Formatting in yoneda
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,51 +12,52 @@ open import Cat.Category.Functor
open import Cat.Equality
open import Cat.Categories.Fun
open import Cat.Categories.Sets
open import Cat.Categories.Cat
open import Cat.Categories.Sets hiding (presheaf)
-- There is no (small) category of categories. So we won't use _⇑_ from
-- `HasExponential`
-- open HasExponentials (Cat.hasExponentials ℓ unprovable) using (_⇑_)
-- In stead we'll use an ad-hoc definition -- which is definitionally equivalent
-- to that other one - even without mentioning the category of categories.
_⇑_ : {ℓ : Level} → Category ℓ ℓ → Category ℓ ℓ → Category ℓ ℓ
_⇑_ = Fun.Fun
module _ {ℓ : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ} where
𝓢 = Sets ℓ
open Fun (opposite ℂ) 𝓢
prshf = presheaf ℂ
presheaf = Cat.Categories.Sets.presheaf ℂ
module ℂ = Category ℂ
-- There is no (small) category of categories. So we won't use _⇑_ from
-- `HasExponential`
-- open HasExponentials (Cat.hasExponentials ℓ unprovable) using (_⇑_)
-- In stead we'll use an ad-hoc definition -- which is definitionally
-- equivalent to that other one.
_⇑_ = CatExponential.object
module _ {A B : ℂ.Object} (f : ℂ [ A , B ]) where
fmap : Transformation (prshf A) (prshf B)
fmap : Transformation (presheaf A) (presheaf B)
fmap C x = ℂ [ f ∘ x ]
fmapNatural : Natural (prshf A) (prshf B) fmap
fmapNatural : Natural (presheaf A) (presheaf B) fmap
fmapNatural g = funExt λ _ → ℂ.isAssociative
fmapNT : NaturalTransformation (prshf A) (prshf B)
fmapNT : NaturalTransformation (presheaf A) (presheaf B)
fmapNT = fmap , fmapNatural
rawYoneda : RawFunctor ℂ Fun
RawFunctor.omap rawYoneda = prshf
RawFunctor.omap rawYoneda = presheaf
RawFunctor.fmap rawYoneda = fmapNT
open RawFunctor rawYoneda hiding (fmap)
isIdentity : IsIdentity
isIdentity {c} = lemSig (naturalIsProp {F = prshf c} {prshf c}) _ _ eq
isIdentity {c} = lemSig (naturalIsProp {F = presheaf c} {presheaf c}) _ _ eq
eq : (λ C x → ℂ [ ℂ.𝟙 ∘ x ]) ≡ identityTrans (prshf c)
eq : (λ C x → ℂ [ ℂ.𝟙 ∘ x ]) ≡ identityTrans (presheaf c)
eq = funExt λ A → funExt λ B → proj₂ ℂ.isIdentity
isDistributive : IsDistributive
isDistributive {A} {B} {C} {f = f} {g}
= lemSig (propIsNatural (prshf A) (prshf C)) _ _ eq
= lemSig (propIsNatural (presheaf A) (presheaf C)) _ _ eq
T[_∘_]' = T[_∘_] {F = prshf A} {prshf B} {prshf C}
T[_∘_]' = T[_∘_] {F = presheaf A} {presheaf B} {presheaf C}
eqq : (X : ℂ.Object) → (x : ℂ [ X , A ])
→ fmap (ℂ [ g ∘ f ]) X x ≡ T[ fmap g ∘ fmap f ]' X x
eqq X x = begin
@ -76,5 +77,5 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ} where
IsFunctor.isDistributive isFunctor = isDistributive
yoneda : Functor ℂ Fun
Functor.raw yoneda = rawYoneda
Functor.raw yoneda = rawYoneda
Functor.isFunctor yoneda = isFunctor
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