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2018-05-16 09:01:07 +00:00
\title{Univalent Categories}
\author{Frederik Hangh{\o}j Iversen}
\institute{Chalmers University of Technology}
\frametitle{Motivating example}
\framesubtitle{Functional extensionality}
Consider the functions
\var{zeroLeft} & \defeq (n \tp \bN) \mto (0 + n \tp \bN) \\
\var{zeroRight} & \defeq (n \tp \bN) \mto (n + 0 \tp \bN)
We have
\prod_{n \tp \bN} n + 0 \equiv 0 + n
But not
\var{zeroLeft} \equiv \var{zeroRight}
We need
\funExt \tp \prod_{a \tp A} f\ a \equiv g\ a \to f \equiv g
\frametitle{Motivating example}
Consider the set
$\{x \mid \phi\ x \land \psi\ x\}$
If we show $\forall x . \psi\ x \equiv \top$
then we want to conclude
$\{x \mid \phi\ x \land \psi\ x\} \equiv \{x \mid \phi\ x\}$
We need univalence:
$$(A \simeq B) \simeq (A \equiv B)$$
We will return to $\simeq$, but for not, think of it as an
isomorphism, so it induces maps:
\var{toPath} & \tp (A \simeq B) \to (A \equiv B) \\
\var{toEquiv} & \tp (A \equiv B) \to (A \simeq B)
Heterogeneous paths
\Path \tp (P \tp I → \MCU) → P\ 0 → P\ 1 → \MCU
For $P \tp I \to \MCU$, $A \tp \MCU$ and $a_0, a_1 \tp A$
inhabitants of $\Path\ P\ a_0\ a_1$ are like functions
p \tp \prod_{i \tp I} P\ i
Which satisfy $p\ 0 & = a_0$ and $p\ 1 & = a_1$
Homogenous paths
a_0 \equiv a_1 \defeq \Path\ (\var{const}\ A)\ a_0\ a_1
\framesubtitle{Functional extenstionality}
\funExt & \tp \prod_{a \tp A} f\ a \equiv g\ a \to f \equiv g
\funExt\ p \defeq λ i\ a → p\ a\ i
\funExt\ (\var{const}\ \refl)
\var{zeroLeft} \equiv \var{zeroRight}
\framesubtitle{Homotopy levels}
& \isContr && \tp \MCU \to \MCU \\
& \isContr\ A && \defeq \sum_{c \tp A} \prod_{a \tp A} a \equiv c
& \isProp && \tp \MCU \to \MCU \\
& \isProp\ A && \defeq \prod_{a_0, a_1 \tp A} a_0 \equiv a_1
& \isSet && \tp \MCU \to \MCU \\
& \isSet\ A && \defeq \prod_{a_0, a_1 \tp A} \isProp\ (a_0 \equiv a_1)
\framesubtitle{A few lemmas}
Let $D$ be a type-family:
D \tp \prod_{b \tp A} \prod_{p \tp a ≡ b} \MCU
And $d$ and in inhabitant of $D$ at $\refl$:
d \tp D\ a\ \refl
We then have the function:
\pathJ\ D\ d \tp \prod_{b \tp A} \prod_{p \tp a ≡ b} D\ a\ p
\framesubtitle{A few lemmas}
A & \tp \MCU \\
P & \tp A \to \MCU \\
\var{propP} & \tp \prod_{x \tp A} \isProp\ (P\ x) \\
p & \tp a_0 \equiv a_1 \\
p_0 & \tp P\ a_0 \\
p_1 & \tp P\ a_1
We have
\lemPropF\ \var{propP}\ p
\Path\ (\lambda\; i \mto P\ (p\ i))\ p_0\ p_1
\framesubtitle{A few lemmas}
$\prod$ preserves $\isProp$:
\left(\prod_{a \tp A} \isProp\ (P\ a)\right)
\to \isProp\ \left(\prod_{a \tp A} P\ a\right)
$\sum$ preserves $\isProp$:
\mathit{propSig} \tp \isProp\ A \to \left(\prod_{a \tp A} \isProp\ (P\ a)\right) \to \isProp\ \left(\sum_{a \tp A} P\ a\right)
\Object & \tp \Type \\
\Arrow & \tp \Object \to \Object \to \Type \\
\identity & \tp \Arrow\ A\ A \\
\lll & \tp \Arrow\ B\ C \to \Arrow\ A\ B \to \Arrow\ A\ C
h \lll (g \lll f) ≡ (h \lll g) \lll f
\identity \lll f ≡ f \x
f \lll \identity ≡ f
\isSet\ (\Arrow\ A\ B)
Univalent categories:
\isEquiv\ (A \equiv B)\ (A \approxeq B)\ \idToIso
\var{IsIdentity} & \defeq
\prod_{A\ B \tp \Object} \prod_{f \tp \Arrow\ A\ B} \phi\ f
%% \\
%% & \mathrel{\ } \identity \lll f \equiv f \x f \lll \identity \equiv f
\phi\ f \defeq \identity \lll f \equiv f \x f \lll \identity \equiv f
Let $\approxeq$ denote ismorphism of objects. We can then construct
the identity isomorphism in any category:
\identity , \identity , \var{isIdentity} \tp A \approxeq A
Likewise since paths are substitutive we can promote a path to an isomorphism:
\idToIso \tp A ≡ B → A ≊ B
For a category to be univalent we require this to be an equivalence: