Provide example of using pathJ

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-05-10 15:28:33 +02:00
parent 513d91ae4f
commit 058f3c15a8

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@ -108,13 +108,10 @@ judgmentally $a$ at either endpoint. This is satisfied by the constant path;
i.e. the path that stays at $a$ at any index $i$.
It is also surpisingly easy to show functional extensionality with which we can
construct a path between $f$ and $g$ -- the function defined in the introduction
(section \S\ref{sec:functional-extensionality}).
%% module _ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} where
%% funExt : {f g : (x : A) → B x} → ((x : A) → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g
Functional extensionality is the proposition, given a type $A \tp \MCU$, a
family of types $B \tp A \to \MCU$ and functions $f, g \tp \prod_{a \tp A}
B\ a$:
construct a path between $f$ and $g$ -- the functions defined in the
introduction (section \S\ref{sec:functional-extensionality}). Functional
extensionality is the proposition, given a type $A \tp \MCU$, a family of types
$B \tp A \to \MCU$ and functions $f, g \tp \prod_{a \tp A} B\ a$:
@ -263,23 +260,55 @@ at some element $a \tp A$.
Let a type $A \tp \MCU$ and an element of the type $a \tp A$ be given. $a$ is said to be the base of the induction. Given a family of types:
P \tp \prod_{a' \tp A} \prod_{p \tp a ≡ a'} \MCU
D \tp \prod_{b \tp A} \prod_{p \tp a ≡ b} \MCU
And an inhabitant of $P$ at $\refl$:
And an inhabitant of $D$ at $\refl$:
p \tp P\ a\ \refl
d \tp D\ a\ \refl
We have the function:
\pathJ\ P\ p \tp \prod_{a' \tp A} \prod_{p \tp a ≡ a'} P\ a\ p
\pathJ\ D\ d \tp \prod_{b \tp A} \prod_{p \tp a ≡ b} D\ a\ p
I will not give an example of using $\pathJ$ here. An application can be found
later in \ref{eq:pathJ-example}.
A simple application of $\pathJ$ is for proving that $\var{sym}$ is an
involution. Namely for any set $A \tp \MCU$, points $a, b \tp A$ and a path
between them $p \tp a \equiv b$:
\var{sym}\ (\var{sym}\ p) ≡ p
The proof will be by induction on $p$ and will be based at $a$. That is, $D$
will be the family:
D & \tp \prod_{b' \tp A} \prod_{p \tp a ≡ b'ma} \MCU \\
D\ b'\ p' & \defeq \var{sym}\ (\var{sym}\ p') ≡ p'
The base-case will then be:
d & \tp \var{sym}\ (\var{sym}\ \refl) ≡ \refl \\
d & \defeq \refl
The reason $\refl$ proves this is that $\var{sym}\ \refl = \refl$ holds
definitionally. In summary \ref{eq:sym-invol} is inhabited by the term:
\pathJ\ \ b'\ p' → \var{sym}\ (\var{sym}\ p') ≡ p')\ \var{refl}\ b\ p
\var{sym}\ (\var{sym}\ p) ≡ p
We shall see another application on path-induction in \ref{eq:pathJ-example}.
\subsection{Paths over propositions}