Move properties of categories to Cat.Category.Properties
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,68 +53,26 @@ record Category (ℓ ℓ' : Level) : Set (lsuc (ℓ' ⊔ ℓ)) where
open Category
open Category
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ'} { A B : ℂ .Object } where
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
module _ { A B : ℂ .Object } where
open module ℂ = Category ℂ
_+_ = ℂ._⊕_
Isomorphism : (f : ℂ .Arrow A B) → Set ℓ'
Isomorphism : (f : ℂ .Arrow A B) → Set ℓ'
Isomorphism f = Σ[ g ∈ ℂ.Arrow B A ] g ℂ.⊕ f ≡ ℂ.𝟙 × f + g ≡ ℂ.𝟙
Isomorphism f = Σ[ g ∈ ℂ .Arrow B A ] ℂ ._⊕_ g f ≡ ℂ .𝟙 × ℂ ._⊕_ f g ≡ ℂ .𝟙
Epimorphism : {X : ℂ .Object } → (f : ℂ .Arrow A B) → Set ℓ'
Epimorphism : {X : ℂ .Object } → (f : ℂ .Arrow A B) → Set ℓ'
Epimorphism {X} f = ( g₀ g₁ : ℂ.Arrow B X ) → g₀ + f ≡ g₁ + f → g₀ ≡ g₁
Epimorphism {X} f = ( g₀ g₁ : ℂ .Arrow B X ) → ℂ ._⊕_ g₀ f ≡ ℂ ._⊕_ g₁ f → g₀ ≡ g₁
Monomorphism : {X : ℂ .Object} → (f : ℂ .Arrow A B) → Set ℓ'
Monomorphism : {X : ℂ .Object} → (f : ℂ .Arrow A B) → Set ℓ'
Monomorphism {X} f = ( g₀ g₁ : ℂ.Arrow X A ) → f + g₀ ≡ f + g₁ → g₀ ≡ g₁
Monomorphism {X} f = ( g₀ g₁ : ℂ .Arrow X A ) → ℂ ._⊕_ f g₀ ≡ ℂ ._⊕_ f g₁ → g₀ ≡ g₁
iso-is-epi : ∀ {X} (f : ℂ.Arrow A B) → Isomorphism f → Epimorphism {X = X} f
iso-is-epi f (f- , left-inv , right-inv) g₀ g₁ eq =
g₀ ≡⟨ sym (fst ident) ⟩
g₀ + ℂ.𝟙 ≡⟨ cong (_+_ g₀) (sym right-inv) ⟩
g₀ + (f + f-) ≡⟨ assoc ⟩
(g₀ + f) + f- ≡⟨ cong (λ x → x + f-) eq ⟩
(g₁ + f) + f- ≡⟨ sym assoc ⟩
g₁ + (f + f-) ≡⟨ cong (_+_ g₁) right-inv ⟩
g₁ + ℂ.𝟙 ≡⟨ fst ident ⟩
g₁ ∎
open IsCategory ℂ.isCategory
iso-is-mono : ∀ {X} (f : ℂ.Arrow A B ) → Isomorphism f → Monomorphism {X = X} f
iso-is-mono f (f- , (left-inv , right-inv)) g₀ g₁ eq =
g₀ ≡⟨ sym (snd ident) ⟩
ℂ.𝟙 + g₀ ≡⟨ cong (λ x → x + g₀) (sym left-inv) ⟩
(f- + f) + g₀ ≡⟨ sym assoc ⟩
f- + (f + g₀) ≡⟨ cong (_+_ f-) eq ⟩
f- + (f + g₁) ≡⟨ assoc ⟩
(f- + f) + g₁ ≡⟨ cong (λ x → x + g₁) left-inv ⟩
ℂ.𝟙 + g₁ ≡⟨ snd ident ⟩
g₁ ∎
open IsCategory ℂ.isCategory
iso-is-epi-mono : ∀ {X} (f : ℂ.Arrow A B ) → Isomorphism f → Epimorphism {X = X} f × Monomorphism {X = X} f
iso-is-epi-mono f iso = iso-is-epi f iso , iso-is-mono f iso
epi-mono-is-not-iso : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} → ¬ ((ℂ : Category {ℓ} {ℓ'}) {A B X : Object ℂ} (f : Arrow ℂ A B ) → Epimorphism {ℂ = ℂ} {X = X} f → Monomorphism {ℂ = ℂ} {X = X} f → Isomorphism {ℂ = ℂ} f)
epi-mono-is-not-iso f =
let k = f {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!}
in {!!}
-- Isomorphism of objects
-- Isomorphism of objects
_≅_ : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ'} (A B : Object ℂ) → Set ℓ'
_≅_ : (A B : Object ℂ) → Set ℓ'
_≅_ {ℂ = ℂ} A B = Σ[ f ∈ ℂ .Arrow A B ] (Isomorphism {ℂ = ℂ} f)
_≅_ A B = Σ[ f ∈ ℂ .Arrow A B ] (Isomorphism f)
IsProduct : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') {A B obj : Object ℂ} (π₁ : Arrow ℂ obj A) (π₂ : Arrow ℂ obj B) → Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') {A B obj : Object ℂ} where
IsProduct ℂ {A = A} {B = B} π₁ π₂
IsProduct : (π₁ : Arrow ℂ obj A) (π₂ : Arrow ℂ obj B) → Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
IsProduct π₁ π₂
= ∀ {X : ℂ .Object} (x₁ : ℂ .Arrow X A) (x₂ : ℂ .Arrow X B)
= ∀ {X : ℂ .Object} (x₁ : ℂ .Arrow X A) (x₂ : ℂ .Arrow X B)
→ ∃![ x ] (π₁ ℂ.⊕ x ≡ x₁ × π₂ ℂ.⊕ x ≡ x₂)
→ ∃![ x ] (ℂ ._⊕_ π₁ x ≡ x₁ × ℂ ._⊕_ π₂ x ≡ x₂)
open module ℂ = Category ℂ
-- Tip from Andrea; Consider this style for efficiency:
-- Tip from Andrea; Consider this style for efficiency:
-- record IsProduct {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category {ℓ} {ℓ'})
-- record IsProduct {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category {ℓ} {ℓ'})
@ -131,19 +89,7 @@ record Product {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ'} (A B : ℂ .Object)
proj₂ : ℂ .Arrow obj B
proj₂ : ℂ .Arrow obj B
{{isProduct}} : IsProduct ℂ proj₁ proj₂
{{isProduct}} : IsProduct ℂ proj₁ proj₂
-- Two pairs are equal if their components are equal.
eqpair : ∀ {ℓa ℓb} {A : Set ℓa} {B : Set ℓb} {a a' : A} {b b' : B}
→ a ≡ a' → b ≡ b' → (a , b) ≡ (a' , b')
eqpair eqa eqb i = eqa i , eqb i
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') where
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') where
_ : IsCategory (ℂ .Object) (flip (ℂ .Arrow)) (ℂ .𝟙) (flip (ℂ ._⊕_))
_ = record { assoc = sym assoc ; ident = swap ident }
open IsCategory (ℂ .isCategory)
Opposite : Category ℓ ℓ'
Opposite : Category ℓ ℓ'
Opposite =
Opposite =
@ -151,7 +97,10 @@ module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') where
; Arrow = flip (ℂ .Arrow)
; Arrow = flip (ℂ .Arrow)
; 𝟙 = ℂ .𝟙
; 𝟙 = ℂ .𝟙
; _⊕_ = flip (ℂ ._⊕_)
; _⊕_ = flip (ℂ ._⊕_)
; isCategory = record { assoc = sym assoc ; ident = swap ident }
open IsCategory (ℂ .isCategory)
-- A consequence of no-eta-equality; `Opposite-is-involution` is no longer
-- A consequence of no-eta-equality; `Opposite-is-involution` is no longer
-- definitional - i.e.; you must match on the fields:
-- definitional - i.e.; you must match on the fields:
@ -2,10 +2,53 @@
module Cat.Category.Properties where
module Cat.Category.Properties where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Product
open import Cubical.PathPrelude
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Functor
open import Cat.Functor
open import Cat.Categories.Sets
open import Cat.Categories.Sets
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ'} { A B : ℂ .Category.Object } {X : ℂ .Category.Object} (f : ℂ .Category.Arrow A B) where
open Category ℂ
open IsCategory (isCategory)
iso-is-epi : Isomorphism {ℂ = ℂ} f → Epimorphism {ℂ = ℂ} {X = X} f
iso-is-epi (f- , left-inv , right-inv) g₀ g₁ eq =
g₀ ≡⟨ sym (proj₁ ident) ⟩
g₀ ⊕ 𝟙 ≡⟨ cong (_⊕_ g₀) (sym right-inv) ⟩
g₀ ⊕ (f ⊕ f-) ≡⟨ assoc ⟩
(g₀ ⊕ f) ⊕ f- ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ ⊕ f-) eq ⟩
(g₁ ⊕ f) ⊕ f- ≡⟨ sym assoc ⟩
g₁ ⊕ (f ⊕ f-) ≡⟨ cong (_⊕_ g₁) right-inv ⟩
g₁ ⊕ 𝟙 ≡⟨ proj₁ ident ⟩
g₁ ∎
iso-is-mono : Isomorphism {ℂ = ℂ} f → Monomorphism {ℂ = ℂ} {X = X} f
iso-is-mono (f- , (left-inv , right-inv)) g₀ g₁ eq =
g₀ ≡⟨ sym (proj₂ ident) ⟩
𝟙 ⊕ g₀ ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ ⊕ g₀) (sym left-inv) ⟩
(f- ⊕ f) ⊕ g₀ ≡⟨ sym assoc ⟩
f- ⊕ (f ⊕ g₀) ≡⟨ cong (_⊕_ f-) eq ⟩
f- ⊕ (f ⊕ g₁) ≡⟨ assoc ⟩
(f- ⊕ f) ⊕ g₁ ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ ⊕ g₁) left-inv ⟩
𝟙 ⊕ g₁ ≡⟨ proj₂ ident ⟩
g₁ ∎
iso-is-epi-mono : Isomorphism {ℂ = ℂ} f → Epimorphism {ℂ = ℂ} {X = X} f × Monomorphism {ℂ = ℂ} {X = X} f
iso-is-epi-mono iso = iso-is-epi iso , iso-is-mono iso
epi-mono-is-not-iso : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} → ¬ ((ℂ : Category {ℓ} {ℓ'}) {A B X : Object ℂ} (f : Arrow ℂ A B ) → Epimorphism {ℂ = ℂ} {X = X} f → Monomorphism {ℂ = ℂ} {X = X} f → Isomorphism {ℂ = ℂ} f)
epi-mono-is-not-iso f =
let k = f {!!} {!!} {!!} {!!}
in {!!}
module _ {ℓa ℓa' ℓb ℓb'} where
module _ {ℓa ℓa' ℓb ℓb'} where
Exponential : Category ℓa ℓa' → Category ℓb ℓb' → Category {!!} {!!}
Exponential : Category ℓa ℓa' → Category ℓb ℓb' → Category {!!} {!!}
Exponential A B = record
Exponential A B = record
@ -13,7 +56,7 @@ module _ {ℓa ℓa' ℓb ℓb'} where
; Arrow = {!!}
; Arrow = {!!}
; 𝟙 = {!!}
; 𝟙 = {!!}
; _⊕_ = {!!}
; _⊕_ = {!!}
; isCategory = ?
; isCategory = {!!}
_⇑_ = Exponential
_⇑_ = Exponential
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