
239 lines
8.1 KiB

use config::highlighting::{get_highlighter, HighlightSource, SYNTAX_SET, THEME_SET};
use config::Config;
use std::cmp::min;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use syntect::easy::HighlightLines;
use syntect::highlighting::{Color, Style, Theme};
use syntect::html::{styled_line_to_highlighted_html, IncludeBackground};
use syntect::parsing::SyntaxSet;
use super::fence::{FenceSettings, Range};
pub struct CodeBlock<'config> {
highlighter: HighlightLines<'static>,
extra_syntax_set: Option<&'config SyntaxSet>,
background: IncludeBackground,
theme: &'static Theme,
/// List of ranges of lines to highlight.
highlight_lines: Vec<Range>,
/// List of ranges of lines to hide.
hide_lines: Vec<Range>,
/// The number of lines in the code block being processed.
num_lines: usize,
impl<'config> CodeBlock<'config> {
pub fn new(
fence_info: &str,
config: &'config Config,
background: IncludeBackground,
path: Option<&'config str>,
) -> Self {
let fence_info = FenceSettings::new(fence_info);
let theme = &THEME_SET.themes[&config.markdown.highlight_theme];
let (highlighter, highlight_source) = get_highlighter(fence_info.language, config);
let extra_syntax_set = match highlight_source {
HighlightSource::Extra => config.markdown.extra_syntax_set.as_ref(),
HighlightSource::NotFound => {
// Language was not found, so it exists (safe unwrap)
let lang = fence_info.language.unwrap();
if let Some(path) = path {
eprintln!("Warning: Highlight language {} not found in {}", lang, path);
} else {
eprintln!("Warning: Highlight language {} not found", lang);
_ => None,
Self {
highlight_lines: fence_info.highlight_lines,
hide_lines: fence_info.hide_lines,
num_lines: 0,
pub fn highlight(&mut self, text: &str) -> String {
let highlighted =
self.highlighter.highlight(text, self.extra_syntax_set.unwrap_or(&SYNTAX_SET));
let line_boundaries = self.find_line_boundaries(&highlighted);
// First we make sure that `highlighted` is split at every line
// boundary. The `styled_line_to_highlighted_html` function will
// merge split items with identical styles, so this is not a
// problem.
// Note that this invalidates the values in `line_boundaries`.
// The `perform_split` function takes it by value to ensure that
// we don't use it later.
let mut highlighted = perform_split(&highlighted, line_boundaries);
let hl_background =
self.theme.settings.line_highlight.unwrap_or(Color { r: 255, g: 255, b: 0, a: 0 });
let hl_lines = self.get_highlighted_lines();
color_highlighted_lines(&mut highlighted, &hl_lines, hl_background);
let hide_lines = self.get_hidden_lines();
let highlighted = hide_hidden_lines(highlighted, &hide_lines);
styled_line_to_highlighted_html(&highlighted, self.background)
fn find_line_boundaries(&mut self, styled: &[(Style, &str)]) -> Vec<StyledIdx> {
let mut boundaries = Vec::new();
for (vec_idx, (_style, s)) in styled.iter().enumerate() {
for (str_idx, character) in s.char_indices() {
if character == '\n' {
boundaries.push(StyledIdx { vec_idx, str_idx });
self.num_lines = boundaries.len() + 1;
fn get_highlighted_lines(&self) -> HashSet<usize> {
fn get_hidden_lines(&self) -> HashSet<usize> {
fn ranges_to_lines(&self, range: &Vec<Range>) -> HashSet<usize> {
let mut lines = HashSet::new();
for range in range {
for line in range.from..=min(range.to, self.num_lines) {
// Ranges are one-indexed
/// This is an index of a character in a `&[(Style, &'b str)]`. The `vec_idx` is the
/// index in the slice, and `str_idx` is the byte index of the character in the
/// corresponding string slice.
/// The `Ord` impl on this type sorts lexiographically on `vec_idx`, and then `str_idx`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct StyledIdx {
vec_idx: usize,
str_idx: usize,
/// This is a utility used by `perform_split`. If the `vec_idx` in the `StyledIdx` is
/// equal to the provided value, return the `str_idx`, otherwise return `None`.
fn get_str_idx_if_vec_idx_is(idx: Option<&StyledIdx>, vec_idx: usize) -> Option<usize> {
match idx {
Some(idx) if idx.vec_idx == vec_idx => Some(idx.str_idx),
_ => None,
/// This function assumes that `line_boundaries` is sorted according to the `Ord` impl on
/// the `StyledIdx` type.
fn perform_split<'b>(
split: &[(Style, &'b str)],
line_boundaries: Vec<StyledIdx>,
) -> Vec<(Style, &'b str)> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
let mut idxs_iter = line_boundaries.into_iter().peekable();
for (split_idx, item) in split.iter().enumerate() {
let mut last_split = 0;
// Since `line_boundaries` is sorted, we know that any remaining indexes in
// `idxs_iter` have `vec_idx >= split_idx`, and that if there are any with
// `vec_idx == split_idx`, they will be first.
// Using the `get_str_idx_if_vec_idx_is` utility, this loop will keep consuming
// indexes from `idxs_iter` as long as `vec_idx == split_idx` holds. Once
// `vec_idx` becomes larger than `split_idx`, the loop will finish without
// consuming that index.
// If `idxs_iter` is empty, or there are no indexes with `vec_idx == split_idx`,
// the loop does nothing.
while let Some(str_idx) = get_str_idx_if_vec_idx_is(idxs_iter.peek(), split_idx) {
// Consume the value we just peeked.
// This consumes the index to split at. We add one to include the newline
// together with its own line, rather than as the first character in the next
// line.
let split_at = min(str_idx + 1, item.1.len());
// This will fail if `line_boundaries` is not sorted.
debug_assert!(split_at >= last_split);
// Skip splitting if the string slice would be empty.
if last_split != split_at {
result.push((item.0, &item.1[last_split..split_at]));
last_split = split_at;
// Now append the remainder. If the current item was not split, this will
// append the entire item.
if last_split != item.1.len() {
result.push((item.0, &item.1[last_split..]));
fn color_highlighted_lines(data: &mut [(Style, &str)], lines: &HashSet<usize>, background: Color) {
if lines.is_empty() {
let mut current_line = 0;
for item in data {
if lines.contains(&current_line) {
item.0.background = background;
// We split the lines such that every newline is at the end of an item.
if item.1.ends_with('\n') {
current_line += 1;
fn hide_hidden_lines<'a>(
data: Vec<(Style, &'a str)>,
lines: &HashSet<usize>,
) -> Vec<(Style, &'a str)> {
if lines.is_empty() {
return data;
let mut current_line = 0;
let mut to_keep = Vec::new();
for item in data {
if !lines.contains(&current_line) {
// We split the lines such that every newline is at the end of an item.
if item.1.ends_with('\n') {
current_line += 1;