Finish proof of equivalence of klesili/monoidal categories!!

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-03-07 17:30:09 +01:00
parent 19103e1678
commit 459718da23
2 changed files with 4 additions and 38 deletions

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 2fa05f70edfc59f205be9af2227996bdd6084948
Subproject commit a487c76a5f3ecf2752dabc9e5c3a8866fda28a19

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ open import Data.Product
open import Function renaming (_∘_ to _∘f_) using (_$_)
open import Cubical
open import Cubical.NType.Properties using (lemPropF ; lemSig)
open import Cubical.NType.Properties using (lemPropF ; lemSig ; lemSigP)
open import Cubical.GradLemma using (gradLemma)
open import Cat.Category
@ -538,43 +538,9 @@ module _ {a b : Level} { : Category a b} where
pureTEq : M.RawMonad.pureT (backRaw (forth m)) pureT
pureTEq = funExt (λ X refl)
-- TODO: Make equaility principle for natural transformations that allows
-- us to only focus on the data-part but for heterogeneous paths!
-- It should be something like (but not exactly because this is ill-typed!)
-- P : I → Set -- A family that varies over natural transformations.
-- θ : P i0
-- η : P i1
NaturalTransformation~≡ : {F G} {P : I Set _} {θ η : NaturalTransformation F G} proj₁ θ proj₁ η _ [ θ η ]
NaturalTransformation~≡ = {!!}
pureNTEq : (λ i NaturalTransformation F.identity (Req i))
[ M.RawMonad.pureNT (backRaw (forth m)) pureNT ]
pureNTEq = res
Base = Transformation F.identity R
base : Base
base = M.RawMonad.pureT (backRaw (forth m))
target : Base
target = pureT
-- No matter what the proof of naturality is (whether it'd be at `base`
-- or at `target` propositionality of naturality means that we can prove
-- two natural transformations equal just by focusing on the data-part.
d : {nat : Natural F.identity R base}
(λ i NaturalTransformation F.identity R)
[ (base , nat)
(target , nat)
d = NaturalTransformation≡ F.identity R pureTEq
-- I think that `d` should be the "base-case" somehow in my
-- path-induction but I don't know how to define a suitable type-family.
D : (y : Base) ({!!} y) Set _
D y eq = {!!}
: (λ i NaturalTransformation F.identity (Req i))
[ M.RawMonad.pureNT (backRaw (forth m)) pureNT ]
res = pathJ D d base pureTEq {!!}
pureNTEq = lemSigP (λ i propIsNatural F.identity (Req i)) _ _ pureTEq
joinTEq : M.RawMonad.joinT (backRaw (forth m)) joinT
joinTEq = funExt (λ X begin
@ -586,7 +552,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} { : Category a b} where
joinNTEq : (λ i NaturalTransformation F[ Req i Req i ] (Req i))
[ M.RawMonad.joinNT (backRaw (forth m)) joinNT ]
joinNTEq = NaturalTransformation~≡ joinTEq
joinNTEq = lemSigP (λ i propIsNatural F[ Req i Req i ] (Req i)) _ _ joinTEq
backRawEq : backRaw (forth m) M.Monad.raw m
M.RawMonad.R (backRawEq i) = Req i