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2018-05-09 16:34:05 +00:00
\chapter{Source code excerpts}
2018-05-08 14:22:51 +00:00
In the following a few of the definitions mentioned in the report are included.
The following is \emph{not} a verbatim copy of individual modules from the
implementation. Rather, this is a redacted and pre-formatted designed for
presentation purposes. It's provided here as a convenience. The actual sources
are the only authoritative source. Is something is not clear, please refer to
2018-05-09 16:13:36 +00:00
2018-05-08 14:22:51 +00:00
PathP : ∀ {} (A : I → Set ) → A i0 → A i1 → Set
module _ {} {A : Set } where
__ : A → A → Set
__ {A = A} = PathP (λ _ → A)
refl : {x : A} → x ≡ x
refl {x = x} = λ _ → x
\caption{Excerpt from the cubical library. Definition of the path-type.}
2018-05-09 16:34:05 +00:00
2018-05-08 14:22:51 +00:00
module _ { : Level} (A : Set ) where
isContr : Set
isContr = Σ[ x ∈ A ] (∀ y → x ≡ y)
isProp : Set
isProp = (x y : A) → x ≡ y
isSet : Set
isSet = (x y : A) → (p q : x ≡ y) → p ≡ q
isGrpd : Set
isGrpd = (x y : A) → (p q : x ≡ y) → (a b : p ≡ q) → a ≡ b
\caption{Excerpt from the cubical library. Definition of the first few
module _ { '} {A : Set } {x : A}
(P : ∀ y → x ≡ y → Set ') (d : P x ((λ i → x))) where
pathJ : (y : A) → (p : x ≡ y) → P y p
pathJ _ p = transp (λ i → uncurry P (contrSingl p i)) d
\caption{Excerpt from the cubical library. Definition of based path-induction.}
module _ { '} {A : Set } {B : A → Set '} where
propPi : (h : (x : A) → isProp (B x)) → isProp ((x : A) → B x)
propPi h f0 f1 = λ i → λ x → (h x (f0 x) (f1 x)) i
lemPropF : (P : (x : A) → isProp (B x)) {a0 a1 : A}
(p : a0 ≡ a1) {b0 : B a0} {b1 : B a1} → PathP (λ i → B (p i)) b0 b1
lemPropF P p {b0} {b1} = λ i → P (p i)
(primComp (λ j → B (p (i ∧ j)) ) (~ i) (λ _ → λ { (i = i0) → b0 }) b0)
(primComp (λ j → B (p (i ~ j)) ) (i) (λ _ → λ{ (i = i1) → b1 }) b1) i
lemSig : (pB : (x : A) → isProp (B x))
(u v : Σ A B) (p : fst u ≡ fst v) → u ≡ v
lemSig pB u v p = λ i → (p i) , ((lemPropF pB p) {snd u} {snd v} i)
propSig : (pA : isProp A) (pB : (x : A) → isProp (B x)) → isProp (Σ A B)
propSig pA pB t u = lemSig pB t u (pA (fst t) (fst u))
\caption{Excerpt from the cubical library. A few combinators.}
record RawCategory (a b : Level) : Set (lsuc (a ⊔ b)) where
Object : Set a
Arrow : Object → Object → Set b
identity : {A : Object} → Arrow A A
_<<<_ : {A B C : Object} → Arrow B C → Arrow A B → Arrow A C
_>>>_ : {A B C : Object} → (Arrow A B) → (Arrow B C) → Arrow A C
f >>> g = g <<< f
IsAssociative : Set (a ⊔ b)
IsAssociative = ∀ {A B C D} {f : Arrow A B} {g : Arrow B C} {h : Arrow C D}
→ h <<< (g <<< f) ≡ (h <<< g) <<< f
IsIdentity : ({A : Object} → Arrow A A) → Set (a ⊔ b)
IsIdentity id = {A B : Object} {f : Arrow A B}
→ id <<< f ≡ f × f <<< id ≡ f
ArrowsAreSets : Set (a ⊔ b)
ArrowsAreSets = ∀ {A B : Object} → isSet (Arrow A B)
IsInverseOf : ∀ {A B} → (Arrow A B) → (Arrow B A) → Set b
IsInverseOf = λ f g → g <<< f ≡ identity × f <<< g ≡ identity
Isomorphism : ∀ {A B} → (f : Arrow A B) → Set b
Isomorphism {A} {B} f = Σ[ g ∈ Arrow B A ] IsInverseOf f g
__ : (A B : Object) → Set b
__ A B = Σ[ f ∈ Arrow A B ] (Isomorphism f)
IsTerminal : Object → Set (a ⊔ b)
IsTerminal T = {X : Object} → isContr (Arrow X T)
Terminal : Set (a ⊔ b)
Terminal = Σ Object IsTerminal
\caption{Excerpt from module \texttt{Cat.Category}. The definition of a category.}
module Univalence (isIdentity : IsIdentity identity) where
idIso : (A : Object) → A ≊ A
idIso A = identity , identity , isIdentity
idToIso : (A B : Object) → A ≡ B → A ≊ B
idToIso A B eq = subst eq (idIso A)
Univalent : Set (a ⊔ b)
Univalent = {A B : Object} → isEquiv (A ≡ B) (A ≊ B) (idToIso A B)
\caption{Excerpt from module \texttt{Cat.Category}. Continued from previous. Definition of univalence.}
module _ {a b : Level} ( : RawCategory a b) where
record IsPreCategory : Set (lsuc (a ⊔ b)) where
open RawCategory public
isAssociative : IsAssociative
isIdentity : IsIdentity identity
arrowsAreSets : ArrowsAreSets
open Univalence isIdentity public
record PreCategory : Set (lsuc (a ⊔ b)) where
isPreCategory : IsPreCategory
open IsPreCategory isPreCategory public
record IsCategory : Set (lsuc (a ⊔ b)) where
isPreCategory : IsPreCategory
open IsPreCategory isPreCategory public
univalent : Univalent
\caption{Excerpt from module \texttt{Cat.Category}. Records with inhabitants for
the laws defined in the previous listings.}
module Opposite {a b : Level} where
module _ ( : Category a b) where
module _ where
module = Category
opRaw : RawCategory a b
RawCategory.Object opRaw = .Object
RawCategory.Arrow opRaw = flip .Arrow
RawCategory.identity opRaw = .identity
RawCategory._<<<_ opRaw = ._>>>_
open RawCategory opRaw
isPreCategory : IsPreCategory opRaw
IsPreCategory.isAssociative isPreCategory = sym .isAssociative
IsPreCategory.isIdentity isPreCategory = swap .isIdentity
IsPreCategory.arrowsAreSets isPreCategory = .arrowsAreSets
open IsPreCategory isPreCategory
isCategory : IsCategory opRaw
IsCategory.isPreCategory isCategory = isPreCategory
IsCategory.univalent isCategory
= univalenceFromIsomorphism (isoToId* , inv)
opposite : Category a b
Category.raw opposite = opRaw
Category.isCategory opposite = isCategory
module _ { : Category a b} where
open Category
rawInv : Category.raw (opposite (opposite )) ≡ raw
RawCategory.Object (rawInv _) = Object
RawCategory.Arrow (rawInv _) = Arrow
RawCategory.identity (rawInv _) = identity
RawCategory._<<<_ (rawInv _) = _<<<_
oppositeIsInvolution : opposite (opposite ) ≡
oppositeIsInvolution = Category≡ rawInv
\caption{Excerpt from module \texttt{Cat.Category}. Showing that the opposite
category is a category. Part of this listing has been cut out and placed in
the next listing.}
For reasons of formatting the following listing is continued from the above with
fewer levels of indentation.
module _ {A B : .Object} where
open Σ (toIso _ _ (.univalent {A} {B}))
renaming (fst to idToIso* ; snd to inv*)
open AreInverses {f = .idToIso A B} {idToIso*} inv*
shuffle : A ≊ B → A .≊ B
shuffle (f , g , inv) = g , f , inv
shuffle~ : A .≊ B → A ≊ B
shuffle~ (f , g , inv) = g , f , inv
isoToId* : A ≊ B → A ≡ B
isoToId* = idToIso* ∘ shuffle
inv : AreInverses (idToIso A B) isoToId*
inv =
( funExt (λ x → begin
(isoToId* ∘ idToIso A B) x
(idToIso* ∘ shuffle ∘ idToIso A B) x
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ x)
(cong (λ φ → idToIso* ∘ shuffle ∘ φ) (funExt (isoEq refl))) ⟩
(idToIso* ∘ shuffle ∘ shuffle~ ∘ .idToIso A B) x
(idToIso* ∘ .idToIso A B) x
≡⟨ (λ i → verso-recto i x) ⟩
x ∎)
, funExt (λ x → begin
(idToIso A B ∘ idToIso* ∘ shuffle) x
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ x)
(cong (λ φ → φ ∘ idToIso* ∘ shuffle) (funExt (isoEq refl))) ⟩
(shuffle~ ∘ .idToIso A B ∘ idToIso* ∘ shuffle) x
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ x)
(cong (λ φ → shuffle~ ∘ φ ∘ shuffle) recto-verso) ⟩
(shuffle~ ∘ shuffle) x
x ∎)
\caption{Excerpt from module \texttt{Cat.Category}. Proving univalence for the opposite category.}
module _ {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
open Category
module _ (A B : Object) where
record RawProduct : Set (a ⊔ b) where
object : Object
fst : [ object , A ]
snd : [ object , B ]
record IsProduct (raw : RawProduct) : Set (a ⊔ b) where
open RawProduct raw public
ump : ∀ {X : Object} (f : [ X , A ]) (g : [ X , B ])
→ ∃![ f×g ] ( [ fst ∘ f×g ] ≡ f P.× [ snd ∘ f×g ] ≡ g)
record Product : Set (a ⊔ b) where
raw : RawProduct
isProduct : IsProduct raw
open IsProduct isProduct public
\caption{Excerpt from module \texttt{Cat.Category.Product}. Definition of products.}
module _{a b : Level} { : Category a b}
(let module = Category ) {A* B* : .Object} where
module _ where
raw : RawCategory _ _
raw = record
{ Object = Σ[ X ∈ .Object ] .Arrow X A* × .Arrow X B*
; Arrow = λ{ (A , a0 , a1) (B , b0 , b1)
→ Σ[ f ∈ .Arrow A B ]
[ b0 ∘ f ] ≡ a0
× [ b1 ∘ f ] ≡ a1
; identity = λ{ {X , f , g}
.identity {X} , .rightIdentity , .rightIdentity
; _<<<_ = λ { {_ , a0 , a1} {_ , b0 , b1} {_ , c0 , c1}
(f , f0 , f1) (g , g0 , g1)
→ (f .<<< g)
, (begin
[ c0 ∘ [ f ∘ g ] ] ≡⟨ .isAssociative ⟩
[ [ c0 ∘ f ] ∘ g ] ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → [ φ ∘ g ]) f0 ⟩
[ b0 ∘ g ] ≡⟨ g0 ⟩
a0 ∎
, (begin
[ c1 ∘ [ f ∘ g ] ] ≡⟨ .isAssociative ⟩
[ [ c1 ∘ f ] ∘ g ] ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → [ φ ∘ g ]) f1 ⟩
[ b1 ∘ g ] ≡⟨ g1 ⟩
a1 ∎
\caption{Excerpt from module \texttt{Cat.Category.Product}. Definition of ``pair category''.}
module Cat.Category.Monad.Kleisli
{a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
record RawMonad : Set where
omap : Object → Object
pure : {X : Object} [ X , omap X ]
bind : {X Y : Object} [ X , omap Y ] → [ omap X , omap Y ]
fmap : ∀ {A B} [ A , B ] → [ omap A , omap B ]
fmap f = bind (pure <<< f)
_>=>_ : {A B C : Object}
[ A , omap B ] → [ B , omap C ] → [ A , omap C ]
f >=> g = f >>> (bind g)
join : {A : Object} [ omap (omap A) , omap A ]
join = bind identity
IsIdentity = {X : Object}
→ bind pure ≡ identity {omap X}
IsNatural = {X Y : Object} (f : [ X , omap Y ])
→ pure >=> f ≡ f
IsDistributive = {X Y Z : Object}
(g : [ Y , omap Z ]) (f : [ X , omap Y ])
→ (bind f) >>> (bind g) ≡ bind (f >=> g)
record IsMonad (raw : RawMonad) : Set where
open RawMonad raw public
isIdentity : IsIdentity
isNatural : IsNatural
isDistributive : IsDistributive
\caption{Excerpt from module \texttt{Cat.Category.Monad.Kleisli}. Definition of
Kleisli monads.}
module Cat.Category.Monad.Monoidal
{a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
= a ⊔ b
open Category using (Object ; Arrow ; identity ; _<<<_)
record RawMonad : Set where
R : EndoFunctor
pureNT : NaturalTransformation Functors.identity R
joinNT : NaturalTransformation F[ R ∘ R ] R
Romap = Functor.omap R
fmap = Functor.fmap R
pureT : Transformation Functors.identity R
pureT = fst pureNT
pure : {X : Object} [ X , Romap X ]
pure = pureT _
pureN : Natural Functors.identity R pureT
pureN = snd pureNT
joinT : Transformation F[ R ∘ R ] R
joinT = fst joinNT
join : {X : Object} [ Romap (Romap X) , Romap X ]
join = joinT _
joinN : Natural F[ R ∘ R ] R joinT
joinN = snd joinNT
bind : {X Y : Object} [ X , Romap Y ] → [ Romap X , Romap Y ]
bind {X} {Y} f = join <<< fmap f
IsAssociative : Set _
IsAssociative = {X : Object}
→ joinT X <<< fmap join ≡ join <<< join
IsInverse : Set _
IsInverse = {X : Object}
→ join <<< pure ≡ identity {Romap X}
× join <<< fmap pure ≡ identity {Romap X}
record IsMonad (raw : RawMonad) : Set where
open RawMonad raw public
isAssociative : IsAssociative
isInverse : IsInverse
\caption{Excerpt from module \texttt{Cat.Category.Monad.Monoidal}. Definition of
Monoidal monads.}