Make AreInveres an alias for \Sigma

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-04-11 13:53:33 +02:00
parent e6a2e3a0f0
commit 1c963db7e6
6 changed files with 98 additions and 140 deletions

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@ -54,30 +54,23 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
module _ (x y : isIso f) where
module x = Σ x renaming (fst to inverse ; snd to areInverses)
module y = Σ y renaming (fst to inverse ; snd to areInverses)
module xA = AreInverses x.areInverses
module yA = AreInverses y.areInverses
-- I had a lot of difficulty using the corresponding proof where
-- AreInverses is defined. This is sadly a bit anti-modular. The
-- reason for my troubles is probably related to the type of objects
-- being hSet's rather than sets.
p : {f} g isProp (AreInverses {A = A} {B} f g)
p {f} g xx yy i = record
{ verso-recto = ve-re
; recto-verso = re-ve
p {f} g xx yy i = ve-re , re-ve
module xxA = AreInverses xx
module yyA = AreInverses yy
ve-re : g f idFun _
ve-re = arrowsAreSets {A = hA} {B = hA} _ _ xxA.verso-recto yyA.verso-recto i
ve-re = arrowsAreSets {A = hA} {B = hA} _ _ (fst xx) (fst yy) i
re-ve : f g idFun _
re-ve = arrowsAreSets {A = hB} {B = hB} _ _ xxA.recto-verso yyA.recto-verso i
re-ve = arrowsAreSets {A = hB} {B = hB} _ _ (snd xx) (snd yy) i
1eq : x.inverse y.inverse
1eq = begin
x.inverse ≡⟨⟩
x.inverse idFun _ ≡⟨ cong (λ φ x.inverse φ) (sym yA.recto-verso)
x.inverse idFun _ ≡⟨ cong (λ φ x.inverse φ) (sym (snd y.areInverses))
x.inverse (f y.inverse) ≡⟨⟩
(x.inverse f) y.inverse ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ y.inverse) xA.verso-recto
(x.inverse f) y.inverse ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ y.inverse) (fst x.areInverses)
idFun _ y.inverse ≡⟨⟩
2eq : (λ i AreInverses f (1eq i)) [ x.areInverses y.areInverses ]
@ -99,10 +92,7 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
re-ve : (e : fst p fst q) (f {p} {q} g {p} {q}) e e
re-ve e = refl
inv : AreInverses (f {p} {q}) (g {p} {q})
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
inv = funExt ve-re , funExt re-ve
iso : (p q) (fst p fst q)
iso = f , g , inv
@ -120,11 +110,7 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
ve-re : (x : isIso f) (obv inv) x x
ve-re = inverse-to-from-iso A B sA sB
iso : isEquiv A B f isIso f
iso = obv , inv ,
{ verso-recto = funExt re-ve
; recto-verso = funExt ve-re
iso = obv , inv , funExt re-ve , funExt ve-re
in fromIsomorphism _ _ iso
module _ {hA hB : Object} where
@ -139,20 +125,8 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
step2 : (hA hB) (A B)
step2 = lem2 (λ A isSetIsProp) hA hB
-- Go from an isomorphism on sets to an isomorphism on homotopic sets
trivial? : (A B) (hA hB)
trivial? = fromIsomorphism _ _ res
fwd : Σ (A B) isIso hA hB
fwd (f , g , inv) = f , g , inv.toPair
module inv = AreInverses inv
bwd : hA hB Σ (A B) isIso
bwd (f , g , x , y) = f , g , record { verso-recto = x ; recto-verso = y }
res : Σ (A B) isIso (hA hB)
res = fwd , bwd , record { verso-recto = refl ; recto-verso = refl }
univ≃ : (hA hB) (hA hB)
univ≃ = step2 univalence step0 trivial?
univ≃ = step2 univalence step0
univalent : Univalent
univalent = from[Andrea] (λ _ _ univ≃)

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@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ module Opposite {a b : Level} where
k : TypeIsomorphism (.idToIso A B)
k = toIso _ _ .univalent
open Σ k renaming (fst to η ; snd to inv-η)
open AreInverses inv-η
open AreInverses {f = .idToIso A B} {η} inv-η
genericly : {a b c : Level} {a : Set a} {b : Set b} {c : Set c}
a × b × c b × a × c
@ -561,13 +561,13 @@ module Opposite {a b : Level} where
inv-ζ : AreInverses (idToIso A B) ζ
-- recto-verso : .idToIso A B <<< f ≡ idFun (A .≅ B)
inv-ζ = record
{ verso-recto = funExt (λ x begin
{ fst = funExt (λ x begin
(ζ idToIso A B) x ≡⟨⟩
(η shuffle idToIso A B) x ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ x) (cong (λ φ η shuffle φ) (funExt lem))
(η shuffle shuffle~ .idToIso A B) x ≡⟨⟩
(η .idToIso A B) x ≡⟨ (λ i verso-recto i x)
x )
; recto-verso = funExt (λ x begin
; snd = funExt (λ x begin
(idToIso A B η shuffle) x ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ x) (cong (λ φ φ η shuffle) (funExt lem))
(shuffle~ .idToIso A B η shuffle) x ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ x) (cong (λ φ shuffle~ φ shuffle) recto-verso)
(shuffle~ shuffle) x ≡⟨⟩

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@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
open import Cat.Equivalence
Monoidal≅Kleisli : M.Monad K.Monad
Monoidal≅Kleisli = forth , (back , (record { verso-recto = funExt backeq ; recto-verso = funExt fortheq }))
Monoidal≅Kleisli = forth , back , funExt backeq , funExt fortheq
Monoidal≃Kleisli : M.Monad K.Monad
Monoidal≃Kleisli = forth , eqv

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@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ module voe {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
-- | to talk about voevodsky's construction.
module _ (omap : Omap ) (pure : {X : Object} Arrow X (omap X)) where
module E = AreInverses (Monoidal≅Kleisli .snd .snd)
module E = AreInverses {f = (fst (Monoidal≅Kleisli ))} {fst (snd (Monoidal≅Kleisli ))}(Monoidal≅Kleisli .snd .snd)
Monoidal→Kleisli : M.Monad K.Monad
Monoidal→Kleisli = E.obverse

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@ -184,10 +184,8 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
= (λ p cong fst p , cong-d (fst snd) p , cong-d (snd snd) p)
-- , (λ x → λ i → fst x i , (fst (snd x) i) , (snd (snd x) i))
, (λ{ (p , q , r) Σ≡ p λ i q i , r i})
, record
{ verso-recto = funExt (λ{ p refl})
; recto-verso = funExt (λ{ (p , q , r) refl})
, funExt (λ{ p refl})
, funExt (λ{ (p , q , r) refl})
-- Should follow from c being univalent
iso-id-inv : {p : X Y} p .isoToId (.idToIso X Y p)
@ -240,11 +238,8 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
-- I have `φ p` in scope, but surely `p` and `x` are the same - though
-- perhaps not definitonally.
, (λ{ (iso , x) .isoToId iso , x})
, record
{ verso-recto = funExt (λ{ (p , q , r) Σ≡ (sym iso-id-inv) (toPathP {A = λ i {!!}} {!!})})
-- { verso-recto = funExt (λ{ (p , q , r) → Σ≡ (sym iso-id-inv) {!!}})
; recto-verso = funExt (λ x Σ≡ (sym id-iso-inv) {!!})
, funExt (λ{ (p , q , r) Σ≡ (sym iso-id-inv) (toPathP {A = λ i {!!}} {!!})})
, funExt (λ x Σ≡ (sym id-iso-inv) {!!})
: Σ (X .≅ Y) (λ iso
let p = .isoToId iso
@ -270,11 +265,11 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
helper = {!!}
in iso , helper , {!!}})
, record
{ verso-recto = funExt (λ x lemSig
{ fst = funExt (λ x lemSig
(λ x propSig prop0 (λ _ prop1))
_ _
(Σ≡ {!!} (.propIsomorphism _ _ _)))
; recto-verso = funExt (λ{ (f , _) lemSig propIsomorphism _ _ {!refl!}})
; snd = funExt (λ{ (f , _) lemSig propIsomorphism _ _ {!refl!}})
prop0 : {x} isProp (PathP (λ i .Arrow (.isoToId x i) A) xa ya)
@ -386,10 +381,7 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
RawProduct.fst (e i) = p.fst
RawProduct.snd (e i) = p.snd
inv : AreInverses f g
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
inv = funExt ve-re , funExt re-ve
propProduct : isProp (Product A B)
propProduct = equivPreservesNType {n = ⟨-1⟩} lemma Propositionality.propTerminal

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@ -31,10 +31,12 @@ module _ {a b : Level} where
module _ {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
-- Quasi-inverse in [HoTT] §2.4.6
-- FIXME Maybe rename?
record AreInverses (f : A B) (g : B A) : Set where
verso-recto : g f idFun A
recto-verso : f g idFun B
AreInverses : (f : A B) (g : B A) Set
AreInverses f g = g f idFun A × f g idFun B
module AreInverses {f : A B} {g : B A}
(inv : AreInverses f g) where
open Σ inv renaming (fst to verso-recto ; snd to recto-verso) public
obverse = f
reverse = g
inverse = reverse
@ -49,10 +51,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} where
× (f g) idFun B) where
open Σ inv renaming (fst to ve-re ; snd to re-ve)
toAreInverses : AreInverses f g
toAreInverses = record
{ verso-recto = ve-re
; recto-verso = re-ve
toAreInverses = ve-re , re-ve
_≅_ : Set a Set b Set _
A B = Σ (A B) Isomorphism
@ -61,16 +60,12 @@ module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } {f : A → B}
(g : B A) (s : {A B : Set } isSet (A B)) where
propAreInverses : isProp (AreInverses {A = A} {B} f g)
propAreInverses x y i = record
{ verso-recto = ve-re
; recto-verso = re-ve
propAreInverses x y i = ve-re , re-ve
open AreInverses
ve-re : g f idFun A
ve-re = s (g f) (idFun A) (verso-recto x) (verso-recto y) i
ve-re = s (g f) (idFun A) (fst x) (fst y) i
re-ve : f g idFun B
re-ve = s (f g) (idFun B) (recto-verso x) (recto-verso y) i
re-ve = s (f g) (idFun B) (snd x) (snd y) i
module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } (f : A B)
(sA : isSet A) (sB : isSet B) where
@ -81,20 +76,17 @@ module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } (f : A → B)
module _ (x y : Isomorphism f) where
module x = Σ x renaming (fst to inverse ; snd to areInverses)
module y = Σ y renaming (fst to inverse ; snd to areInverses)
module xA = AreInverses x.areInverses
module yA = AreInverses y.areInverses
module xA = AreInverses {f = f} {x.inverse} x.areInverses
module yA = AreInverses {f = f} {y.inverse} y.areInverses
-- I had a lot of difficulty using the corresponding proof where
-- AreInverses is defined. This is sadly a bit anti-modular. The
-- reason for my troubles is probably related to the type of objects
-- being hSet's rather than sets.
p : {f} g isProp (AreInverses {A = A} {B} f g)
p {f} g xx yy i = record
{ verso-recto = ve-re
; recto-verso = re-ve
p {f} g xx yy i = ve-re , re-ve
module xxA = AreInverses xx
module yyA = AreInverses yy
module xxA = AreInverses {f = f} {g} xx
module yyA = AreInverses {f = f} {g} yy
setPiB : {X : Set } isSet (X B)
setPiB = setPi (λ _ sB)
setPiA : {X : Set } isSet (X A)
@ -141,33 +133,29 @@ module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where
module _ (iso-x iso-y : Isomorphism f) where
open Σ iso-x renaming (fst to x ; snd to inv-x)
open Σ iso-y renaming (fst to y ; snd to inv-y)
module inv-x = AreInverses inv-x
module inv-y = AreInverses inv-y
fx≡fy : x y
fx≡fy = begin
x ≡⟨ cong (λ φ x φ) (sym inv-y.recto-verso)
x ≡⟨ cong (λ φ x φ) (sym (snd inv-y))
x (f y) ≡⟨⟩
(x f) y ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ y) inv-x.verso-recto
(x f) y ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ y) (fst inv-x)
propInv : g isProp (AreInverses f g)
propInv g t u i = record { verso-recto = a i ; recto-verso = b i }
propInv g t u i = a i , b i
module t = AreInverses t
module u = AreInverses u
a : t.verso-recto u.verso-recto
a : (fst t) (fst u)
a i = h
hh : a (g f) a a
hh a = sA ((g f) a) a (λ i t.verso-recto i a) (λ i u.verso-recto i a) i
hh a = sA ((g f) a) a (λ i (fst t) i a) (λ i (fst u) i a) i
h : g f idFun A
h i a = hh a i
b : t.recto-verso u.recto-verso
b : (snd t) (snd u)
b i = h
hh : b (f g) b b
hh b = sB _ _ (λ i t.recto-verso i b) (λ i u.recto-verso i b) i
hh b = sB _ _ (λ i snd t i b) (λ i snd u i b) i
h : f g idFun B
h i b = hh b i
@ -201,10 +189,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where
reverse = inverse
areInverses : AreInverses obverse inverse
areInverses = record
{ verso-recto = funExt verso-recto
; recto-verso = funExt recto-verso
areInverses = funExt verso-recto , funExt recto-verso
recto-verso : b (obverse inverse) b b
recto-verso b = begin
@ -245,11 +230,10 @@ module _ {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) where
≃isEquiv : Equiv A B (isEquiv A B)
Equiv.fromIso ≃isEquiv {f} (f~ , iso) = gradLemma f f~ rv vr
open AreInverses iso
rv : (b : B) _ b
rv b i = recto-verso i b
rv b i = snd iso i b
vr : (a : A) _ a
vr a i = verso-recto i a
vr a i = fst iso i a
Equiv.toIso ≃isEquiv = toIsomorphism
Equiv.propIsEquiv ≃isEquiv = P.propIsEquiv
@ -266,21 +250,19 @@ module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
composeIsomorphism a b = f~ g~ , inv
open Σ a renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to inv-a)
module A = AreInverses inv-a
open Σ b renaming (fst to g~ ; snd to inv-b)
module B = AreInverses inv-b
inv : AreInverses (g f) (f~ g~)
inv = record
{ verso-recto = begin
{ fst = begin
(f~ g~) (g f)≡⟨⟩
f~ (g~ g) f ≡⟨ cong (λ φ f~ φ f) B.verso-recto
f~ (g~ g) f ≡⟨ cong (λ φ f~ φ f) (fst inv-b)
f~ idFun _ f ≡⟨⟩
f~ f ≡⟨ A.verso-recto
f~ f ≡⟨ (fst inv-a)
idFun A
; recto-verso = begin
; snd = begin
(g f) (f~ g~)≡⟨⟩
g (f f~) g~ ≡⟨ cong (λ φ g φ g~) A.recto-verso
g g~ ≡⟨ B.recto-verso
g (f f~) g~ ≡⟨ cong (λ φ g φ g~) (snd inv-a)
g g~ ≡⟨ (snd inv-b)
idFun C
@ -299,7 +281,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
iso : Isomorphism (fst e)
iso = snd (toIsomorphism _ _ e)
open AreInverses (snd iso) public
open AreInverses {f = fst e} {fst iso} (snd iso) public
compose : {c : Level} {C : Set c} (B C) A C
compose (f , isEquiv) = f obverse , composeIsEquiv (snd e) isEquiv
@ -308,10 +290,8 @@ module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
= inverse
, obverse
, record
{ verso-recto = recto-verso
; recto-verso = verso-recto
, recto-verso
, verso-recto
symmetry : B A
symmetry = fromIsomorphism _ _ symmetryIso
@ -325,13 +305,43 @@ preorder≅ = record
coe p
, coe (sym p)
-- I believe I stashed the proof of this somewhere.
, record
{ verso-recto = {!refl!}
; recto-verso = {!!}
, funExt (λ x inv-coe p)
, funExt (λ x inv-coe' p)
; trans = composeIso
module _ { : Level} {A : Set } {a : A} where
id-coe : coe refl a a
id-coe = begin
coe refl a ≡⟨⟩
pathJ (λ y x A) _ A refl ≡⟨ pathJprop {x = a} (λ y x A) _
_ ≡⟨ pathJprop {x = a} (λ y x A) _
module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } {a : A} where
inv-coe : (p : A B) coe (sym p) (coe p a) a
inv-coe p =
D : (y : Set ) _ y Set _
D _ q = coe (sym q) (coe q a) a
d : D A refl
d = begin
coe (sym refl) (coe refl a) ≡⟨⟩
coe refl (coe refl a) ≡⟨ id-coe
coe refl a ≡⟨ id-coe
in pathJ D d B p
inv-coe' : (p : B A) coe p (coe (sym p) a) a
inv-coe' p =
D : (y : Set ) _ y Set _
D _ q = coe (sym q) (coe q a) a
k : coe p (coe (sym p) a) a
k = pathJ D (trans id-coe id-coe) B (sym p)
in k
module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } where
univalence : (A B) (A B)
univalence = Equivalence.compose u' aux
@ -341,7 +351,7 @@ module _ { : Level} {A B : Set } where
u' : (A B) (A U.≃ B)
u' = doEta u
aux : (A U.≃ B) (A B)
aux = fromIsomorphism _ _ (doEta , deEta , record { verso-recto = funExt (λ{ (U.con _ _) refl}) ; recto-verso = refl })
aux = fromIsomorphism _ _ (doEta , deEta , funExt (λ{ (U.con _ _) refl}) , refl)
-- A few results that I have not generalized to work with both the eta and no-eta variable of ≃
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {P : A Set b} where
@ -361,10 +371,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {P : A → Set b} where
re-ve : (e : fst p fst q) (f {p} {q} g {p} {q}) e e
re-ve e = refl
inv : AreInverses (f {p} {q}) (g {p} {q})
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
inv = funExt ve-re , funExt re-ve
iso : (p q) (fst p fst q)
iso = f , g , inv
@ -396,28 +403,22 @@ module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {P : A → Set b} where
k : Isomorphism _
k = toIso _ _ (snd (eA a))
open Σ k renaming (fst to g' ; snd to inv)
module A = AreInverses inv
-- anti-funExt
lem : (g' (fst (eA a))) pA pA
lem i = A.verso-recto i pA
lem i = fst inv i pA
re-ve : (x : Σ A Q) (f g) x x
re-ve x i = fst x , eq i
open Σ x renaming (fst to a ; snd to qA)
eq = begin
snd ((f g) x) ≡⟨⟩
fst (eA a) (g' qA) ≡⟨ (λ i A.recto-verso i qA)
fst (eA a) (g' qA) ≡⟨ (λ i snd inv i qA)
k : Isomorphism _
k = toIso _ _ (snd (eA a))
open Σ k renaming (fst to g' ; snd to inv)
module A = AreInverses inv
inv : AreInverses f g
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
inv = funExt ve-re , funExt re-ve
iso : Σ A P Σ A Q
iso = f , g , inv
res : Σ A P Σ A Q
@ -439,11 +440,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} where
ve-re : (x : Isomorphism f) (obv inv) x x
ve-re = inverse-to-from-iso A B sA sB
iso : isEquiv A B f Isomorphism f
iso = obv , inv ,
{ verso-recto = funExt re-ve
; recto-verso = funExt ve-re
iso = obv , inv , funExt re-ve , funExt ve-re
in fromIsomorphism _ _ iso
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {P : A Set b} where
@ -473,28 +470,23 @@ module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {P : A → Set b} where
k : Isomorphism _
k = toIso _ _ (snd (eA a))
open Σ k renaming (fst to g' ; snd to inv)
module A = AreInverses inv
-- anti-funExt
lem : (g' (fst (eA a))) pA pA
lem i = A.verso-recto i pA
lem i = fst inv i pA
re-ve : (x : Σ A Q) (f g) x x
re-ve x i = fst x , eq i
open Σ x renaming (fst to a ; snd to qA)
eq = begin
snd ((f g) x) ≡⟨⟩
fst (eA a) (g' qA) ≡⟨ (λ i A.recto-verso i qA)
fst (eA a) (g' qA) ≡⟨ (λ i snd inv i qA)
k : Isomorphism _
k = toIso _ _ (snd (eA a))
open Σ k renaming (fst to g' ; snd to inv)
module A = AreInverses inv
inv : AreInverses f g
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
inv = funExt ve-re , funExt re-ve
iso : Σ A P Σ A Q
iso = f , g , inv
res : Σ A P Σ A Q