Notes from Andrea and some stuff about products

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-01-21 00:21:25 +01:00
parent da10e63cc8
commit 5fd7dcae9d
5 changed files with 181 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -10,36 +10,57 @@ open import Data.Product renaming (proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd)
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Functor
-- Use co-patterns - they help with showing more understandable types in goals.
lift-eq : {} {A B : Set } {a a' : A} {b b' : B} a a' b b' (a , b) (a' , b')
fst (lift-eq a b i) = a i
snd (lift-eq a b i) = b i
--lift-eq a b = λ i → a i , b i
open Functor
open Category
module _ { ' : Level} {A B : Category {} {'}} where
lift-eq-functors : {f g : Functor A B}
(eq* : Functor.func* f Functor.func* g)
(eq→ : PathP (λ i {x y} Arrow A x y Arrow B (eq* i x) (eq* i y))
(func→ f) (func→ g))
-- → (eq→ : Functor.func→ f ≡ {!!}) -- Functor.func→ g)
-- Use PathP
-- directly to show heterogeneous equalities by using previous
-- equalities (i.e. continuous paths) to create new continuous paths.
(eqI : PathP (λ i {c : A .Object} eq→ i (A .𝟙 {c}) B .𝟙 {eq* i c})
(ident f) (ident g))
(eqD : PathP (λ i { c c' c'' : A .Object} {a : A .Arrow c c'} {a' : A .Arrow c' c''}
eq→ i (A ._⊕_ a' a) B ._⊕_ (eq→ i a') (eq→ i a))
(distrib f) (distrib g))
f g
lift-eq-functors eq* eq→ eqI eqD i = record { func* = eq* i ; func→ = eq→ i ; ident = eqI i ; distrib = eqD i }
-- The category of categories
module _ { ' : Level} where
_⊛_ = functor-comp
module _ {A B C D : Category {} {'}} {f : Functor A B} {g : Functor B C} {h : Functor C D} where
assc : h (g f) (h g) f
assc = {!!}
module _ {A B : Category {} {'}} where
lift-eq : (f g : Functor A B)
(eq* : Functor.func* f Functor.func* g)
-- TODO: Must transport here using the equality from above.
-- Reason:
-- func→ : Arrow A dom cod → Arrow B (func* dom) (func* cod)
-- func→₁ : Arrow A dom cod → Arrow B (func*₁ dom) (func*₁ cod)
-- In other words, func→ and func→₁ does not have the same type.
-- → Functor.func→ f ≡ Functor.func→ g
-- → Functor.ident f ≡ Functor.ident g
-- → Functor.distrib f ≡ Functor.distrib g
f g
lift-eq f g eq* x = {!!}
postulate assc : h (g f) (h g) f
-- assc = lift-eq-functors refl refl {!refl!} λ i j → {!!}
module _ {A B : Category {} {'}} {f : Functor A B} where
idHere = identity {} {'} {A}
lem : (Functor.func* f) (Functor.func* idHere) Functor.func* f
lem : (func* f) (func* (identity {C = A})) func* f
lem = refl
ident-r : f identity f
ident-r = lift-eq (f identity) f refl
ident-l : identity f f
ident-l = {!!}
-- lemmm : func→ {C = A} {D = B} (f ⊛ identity) ≡ func→ f
lemmm : PathP
(λ i
{x y : Object A} Arrow A x y Arrow B (func* f x) (func* f y))
(func→ (f identity)) (func→ f)
lemmm = refl
postulate lemz : PathP (λ i {c : A .Object} PathP (λ _ Arrow B (func* f c) (func* f c)) (func→ f (A .𝟙)) (B .𝟙))
(ident (f identity)) (ident f)
-- lemz = {!!}
postulate ident-r : f identity f
-- ident-r = lift-eq-functors lem lemmm {!lemz!} {!!}
postulate ident-l : identity f f
-- ident-l = lift-eq-functors lem lemmm {!refl!} {!!}
CatCat : Category {lsuc ( ')} { '}
CatCat =
@ -48,6 +69,54 @@ module _ { ' : Level} where
; Arrow = Functor
; 𝟙 = identity
; _⊕_ = functor-comp
; assoc = {!!}
-- What gives here? Why can I not name the variables directly?
; assoc = λ {_ _ _ _ f g h} assc {f = f} {g = g} {h = h}
; ident = ident-r , ident-l
module _ { : Level} (C D : Category {} {}) where
proj₁ : Arrow CatCat (catProduct C D) C
proj₁ = record { func* = fst ; func→ = fst ; ident = refl ; distrib = refl }
proj₂ : Arrow CatCat (catProduct C D) D
proj₂ = record { func* = snd ; func→ = snd ; ident = refl ; distrib = refl }
module _ {X : Object (CatCat {} {})} (x₁ : Arrow CatCat X C) (x₂ : Arrow CatCat X D) where
open Functor
-- ident' : {c : Object X} → ((func→ x₁) {dom = c} (𝟙 X) , (func→ x₂) {dom = c} (𝟙 X)) ≡ 𝟙 (catProduct C D)
-- ident' {c = c} = lift-eq (ident x₁) (ident x₂)
x : Functor X (catProduct C D)
x = record
{ func* = λ x (func* x₁) x , (func* x₂) x
; func→ = λ x func→ x₁ x , func→ x₂ x
; ident = lift-eq (ident x₁) (ident x₂)
; distrib = lift-eq (distrib x₁) (distrib x₂)
-- Need to "lift equality of functors"
-- If I want to do this like I do it for pairs it's gonna be a pain.
isUniqL : (CatCat proj₁) x x₁
isUniqL = lift-eq-functors refl refl {!!} {!!}
isUniqR : (CatCat proj₂) x x₂
isUniqR = lift-eq-functors refl refl {!!} {!!}
isUniq : (CatCat proj₁) x x₁ × (CatCat proj₂) x x₂
isUniq = isUniqL , isUniqR
uniq : ∃![ x ] ((CatCat proj₁) x x₁ × (CatCat proj₂) x x₂)
uniq = x , isUniq
isProduct : IsProduct CatCat proj₁ proj₂
isProduct = uniq
product : Product { = CatCat} C D
product = record
{ obj = catProduct C D
; proj₁ = proj₁
; proj₂ = proj₂

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@ -25,9 +25,11 @@ Sets {} = record
; ident = funExt (λ x refl) , funExt (λ x refl)
-- Covariant Presheaf
Representable : { ' : Level} ( : Category {} {'}) Set ( lsuc ')
Representable {' = '} = Functor (Sets {'})
-- The "co-yoneda" embedding.
representable : { ' : Level} { : Category {} {'}} Category.Object Representable
representable { = } A = record
{ func* = λ B .Arrow A B
@ -38,9 +40,11 @@ representable { = } A = record
open module = Category
-- Contravariant Presheaf
Presheaf : { ' : Level} ( : Category {} {'}) Set ( lsuc ')
Presheaf {' = '} = Functor (Opposite ) (Sets {'})
-- Alternate name: `yoneda`
presheaf : { ' : Level} { : Category {} {'}} Category.Object (Opposite ) Presheaf
presheaf { = } B = record
{ func* = λ A .Arrow A B

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@ -4,15 +4,29 @@ module Cat.Category where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Unit.Base
open import Data.Product renaming (proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd)
open import Data.Product renaming
( proj₁ to fst
; proj₂ to snd
; ∃! to ∃!≈
open import Data.Empty
open import Function
open import Cubical
∃! : {a b} {A : Set a}
(A Set b) Set (a b)
∃! = ∃!≈ _≡_
∃!-syntax : {a b} {A : Set a} (A Set b) Set (a b)
∃!-syntax =
syntax ∃!-syntax (λ x B) = ∃![ x ] B
postulate undefined : { : Level} {A : Set } A
record Category { '} : Set (lsuc (' )) where
constructor category
-- adding no-eta-equality can speed up type-checking.
Object : Set
Arrow : Object Object Set '
@ -36,7 +50,7 @@ module _ { ' : Level} { : Category {} {'}} { A B : Object } w
_+_ = ._⊕_
Isomorphism : (f : .Arrow A B) Set '
Isomorphism f = Σ[ g .Arrow B A ] g + f .𝟙 × f + g .𝟙
Isomorphism f = Σ[ g .Arrow B A ] g .⊕ f .𝟙 × f + g .𝟙
Epimorphism : {X : .Object } (f : .Arrow A B) Set '
Epimorphism {X} f = ( g₀ g₁ : .Arrow B X ) g₀ + f g₁ + f g₀ g₁
@ -92,28 +106,55 @@ _≅_ { = } A B = Σ[ f ∈ .Arrow A B ] (Isomorphism { = } f)
open module = Category
Product : { : Level} ( C D : Category {} {} ) Category {} {}
Product C D =
{ Object = C.Object × D.Object
; Arrow = λ { (c , d) (c' , d')
let carr = C.Arrow c c'
darr = D.Arrow d d'
in carr × darr}
; 𝟙 = C.𝟙 , D.𝟙
; _⊕_ = λ { (bc∈C , bc∈D) (ab∈C , ab∈D) bc∈C C.⊕ ab∈C , bc∈D D.⊕ ab∈D}
; assoc = eqpair C.assoc D.assoc
; ident =
let (Cl , Cr) = C.ident
(Dl , Dr) = D.ident
in eqpair Cl Dl , eqpair Cr Dr
IsProduct : { '} ( : Category {} {'}) {A B obj : Object } (π₁ : Arrow obj A) (π₂ : Arrow obj B) Set ( ')
IsProduct {A = A} {B = B} π₁ π₂
= {X : .Object} (x₁ : .Arrow X A) (x₂ : .Arrow X B)
∃![ x ] (π₁ .⊕ x x₁ × π₂ .⊕ x x₂)
open module C = Category C
open module D = Category D
-- Two pairs are equal if their components are equal.
eqpair : { : Level} { A : Set } { B : Set } { a a' : A } { b b' : B } a a' b b' (a , b) (a' , b')
eqpair {a = a} {b = b} eqa eqb = subst eqa (subst eqb (refl {x = (a , b)}))
open module = Category
-- Consider this style for efficiency:
-- record R : Set where
-- field
-- isP : IsProduct {!!} {!!} {!!}
record Product { ' : Level} { : Category {} {'}} (A B : Category.Object ) : Set ( ') where
obj : Category.Object
proj₁ : Category.Arrow obj A
proj₂ : Category.Arrow obj B
{{isProduct}} : IsProduct proj₁ proj₂
catProduct : { : Level} ( C D : Category {} {} ) Category {} {}
catProduct C D =
{ Object = C.Object × D.Object
-- Why does "outlining with `arrowProduct` not work?
; Arrow = λ {(c , d) (c' , d') Arrow C c c' × Arrow D d d'}
; 𝟙 = C.𝟙 , D.𝟙
; _⊕_ = λ { (bc∈C , bc∈D) (ab∈C , ab∈D) bc∈C C.⊕ ab∈C , bc∈D D.⊕ ab∈D}
; assoc = eqpair C.assoc D.assoc
; ident =
let (Cl , Cr) = C.ident
(Dl , Dr) = D.ident
in eqpair Cl Dl , eqpair Cr Dr
open module C = Category C
open module D = Category D
-- Two pairs are equal if their components are equal.
eqpair : { : Level} { A : Set } { B : Set } { a a' : A } { b b' : B } a a' b b' (a , b) (a' , b')
eqpair {a = a} {b = b} eqa eqb = subst eqa (subst eqb (refl {x = (a , b)}))
-- arrowProduct : ∀ {} {C D : Category {} {}} → (Object C) × (Object D) → (Object C) × (Object D) → Set
-- arrowProduct = {!!}
-- Arrows in the product-category
arrowProduct : {} {C D : Category {} {}} (c d : Object (catProduct C D)) Set
arrowProduct {C = C} {D = D} (c , d) (c' , d') = Arrow C c c' × Arrow D d d'
Opposite : { '} Category {} {'} Category {} {'}
Opposite =
@ -128,15 +169,21 @@ Opposite =
open module = Category
-- A consequence of no-eta-equality; `Opposite-is-involution` is no longer
-- definitional - i.e.; you must match on the fields:
-- Opposite-is-involution : ∀ { '} → {C : Category {} {'}} → Opposite (Opposite C) ≡ C
-- Object (Opposite-is-involution {C = C} i) = Object C
-- Arrow (Opposite-is-involution i) = {!!}
-- 𝟙 (Opposite-is-involution i) = {!!}
-- _⊕_ (Opposite-is-involution i) = {!!}
-- assoc (Opposite-is-involution i) = {!!}
-- ident (Opposite-is-involution i) = {!!}
Hom : { ' : Level} ( : Category {} {'}) (A B : Object ) Set '
Hom A B = Arrow A B
module _ { ' : Level} { : Category {} {'}} where
Obj = Object
Arr = Arrow
_+_ = _⊕_
HomFromArrow : (A : Obj) {B B' : Obj} (g : Arr B B')
HomFromArrow : (A : .Object) {B B' : .Object} (g : .Arrow B B')
Hom A B Hom A B'
HomFromArrow _A g = λ f g + f
HomFromArrow _A = _⊕_

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module _ {A : Set} {a : A} {P : A → Set} where
w x = {!!}
vw-bij : (a : P a) (w v) a a
vw-bij a = ?
vw-bij a = {!!}
-- tubij a with (t ∘ u) a
-- ... | q = {!!}

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@ -10,8 +10,13 @@ open import Data.Empty
open import Cat.Category
-- See chapter 1 for a discussion on how presheaf categories are CwF's.
-- See section 6.8 in Huber's thesis for details on how to implement the
-- categorical version of CTT
module _ { ' : Level} (Ns : Set ) where
-- Σ is the "namespace"
-- Ns is the "namespace"
o = (lsuc lzero )
FiniteDecidableSubset : Set