Simplify proof and move propUnivalent to a more general setting
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@ -141,6 +141,9 @@ record RawCategory (ℓa ℓb : Level) : Set (lsuc (ℓa ⊔ ℓb)) where
-- This is not so straight-forward so you can assume it
postulate from[Contr] : Univalent[Contr] → Univalent
propUnivalent : isProp Univalent
propUnivalent a b i = propPi (λ iso → propIsContr) a b i
module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : RawCategory ℓa ℓb) where
record IsPreCategory : Set (lsuc (ℓa ⊔ ℓb)) where
open RawCategory ℂ public
@ -192,7 +195,8 @@ module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : RawCategory ℓa ℓb) where
propIsAssociative = propPiImpl (λ _ → propPiImpl (λ _ → propPiImpl (λ _ → propPiImpl (λ _ → propPiImpl (λ _ → propPiImpl (λ _ → propPiImpl λ _ → arrowsAreSets _ _))))))
propIsIdentity : ∀ {f : ∀ {A} → Arrow A A} → isProp (IsIdentity f)
propIsIdentity = propPiImpl (λ _ → propPiImpl λ _ → propPiImpl (λ _ → propSig (arrowsAreSets _ _) λ _ → arrowsAreSets _ _))
propIsIdentity {id} = propPiImpl (λ _ → propPiImpl λ _ → propPiImpl (λ f →
propSig (arrowsAreSets (id ∘ f) f) λ _ → arrowsAreSets (f ∘ id) f))
propArrowIsSet : isProp (∀ {A B} → isSet (Arrow A B))
propArrowIsSet = propPiImpl λ _ → propPiImpl (λ _ → isSetIsProp)
@ -303,9 +307,6 @@ module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : RawCategory ℓa ℓb) where
-- | All projections are propositions.
module Propositionality where
propUnivalent : isProp Univalent
propUnivalent a b i = propPi (λ iso → propIsContr) a b i
-- | Terminal objects are propositional - a.k.a uniqueness of terminal
-- | objects.
@ -403,30 +404,28 @@ module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : RawCategory ℓa ℓb) where
-- adverse effects this may have.
module Prop = X.Propositionality
isIdentity : (λ _ → IsIdentity identity) [ X.isIdentity ≡ Y.isIdentity ]
isIdentity = X.propIsIdentity X.isIdentity Y.isIdentity
isIdentity= : (λ _ → IsIdentity identity) [ X.isIdentity ≡ Y.isIdentity ]
isIdentity= = X.propIsIdentity X.isIdentity Y.isIdentity
isPreCategory= : X.isPreCategory ≡ Y.isPreCategory
isPreCategory= = propIsPreCategory X.isPreCategory Y.isPreCategory
p = cong IsPreCategory.isIdentity isPreCategory=
univalent= : (λ i → Univalent (p i))
[ X.univalent ≡ Y.univalent ]
univalent= = lemPropF
{A = IsIdentity identity}
{B = Univalent}
{a0 = X.isIdentity}
{a1 = Y.isIdentity}
U : ∀ {a : IsIdentity identity}
→ (λ _ → IsIdentity identity) [ X.isIdentity ≡ a ]
→ (b : Univalent a)
→ Set _
U eqwal univ =
(λ i → Univalent (eqwal i))
[ X.univalent ≡ univ ]
P : (y : IsIdentity identity)
→ (λ _ → IsIdentity identity) [ X.isIdentity ≡ y ] → Set _
P y eq = ∀ (univ : Univalent y) → U eq univ
p : ∀ (b' : Univalent X.isIdentity)
→ (λ _ → Univalent X.isIdentity) [ X.univalent ≡ b' ]
p univ = Prop.propUnivalent X.univalent univ
helper : P Y.isIdentity isIdentity
helper = pathJ P p Y.isIdentity isIdentity
eqUni : U isIdentity Y.univalent
eqUni = helper Y.univalent
done : x ≡ y
IsCategory.isPreCategory (done i)
= propIsPreCategory X.isPreCategory Y.isPreCategory i
IsCategory.univalent (done i) = eqUni i
IsCategory.isPreCategory (done i) = isPreCategory= i
IsCategory.univalent (done i) = univalent= i
propIsCategory : isProp (IsCategory ℂ)
propIsCategory = done
@ -454,7 +453,7 @@ module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} {ℂ 𝔻 : Category ℓa ℓb} where
module _ (rawEq : ℂ.raw ≡ 𝔻.raw) where
isCategoryEq : (λ i → IsCategory (rawEq i)) [ ℂ.isCategory ≡ 𝔻.isCategory ]
isCategoryEq = lemPropF propIsCategory rawEq
isCategoryEq = lemPropF {A = RawCategory _ _} {B = IsCategory} propIsCategory rawEq
Category≡ : ℂ ≡ 𝔻
Category.raw (Category≡ i) = rawEq i
@ -482,16 +481,13 @@ module Opposite {ℓa ℓb : Level} where
RawCategory.Object opRaw = ℂ.Object
RawCategory.Arrow opRaw = Function.flip ℂ.Arrow
RawCategory.identity opRaw = ℂ.identity
RawCategory._∘_ opRaw = Function.flip ℂ._∘_
RawCategory._∘_ opRaw = ℂ._>>>_
open RawCategory opRaw
isIdentity : IsIdentity identity
isIdentity = swap ℂ.isIdentity
isPreCategory : IsPreCategory opRaw
IsPreCategory.isAssociative isPreCategory = sym ℂ.isAssociative
IsPreCategory.isIdentity isPreCategory = isIdentity
IsPreCategory.isIdentity isPreCategory = swap ℂ.isIdentity
IsPreCategory.arrowsAreSets isPreCategory = ℂ.arrowsAreSets
open IsPreCategory isPreCategory
@ -512,9 +508,6 @@ module Opposite {ℓa ℓb : Level} where
flopDem : A ℂ.≅ B → A ≅ B
flopDem (f , g , inv) = g , f , inv
flipInv : ∀ {x} → (flipDem ⊙ flopDem) x ≡ x
flipInv = refl
-- Shouldn't be necessary to use `arrowsAreSets` here, but we have it,
-- so why not?
lem : (p : A ≡ B) → idToIso A B p ≡ flopDem (ℂ.idToIso A B p)
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