset.file_name())
.filter_map(|filename| filename.to_str())
.map(|filename| self.path.clone() + filename)
pub fn to_serialized<'a>(&'a self, library: &'a Library) -> SerializingSection<'a> {
SerializingSection::from_section(self, library)
pub fn to_serialized_basic<'a>(&'a self, library: &'a Library) -> SerializingSection<'a> {
SerializingSection::from_section_basic(self, Some(library))
/// Used to create a default index section if there is no _index.md in the root content directory
impl Default for Section {
fn default() -> Section {
Section {
file: FileInfo::default(),
meta: SectionFrontMatter::default(),
ancestors: vec![],
path: "".to_string(),
components: vec![],
permalink: "".to_string(),
raw_content: "".to_string(),
assets: vec![],
serialized_assets: vec![],
content: "".to_string(),
pages: vec![],
ignored_pages: vec![],
subsections: vec![],
toc: vec![],
reading_time: None,
word_count: None,
mod tests {
use std::fs::{create_dir, File};
use std::io::Write;
use globset::{Glob, GlobSetBuilder};
use tempfile::tempdir;
use super::Section;
use config::Config;
fn section_with_assets_gets_right_info() {
let tmp_dir = tempdir().expect("create temp dir");
let path = tmp_dir.path();
create_dir(&path.join("content")).expect("create content temp dir");
create_dir(&path.join("content").join("posts")).expect("create posts temp dir");
let nested_path = path.join("content").join("posts").join("with-assets");
create_dir(&nested_path).expect("create nested temp dir");
let mut f = File::create(nested_path.join("_index.md")).unwrap();
let res = Section::from_file(nested_path.join("_index.md").as_path(), &Config::default());
let section = res.unwrap();
assert_eq!(section.assets.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(section.permalink, "http://a-website.com/posts/with-assets/");
fn section_with_ignored_assets_filters_out_correct_files() {
let tmp_dir = tempdir().expect("create temp dir");
let path = tmp_dir.path();
create_dir(&path.join("content")).expect("create content temp dir");
create_dir(&path.join("content").join("posts")).expect("create posts temp dir");
let nested_path = path.join("content").join("posts").join("with-assets");
create_dir(&nested_path).expect("create nested temp dir");
let mut f = File::create(nested_path.join("_index.md")).unwrap();
let mut gsb = GlobSetBuilder::new();
let mut config = Config::default();
config.ignored_content_globset = Some(gsb.build().unwrap());
let res = Section::from_file(nested_path.join("_index.md").as_path(), &config);
let page = res.unwrap();
assert_eq!(page.assets.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(page.assets[0].file_name().unwrap().to_str(), Some("graph.jpg"));