
685 lines
22 KiB

pub mod languages;
pub mod link_checker;
pub mod markup;
pub mod search;
pub mod slugify;
pub mod taxonomies;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use globset::{Glob, GlobSet, GlobSetBuilder};
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use toml::Value as Toml;
use crate::highlighting::THEME_SET;
use crate::theme::Theme;
use errors::{bail, Error, Result};
use utils::fs::read_file;
// We want a default base url for tests
static DEFAULT_BASE_URL: &str = "http://a-website.com";
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Mode {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct Config {
/// Base URL of the site, the only required config argument
pub base_url: String,
/// Theme to use
pub theme: Option<String>,
/// Title of the site. Defaults to None
pub title: Option<String>,
/// Description of the site
pub description: Option<String>,
/// The language used in the site. Defaults to "en"
pub default_language: String,
/// The list of supported languages outside of the default one
pub languages: HashMap<String, languages::LanguageOptions>,
/// The translations strings for the default language
translations: HashMap<String, String>,
/// Whether to generate a feed. Defaults to false.
pub generate_feed: bool,
/// The number of articles to include in the feed. Defaults to including all items.
pub feed_limit: Option<usize>,
/// The filename to use for feeds. Used to find the template, too.
/// Defaults to "atom.xml", with "rss.xml" also having a template provided out of the box.
pub feed_filename: String,
/// If set, files from static/ will be hardlinked instead of copied to the output dir.
pub hard_link_static: bool,
pub taxonomies: Vec<taxonomies::Taxonomy>,
/// Whether to compile the `sass` directory and output the css files into the static folder
pub compile_sass: bool,
/// Whether to minify the html output
pub minify_html: bool,
/// Whether to build the search index for the content
pub build_search_index: bool,
/// A list of file glob patterns to ignore when processing the content folder. Defaults to none.
/// Had to remove the PartialEq derive because GlobSet does not implement it. No impact
/// because it's unused anyway (who wants to sort Configs?).
pub ignored_content: Vec<String>,
#[serde(skip_serializing, skip_deserializing)] // not a typo, 2 are needed
pub ignored_content_globset: Option<GlobSet>,
/// The mode Zola is currently being ran on. Some logging/feature can differ depending on the
/// command being used.
pub mode: Mode,
pub output_dir: String,
pub link_checker: link_checker::LinkChecker,
/// The setup for which slugification strategies to use for paths, taxonomies and anchors
pub slugify: slugify::Slugify,
/// The search config, telling what to include in the search index
pub search: search::Search,
/// The config for the Markdown rendering: syntax highlighting and everything
pub markdown: markup::Markdown,
/// All user params set in [extra] in the config
pub extra: HashMap<String, Toml>,
pub struct SerializedConfig<'a> {
base_url: &'a str,
mode: Mode,
title: &'a Option<String>,
description: &'a Option<String>,
languages: HashMap<&'a String, &'a languages::LanguageOptions>,
generate_feed: bool,
feed_filename: &'a str,
taxonomies: &'a [taxonomies::Taxonomy],
build_search_index: bool,
extra: &'a HashMap<String, Toml>,
impl Config {
/// Parses a string containing TOML to our Config struct
/// Any extra parameter will end up in the extra field
pub fn parse(content: &str) -> Result<Config> {
let mut config: Config = match toml::from_str(content) {
Ok(c) => c,
Err(e) => bail!(e),
if config.base_url.is_empty() || config.base_url == DEFAULT_BASE_URL {
bail!("A base URL is required in config.toml with key `base_url`");
if config.markdown.highlight_theme != "css" {
if !THEME_SET.themes.contains_key(&config.markdown.highlight_theme) {
"Highlight theme {} defined in config does not exist.",
for code in config.languages.keys() {
if !config.ignored_content.is_empty() {
// Convert the file glob strings into a compiled glob set matcher. We want to do this once,
// at program initialization, rather than for every page, for example. We arrange for the
// globset matcher to always exist (even though it has to be an inside an Option at the
// moment because of the TOML serializer); if the glob set is empty the `is_match` function
// of the globber always returns false.
let mut glob_set_builder = GlobSetBuilder::new();
for pat in &config.ignored_content {
let glob = match Glob::new(pat) {
Ok(g) => g,
Err(e) => bail!("Invalid ignored_content glob pattern: {}, error = {}", pat, e),
config.ignored_content_globset =
Some(glob_set_builder.build().expect("Bad ignored_content in config file."));
pub fn default_for_test() -> Self {
let mut config = Config::default();
/// Parses a config file from the given path
pub fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Config> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let content =
read_file(path).map_err(|e| errors::Error::chain("Failed to load config", e))?;
/// Makes a url, taking into account that the base url might have a trailing slash
pub fn make_permalink(&self, path: &str) -> String {
let trailing_bit =
if path.ends_with('/') || path.ends_with(&self.feed_filename) || path.is_empty() {
} else {
// Index section with a base url that has a trailing slash
if self.base_url.ends_with('/') && path == "/" {
} else if path == "/" {
// index section with a base url that doesn't have a trailing slash
format!("{}/", self.base_url)
} else if self.base_url.ends_with('/') && path.starts_with('/') {
format!("{}{}{}", self.base_url, &path[1..], trailing_bit)
} else if self.base_url.ends_with('/') || path.starts_with('/') {
format!("{}{}{}", self.base_url, path, trailing_bit)
} else {
format!("{}/{}{}", self.base_url, path, trailing_bit)
/// Adds the default language to the list of languages if not present
pub fn add_default_language(&mut self) {
// We automatically insert a language option for the default language *if* it isn't present
// TODO: what to do if there is like an empty dict for the lang? merge it or use the language
// TODO: as source of truth?
if !self.languages.contains_key(&self.default_language) {
languages::LanguageOptions {
title: self.title.clone(),
description: self.description.clone(),
generate_feed: self.generate_feed,
feed_filename: self.feed_filename.clone(),
build_search_index: self.build_search_index,
taxonomies: self.taxonomies.clone(),
search: self.search.clone(),
translations: self.translations.clone(),
/// Merges the extra data from the theme with the config extra data
fn add_theme_extra(&mut self, theme: &Theme) -> Result<()> {
for (key, val) in &theme.extra {
if !self.extra.contains_key(key) {
// The key is not overridden in site config, insert it
self.extra.insert(key.to_string(), val.clone());
merge(self.extra.get_mut(key).unwrap(), val)?;
/// Parse the theme.toml file and merges the extra data from the theme
/// with the config extra data
pub fn merge_with_theme(&mut self, path: &PathBuf, theme_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
let theme = Theme::from_file(path, theme_name)?;
/// Returns all the languages settings for languages other than the default one
pub fn other_languages(&self) -> HashMap<&str, &languages::LanguageOptions> {
let mut others = HashMap::new();
for (k, v) in &self.languages {
if k == &self.default_language {
others.insert(k.as_str(), v);
/// Is this site using i18n?
pub fn is_multilingual(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_in_check_mode(&self) -> bool {
self.mode == Mode::Check
pub fn enable_serve_mode(&mut self) {
self.mode = Mode::Serve;
pub fn enable_check_mode(&mut self) {
self.mode = Mode::Check;
// Disable syntax highlighting since the results won't be used and it is slow
self.markdown.highlight_code = false;
pub fn get_translation(&self, lang: &str, key: &str) -> Result<String> {
if let Some(options) = self.languages.get(lang) {
.ok_or_else(|| {
"Translation key '{}' for language '{}' is missing",
key, lang
.map(|term| term.to_string())
} else {
bail!("Language '{}' not found.", lang)
pub fn serialize(&self, lang: &str) -> SerializedConfig {
let options = &self.languages[lang];
SerializedConfig {
base_url: &self.base_url,
mode: self.mode,
title: &options.title,
description: &options.description,
languages: self.languages.iter().filter(|(k, _)| k.as_str() != lang).collect(),
generate_feed: options.generate_feed,
feed_filename: &options.feed_filename,
taxonomies: &options.taxonomies,
build_search_index: options.build_search_index,
extra: &self.extra,
// merge TOML data that can be a table, or anything else
pub fn merge(into: &mut Toml, from: &Toml) -> Result<()> {
match (from.is_table(), into.is_table()) {
(false, false) => {
// These are not tables so we have nothing to merge
(true, true) => {
// Recursively merge these tables
let into_table = into.as_table_mut().unwrap();
for (key, val) in from.as_table().unwrap() {
if !into_table.contains_key(key) {
// An entry was missing in the first table, insert it
into_table.insert(key.to_string(), val.clone());
// Two entries to compare, recurse
merge(into_table.get_mut(key).unwrap(), val)?;
_ => {
// Trying to merge a table with something else
Err(Error::msg(&format!("Cannot merge config.toml with theme.toml because the following values have incompatibles types:\n- {}\n - {}", into, from)))
impl Default for Config {
fn default() -> Config {
Config {
base_url: DEFAULT_BASE_URL.to_string(),
title: None,
description: None,
theme: None,
default_language: "en".to_string(),
languages: HashMap::new(),
generate_feed: false,
feed_limit: None,
feed_filename: "atom.xml".to_string(),
hard_link_static: false,
taxonomies: Vec::new(),
compile_sass: false,
minify_html: false,
mode: Mode::Build,
build_search_index: false,
ignored_content: Vec::new(),
ignored_content_globset: None,
translations: HashMap::new(),
output_dir: "public".to_string(),
link_checker: link_checker::LinkChecker::default(),
slugify: slugify::Slugify::default(),
search: search::Search::default(),
markdown: markup::Markdown::default(),
extra: HashMap::new(),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use utils::slugs::SlugifyStrategy;
fn can_import_valid_config() {
let config = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "https://replace-this-with-your-url.com"
let config = Config::parse(config).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.title.unwrap(), "My site".to_string());
fn errors_when_invalid_type() {
let config = r#"
title = 1
base_url = "https://replace-this-with-your-url.com"
let config = Config::parse(config);
fn errors_when_missing_required_field() {
// base_url is required
let config = r#"
title = ""
let config = Config::parse(config);
fn can_add_extra_values() {
let config = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "https://replace-this-with-your-url.com"
hello = "world"
let config = Config::parse(config);
assert_eq!(config.unwrap().extra.get("hello").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), "world");
fn can_make_url_index_page_with_non_trailing_slash_url() {
let mut config = Config::default();
config.base_url = "http://vincent.is".to_string();
assert_eq!(config.make_permalink(""), "http://vincent.is/");
fn can_make_url_index_page_with_railing_slash_url() {
let mut config = Config::default();
config.base_url = "http://vincent.is/".to_string();
assert_eq!(config.make_permalink(""), "http://vincent.is/");
fn can_make_url_with_non_trailing_slash_base_url() {
let mut config = Config::default();
config.base_url = "http://vincent.is".to_string();
assert_eq!(config.make_permalink("hello"), "http://vincent.is/hello/");
fn can_make_url_with_trailing_slash_path() {
let mut config = Config::default();
config.base_url = "http://vincent.is/".to_string();
assert_eq!(config.make_permalink("/hello"), "http://vincent.is/hello/");
fn can_make_url_with_localhost() {
let mut config = Config::default();
config.base_url = "".to_string();
assert_eq!(config.make_permalink("/tags/rust"), "");
// https://github.com/Keats/gutenberg/issues/486
fn doesnt_add_trailing_slash_to_feed() {
let mut config = Config::default();
config.base_url = "http://vincent.is/".to_string();
assert_eq!(config.make_permalink("atom.xml"), "http://vincent.is/atom.xml");
fn can_merge_with_theme_data_and_preserve_config_value() {
let config_str = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "https://replace-this-with-your-url.com"
hello = "world"
foo = "bar"
foo = "bar"
let mut config = Config::parse(config_str).unwrap();
let theme_str = r#"
hello = "foo"
a_value = 10
foo = "default"
truc = "default"
foo = "default"
truc = "default"
let theme = Theme::parse(theme_str).unwrap();
let extra = config.extra;
assert_eq!(extra["hello"].as_str().unwrap(), "world".to_string());
assert_eq!(extra["a_value"].as_integer().unwrap(), 10);
assert_eq!(extra["sub"]["foo"].as_str().unwrap(), "bar".to_string());
assert_eq!(extra["sub"].get("truc").expect("The whole extra.sub table was overridden by theme data, discarding extra.sub.truc").as_str().unwrap(), "default".to_string());
assert_eq!(extra["sub"]["sub"]["foo"].as_str().unwrap(), "bar".to_string());
.expect("Failed to merge subsubtable extra.sub.sub")
const CONFIG_TRANSLATION: &str = r#"
base_url = "https://remplace-par-ton-url.fr"
default_language = "fr"
title = "Un titre"
title = "A title"
fn can_use_present_translation() {
let config = Config::parse(CONFIG_TRANSLATION).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.get_translation("fr", "title").unwrap(), "Un titre");
assert_eq!(config.get_translation("en", "title").unwrap(), "A title");
fn error_on_absent_translation_lang() {
let config = Config::parse(CONFIG_TRANSLATION).unwrap();
let error = config.get_translation("absent", "key").unwrap_err();
assert_eq!("Language 'absent' not found.", format!("{}", error));
fn error_on_absent_translation_key() {
let config = Config::parse(CONFIG_TRANSLATION).unwrap();
let error = config.get_translation("en", "absent").unwrap_err();
assert_eq!("Translation key 'absent' for language 'en' is missing", format!("{}", error));
fn missing_ignored_content_results_in_empty_vector_and_empty_globset() {
let config_str = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "example.com"
let config = Config::parse(config_str).unwrap();
let v = config.ignored_content;
assert_eq!(v.len(), 0);
fn empty_ignored_content_results_in_empty_vector_and_empty_globset() {
let config_str = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "example.com"
ignored_content = []
let config = Config::parse(config_str).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.ignored_content.len(), 0);
fn non_empty_ignored_content_results_in_vector_of_patterns_and_configured_globset() {
let config_str = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "example.com"
ignored_content = ["*.{graphml,iso}", "*.py?"]
let config = Config::parse(config_str).unwrap();
let v = config.ignored_content;
assert_eq!(v, vec!["*.{graphml,iso}", "*.py?"]);
let g = config.ignored_content_globset.unwrap();
assert_eq!(g.len(), 2);
fn link_checker_skip_anchor_prefixes() {
let config_str = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "example.com"
skip_anchor_prefixes = [
let config = Config::parse(config_str).unwrap();
vec!["https://caniuse.com/#feat=", "https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/"]
fn link_checker_skip_prefixes() {
let config_str = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "example.com"
skip_prefixes = [
let config = Config::parse(config_str).unwrap();
vec!["http://[2001:db8::]/", "https://www.example.com/path",]
fn slugify_strategies() {
let config_str = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "example.com"
paths = "on"
taxonomies = "safe"
anchors = "off"
let config = Config::parse(config_str).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.slugify.paths, SlugifyStrategy::On);
assert_eq!(config.slugify.taxonomies, SlugifyStrategy::Safe);
assert_eq!(config.slugify.anchors, SlugifyStrategy::Off);
fn cannot_overwrite_theme_mapping_with_invalid_type() {
let config_str = r#"
base_url = "http://localhost:1312"
default_language = "fr"
foo = "bar"
let mut config = Config::parse(config_str).unwrap();
let theme_str = r#"
bar = "baz"
let theme = Theme::parse(theme_str).unwrap();
// We expect an error here
assert_eq!(false, config.add_theme_extra(&theme).is_ok());
fn default_output_dir() {
let config = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "https://replace-this-with-your-url.com"
let config = Config::parse(config).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.output_dir, "public".to_string());
fn can_add_output_dir() {
let config = r#"
title = "My site"
base_url = "https://replace-this-with-your-url.com"
output_dir = "docs"
let config = Config::parse(config).unwrap();
assert_eq!(config.output_dir, "docs".to_string());