2020-12-14 20:43:31 +01:00

139 lines
4.6 KiB

extern crate test;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use config::Config;
use front_matter::InsertAnchor;
use rendering::{render_content, render_shortcodes, RenderContext};
use tera::Tera;
static CONTENT: &'static str = r#"
# Modus cognitius profanam ne duae virtutis mundi
## Ut vita
Lorem markdownum litora, care ponto nomina, et ut aspicit gelidas sui et
purpureo genuit. Tamen colla venientis [delphina](http://nil-sol.com/ecquis)
Tusci et temptata citaeque curam isto ubi vult vulnere reppulit.
- :one: Seque vidit flendoque de quodam
- :two: Dabit minimos deiecto caputque noctis pluma
- :three: Leti coniunx est Helicen
- :four: Illius pulvereumque Icare inpositos
- :five: Vivunt pereo pluvio tot ramos Olenios gelidis
- :six: Quater teretes natura inde
### A subsection
Protinus dicunt, breve per, et vivacis genus Orphei munere. Me terram [dimittere
casside](http://corpus.org/) pervenit saxo primoque frequentat genuum sorori
praeferre causas Libys. Illud in serpit adsuetam utrimque nunc haberent,
**terrae si** veni! Hectoreis potes sumite [Mavortis retusa](http://tua.org/)
granum captantur potuisse Minervae, frugum.
> Clivo sub inprovisoque nostrum minus fama est, discordia patrem petebat precatur
absumitur, poena per sit. Foramina *tamen cupidine* memor supplex tollentes
dictum unam orbem, Anubis caecae. Viderat formosior tegebat satis, Aethiopasque
sit submisso coniuge tristis ubi! :exclamation:
## Praeceps Corinthus totidem quem crus vultum cape
pub struct Site {
/// The base path of the gutenberg site
pub base_path: PathBuf,
/// The parsed config for the site
pub config: Config,
pub pages: HashMap<PathBuf, Page>,
pub sections: HashMap<PathBuf, Section>,
pub tera: Tera,
live_reload: bool,
output_path: PathBuf,
static_path: PathBuf,
pub tags: Option<Taxonomy>,
pub categories: Option<Taxonomy>,
/// A map of all .md files (section and pages) and their permalink
/// We need that if there are relative links in the content that need to be resolved
pub permalinks: HashMap<String, String>,
## More stuff
And a shortcode:
{{ youtube(id="my_youtube_id") }}
### Another subsection
Gotta make the toc do a little bit of work
# A big title :fire:
- hello
- world
- !
if __name__ == "__main__":
gen_site("basic-blog", [""], 250, paginate=True)
fn bench_render_content_with_highlighting(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
tera.add_raw_template("shortcodes/youtube.html", "{{id}}").unwrap();
let permalinks_ctx = HashMap::new();
let config = Config::default();
let context = RenderContext::new(&tera, &config, "", &permalinks_ctx, InsertAnchor::None);
b.iter(|| render_content(CONTENT, &context).unwrap());
fn bench_render_content_without_highlighting(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
tera.add_raw_template("shortcodes/youtube.html", "{{id}}").unwrap();
let permalinks_ctx = HashMap::new();
let mut config = Config::default();
config.markdown.highlight_code = false;
let context = RenderContext::new(&tera, &config, "", &permalinks_ctx, InsertAnchor::None);
b.iter(|| render_content(CONTENT, &context).unwrap());
fn bench_render_content_no_shortcode(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let tera = Tera::default();
let content2 = CONTENT.replace(r#"{{ youtube(id="my_youtube_id") }}"#, "");
let mut config = Config::default();
config.markdown.highlight_code = false;
let permalinks_ctx = HashMap::new();
let context = RenderContext::new(&tera, &config, "", &permalinks_ctx, InsertAnchor::None);
b.iter(|| render_content(&content2, &context).unwrap());
fn bench_render_shortcodes_one_present(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let mut tera = Tera::default();
tera.add_raw_template("shortcodes/youtube.html", "{{id}}").unwrap();
let config = Config::default();
let permalinks_ctx = HashMap::new();
let context = RenderContext::new(&tera, &config, "", &permalinks_ctx, InsertAnchor::None);
b.iter(|| render_shortcodes(CONTENT, &context));
fn bench_render_content_no_shortcode_with_emoji(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
let tera = Tera::default();
let content2 = CONTENT.replace(r#"{{ youtube(id="my_youtube_id") }}"#, "");
let mut config = Config::default();
config.markdown.highlight_code = false;
config.markdown.render_emoji = true;
let permalinks_ctx = HashMap::new();
let context = RenderContext::new(&tera, &config, "", &permalinks_ctx, InsertAnchor::None);
b.iter(|| render_content(&content2, &context).unwrap());