Rename proj. to fst and snd

This commit is contained in:
Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-04-05 10:41:56 +02:00
parent d78965d73f
commit 8276deb4aa
15 changed files with 238 additions and 221 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
module Cat.Categories.Cat where
open import Cat.Prelude renaming (proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd)
open import Cat.Prelude renaming (fst to fst ; snd to snd)
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category.Functor
@ -83,16 +83,16 @@ module CatProduct { ' : Level} ( 𝔻 : Category ') where
object : Category '
Category.raw object = rawProduct
proj₁ : Functor object
proj₁ = record
fstF : Functor object
fstF = record
{ raw = record
{ omap = fst ; fmap = fst }
; isFunctor = record
{ isIdentity = refl ; isDistributive = refl }
proj₂ : Functor object 𝔻
proj₂ = record
sndF : Functor object 𝔻
sndF = record
{ raw = record
{ omap = snd ; fmap = snd }
; isFunctor = record
@ -116,19 +116,19 @@ module CatProduct { ' : Level} ( 𝔻 : Category ') where
open module x = Functor x₁
open module x = Functor x₂
isUniqL : F[ proj₁ x ] x₁
isUniqL : F[ fstF x ] x₁
isUniqL = Functor≡ refl
isUniqR : F[ proj₂ x ] x₂
isUniqR : F[ sndF x ] x₂
isUniqR = Functor≡ refl
isUniq : F[ proj₁ x ] x₁ × F[ proj₂ x ] x₂
isUniq : F[ fstF x ] x₁ × F[ sndF x ] x₂
isUniq = isUniqL , isUniqR
isProduct : ∃![ x ] (F[ proj₁ x ] x₁ × F[ proj₂ x ] x₂)
isProduct : ∃![ x ] (F[ fstF x ] x₁ × F[ sndF x ] x₂)
isProduct = x , isUniq , uq
module _ {y : Functor X object} (eq : F[ proj₁ y ] x₁ × F[ proj₂ y ] x₂) where
module _ {y : Functor X object} (eq : F[ fstF y ] x₁ × F[ sndF y ] x₂) where
omapEq : Functor.omap x Functor.omap y
omapEq = {!!}
-- fmapEq : (λ i → {!{A B : ?} → Arrow A B → 𝔻 [ ? A , ? B ]!}) [ Functor.fmap x ≡ Functor.fmap y ]
@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ module _ { ' : Level} (unprovable : IsCategory (RawCat ')) where
rawProduct : RawProduct Cat 𝔻
RawProduct.object rawProduct = P.object
RawProduct.proj₁ rawProduct = P.proj₁
RawProduct.proj₂ rawProduct = P.proj₂
RawProduct.fst rawProduct = P.fstF
RawProduct.snd rawProduct = P.sndF
isProduct : IsProduct Cat _ _ rawProduct
IsProduct.ump isProduct = P.isProduct
@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ module CatExponential { : Level} ( 𝔻 : Category ) where
object = Fun
module _ {dom cod : Functor 𝔻 × .Object} where
open Σ dom renaming (proj₁ to F ; proj₂ to A)
open Σ cod renaming (proj₁ to G ; proj₂ to B)
open Σ dom renaming (fst to F ; snd to A)
open Σ cod renaming (fst to G ; snd to B)
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ module CatExponential { : Level} ( 𝔻 : Category ) where
open CatProduct renaming (object to _⊗_) using ()
module _ {c : Functor 𝔻 × .Object} where
open Σ c renaming (proj₁ to F ; proj₂ to C)
open Σ c renaming (fst to F ; snd to C)
ident : fmap {c} {c} (identityNT F , .identity {A = snd c}) 𝔻.identity
ident = begin
@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ module CatExponential { : Level} ( 𝔻 : Category ) where
module F = Functor F
module _ {F×A G×B H×C : Functor 𝔻 × .Object} where
open Σ F×A renaming (proj₁ to F ; proj₂ to A)
open Σ G×B renaming (proj₁ to G ; proj₂ to B)
open Σ H×C renaming (proj₁ to H ; proj₂ to C)
open Σ F×A renaming (fst to F ; snd to A)
open Σ G×B renaming (fst to G ; snd to B)
open Σ H×C renaming (fst to H ; snd to C)
module F = Functor F
module G = Functor G
@ -225,14 +225,14 @@ module CatExponential { : Level} ( 𝔻 : Category ) where
module _
{θ×f : NaturalTransformation F G × [ A , B ]}
{η×g : NaturalTransformation G H × [ B , C ]} where
open Σ θ×f renaming (proj₁ to θNT ; proj₂ to f)
open Σ θNT renaming (proj₁ to θ ; proj₂ to θNat)
open Σ η×g renaming (proj₁ to ηNT ; proj₂ to g)
open Σ ηNT renaming (proj₁ to η ; proj₂ to ηNat)
open Σ θ×f renaming (fst to θNT ; snd to f)
open Σ θNT renaming (fst to θ ; snd to θNat)
open Σ η×g renaming (fst to ηNT ; snd to g)
open Σ ηNT renaming (fst to η ; snd to ηNat)
ηθNT : NaturalTransformation F H
ηθNT = NT[_∘_] {F} {G} {H} ηNT θNT
open Σ ηθNT renaming (proj₁ to ηθ ; proj₂ to ηθNat)
open Σ ηθNT renaming (fst to ηθ ; snd to ηθNat)
isDistributive :
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ η C θ C ] F.fmap ( [ g f ] ) ]

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@ -25,21 +25,21 @@ module _ {a b : Level} where
module T = Functor T
Type : (Γ : .Object) Set a
Type Γ = proj₁ (proj₁ (T.omap Γ))
Type Γ = fst (fst (T.omap Γ))
module _ {Γ : .Object} {A : Type Γ} where
-- module _ {A B : Object } {γ : [ A , B ]} where
-- k : Σ (proj₁ (omap T B) → proj₁ (omap T A))
-- k : Σ (fst (omap T B) → fst (omap T A))
-- (λ f →
-- {x : proj₁ (omap T B)} →
-- proj₂ (omap T B) x → proj₂ (omap T A) (f x))
-- {x : fst (omap T B)} →
-- snd (omap T B) x → snd (omap T A) (f x))
-- k = T.fmap γ
-- k₁ : proj₁ (omap T B) → proj₁ (omap T A)
-- k₁ = proj₁ k
-- k₂ : ({x : proj₁ (omap T B)} →
-- proj₂ (omap T B) x → proj₂ (omap T A) (k₁ x))
-- k₂ = proj₂ k
-- k₁ : fst (omap T B) → fst (omap T A)
-- k₁ = fst k
-- k₂ : ({x : fst (omap T B)} →
-- snd (omap T B) x → snd (omap T A) (k₁ x))
-- k₂ = snd k
record ContextComprehension : Set (a b) where

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@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ open import Cat.Category
module _ (a b : Level) where
Object = Σ[ hA hSet a ] (proj₁ hA hSet b)
Object = Σ[ hA hSet a ] (fst hA hSet b)
Arr : Object Object Set (a b)
Arr ((A , _) , B) ((A' , _) , B') = Σ[ f (A A') ] ({x : A} proj₁ (B x) proj₁ (B' (f x)))
Arr ((A , _) , B) ((A' , _) , B') = Σ[ f (A A') ] ({x : A} fst (B x) fst (B' (f x)))
identity : {A : Object} Arr A A
proj₁ identity = λ x x
proj₂ identity = λ b b
fst identity = λ x x
snd identity = λ b b
_∘_ : {a b c : Object} Arr b c Arr a b Arr a c
(g , g') (f , f') = g Function.∘ f , g' Function.∘ f'
@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ module _ (a b : Level) where
{sA = setPi λ _ hB}
{sB = λ f
helpr : isSet ((a : A) proj₁ (famA a) proj₁ (famB (f a)))
helpr = setPi λ a setPi λ _ proj₂ (famB (f a))
helpr : isSet ((a : A) fst (famA a) fst (famB (f a)))
helpr = setPi λ a setPi λ _ snd (famB (f a))
-- It's almost like above, but where the first argument is
-- implicit.
res : isSet ({a : A} proj₁ (famA a) proj₁ (famB (f a)))
res : isSet ({a : A} fst (famA a) fst (famB (f a)))
res = {!!}
in res

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@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ module Fun {c c' d d' : Level} ( : Category c c') (𝔻 : C
center : Σ[ G Object ] (F G)
center = F , id-to-iso F F refl
open Σ center renaming (proj₂ to isoF)
open Σ center renaming (snd to isoF)
module _ (cG : Σ[ G Object ] (F G)) where
open Σ cG renaming (proj₁ to G ; proj₂ to isoG)
open Σ cG renaming (fst to G ; snd to isoG)
module G = Functor G
open Σ isoG renaming (proj₁ to θNT ; proj₂ to invθNT)
open Σ invθNT renaming (proj₁ to ηNT ; proj₂ to areInv)
open Σ θNT renaming (proj₁ to θ ; proj₂ to θN)
open Σ ηNT renaming (proj₁ to η ; proj₂ to ηN)
open Σ areInv renaming (proj₁ to ve-re ; proj₂ to re-ve)
open Σ isoG renaming (fst to θNT ; snd to invθNT)
open Σ invθNT renaming (fst to ηNT ; snd to areInv)
open Σ θNT renaming (fst to θ ; snd to θN)
open Σ ηNT renaming (fst to η ; snd to ηN)
open Σ areInv renaming (fst to ve-re ; snd to re-ve)
-- f ~ Transformation G G
-- f : (X : .Object) → 𝔻 [ G.omap X , G.omap X ]

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Cat.Categories.Rel where
open import Cat.Prelude renaming (proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd)
open import Cat.Prelude renaming (fst to fst ; snd to snd)
open import Function
open import Cat.Category

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@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas --cubical --caching #-}
module Cat.Categories.Sets where
open import Cat.Prelude hiding (_≃_)
import Data.Product
open import Cat.Prelude as P hiding (_≃_)
open import Function using (_∘_ ; _∘_)
@ -38,8 +37,8 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
open RawCategory SetsRaw hiding (_∘_)
isIdentity : IsIdentity
proj₁ isIdentity = funExt λ _ refl
proj₂ isIdentity = funExt λ _ refl
fst isIdentity = funExt λ _ refl
snd isIdentity = funExt λ _ refl
open Univalence (λ {A} {B} {f} isIdentity {A} {B} {f})
@ -48,14 +47,14 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
isIso = Eqv.Isomorphism
module _ {hA hB : hSet } where
open Σ hA renaming (proj₁ to A ; proj₂ to sA)
open Σ hB renaming (proj₁ to B ; proj₂ to sB)
open Σ hA renaming (fst to A ; snd to sA)
open Σ hB renaming (fst to B ; snd to sB)
lem1 : (f : A B) isSet A isSet B isProp (isIso f)
lem1 f sA sB = res
module _ (x y : isIso f) where
module x = Σ x renaming (proj₁ to inverse ; proj₂ to areInverses)
module y = Σ y renaming (proj₁ to inverse ; proj₂ to areInverses)
module x = Σ x renaming (fst to inverse ; snd to areInverses)
module y = Σ y renaming (fst to inverse ; snd to areInverses)
module xA = AreInverses x.areInverses
module yA = AreInverses y.areInverses
-- I had a lot of difficulty using the corresponding proof where
@ -88,24 +87,24 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
res i = 1eq i , 2eq i
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {P : A Set b} where
lem2 : ((x : A) isProp (P x)) (p q : Σ A P)
(p q) (proj₁ p proj₁ q)
(p q) (fst p fst q)
lem2 pA p q = fromIsomorphism iso
f : {p q} p q proj₁ p proj₁ q
f e i = proj₁ (e i)
g : {p q} proj₁ p proj₁ q p q
f : {p q} p q fst p fst q
f e i = fst (e i)
g : {p q} fst p fst q p q
g {p} {q} = lemSig pA p q
ve-re : (e : p q) (g f) e e
ve-re = pathJ (\ q (e : p q) (g f) e e)
(\ i j p .proj₁ , propSet (pA (p .proj₁)) (p .proj₂) (p .proj₂) (λ i (g {p} {p} f) (λ i₁ p) i .proj₂) (λ i p .proj₂) i j ) q
re-ve : (e : proj₁ p proj₁ q) (f {p} {q} g {p} {q}) e e
(\ i j p .fst , propSet (pA (p .fst)) (p .snd) (p .snd) (λ i (g {p} {p} f) (λ i₁ p) i .snd) (λ i p .snd) i j ) q
re-ve : (e : fst p fst q) (f {p} {q} g {p} {q}) e e
re-ve e = refl
inv : AreInverses (f {p} {q}) (g {p} {q})
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
iso : (p q) Eqv.≅ (proj₁ p proj₁ q)
iso : (p q) Eqv.≅ (fst p fst q)
iso = f , g , inv
lem3 : {c} {Q : A Set (c b)}
@ -119,37 +118,37 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
k : Eqv.Isomorphism _
k = Equiv≃.toIso _ _ (_≃_.isEqv (eA a))
open Σ k renaming (proj₁ to g')
open Σ k renaming (fst to g')
ve-re : (x : Σ A P) (g f) x x
ve-re x i = proj₁ x , eq i
ve-re x i = fst x , eq i
eq : proj₂ ((g f) x) proj₂ x
eq : snd ((g f) x) snd x
eq = begin
proj₂ ((g f) x) ≡⟨⟩
proj₂ (g (f (a , pA))) ≡⟨⟩
snd ((g f) x) ≡⟨⟩
snd (g (f (a , pA))) ≡⟨⟩
g' (_≃_.eqv (eA a) pA) ≡⟨ lem
open Σ x renaming (proj₁ to a ; proj₂ to pA)
open Σ x renaming (fst to a ; snd to pA)
k : Eqv.Isomorphism _
k = Equiv≃.toIso _ _ (_≃_.isEqv (eA a))
open Σ k renaming (proj₁ to g' ; proj₂ to inv)
open Σ k renaming (fst to g' ; snd to inv)
module A = AreInverses inv
-- anti-funExt
lem : (g' (_≃_.eqv (eA a))) pA pA
lem i = A.verso-recto i pA
re-ve : (x : Σ A Q) (f g) x x
re-ve x i = proj₁ x , eq i
re-ve x i = fst x , eq i
open Σ x renaming (proj₁ to a ; proj₂ to qA)
open Σ x renaming (fst to a ; snd to qA)
eq = begin
proj₂ ((f g) x) ≡⟨⟩
snd ((f g) x) ≡⟨⟩
_≃_.eqv (eA a) (g' qA) ≡⟨ (λ i A.recto-verso i qA)
k : Eqv.Isomorphism _
k = Equiv≃.toIso _ _ (_≃_.isEqv (eA a))
open Σ k renaming (proj₁ to g' ; proj₂ to inv)
open Σ k renaming (fst to g' ; snd to inv)
module A = AreInverses inv
inv : AreInverses f g
inv = record
@ -183,8 +182,8 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
in fromIsomorphism iso
module _ {hA hB : Object} where
open Σ hA renaming (proj₁ to A ; proj₂ to sA)
open Σ hB renaming (proj₁ to B ; proj₂ to sB)
open Σ hA renaming (fst to A ; snd to sA)
open Σ hB renaming (fst to B ; snd to sB)
-- lem3 and the equivalence from lem4
step0 : Σ (A B) isIso Σ (A B) (isEquiv A B)
@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
univ≃ = trivial? step0 step1 step2
module _ (hA : Object) where
open Σ hA renaming (proj₁ to A)
open Σ hA renaming (fst to A)
eq1 : (Σ[ hB Object ] hA hB) (Σ[ hB Object ] hA hB)
eq1 = ua (lem3 (\ hB univ≃))
@ -245,7 +244,7 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
univalent[Contr] = subst {P = isContr} (sym eq1) tres
module _ (y : Σ[ hB Object ] hA hB) where
open Σ y renaming (proj₁ to hB ; proj₂ to hA≡hB)
open Σ y renaming (fst to hB ; snd to hA≡hB)
qres : (hA , refl) (hB , hA≡hB)
qres = contrSingl hA≡hB
@ -273,8 +272,8 @@ module _ { : Level} where
open import Cubical.Sigma
module _ (hA hB : Object) where
open Σ hA renaming (proj₁ to A ; proj₂ to sA)
open Σ hB renaming (proj₁ to B ; proj₂ to sB)
open Σ hA renaming (fst to A ; snd to sA)
open Σ hB renaming (fst to B ; snd to sB)
productObject : Object
@ -285,30 +284,30 @@ module _ { : Level} where
_&&&_ x = f x , g x
module _ (hX : Object) where
open Σ hX renaming (proj₁ to X)
open Σ hX renaming (fst to X)
module _ (f : X A ) (g : X B) where
ump : proj₁ Function.∘′ (f &&& g) f × proj₂ Function.∘′ (f &&& g) g
proj₁ ump = refl
proj₂ ump = refl
ump : fst Function.∘′ (f &&& g) f × snd Function.∘′ (f &&& g) g
fst ump = refl
snd ump = refl
rawProduct : RawProduct 𝓢 hA hB
RawProduct.object rawProduct = productObject
RawProduct.proj₁ rawProduct = Data.Product.proj₁
RawProduct.proj₂ rawProduct = Data.Product.proj₂
RawProduct.fst rawProduct = fst
RawProduct.snd rawProduct = snd
isProduct : IsProduct 𝓢 _ _ rawProduct
IsProduct.ump isProduct {X = hX} f g
= f &&& g , ump hX f g , λ eq funExt (umpUniq eq)
open Σ hX renaming (proj₁ to X) using ()
module _ {y : X A × B} (eq : proj₁ Function.∘′ y f × proj₂ Function.∘′ y g) (x : X) where
p1 : proj₁ ((f &&& g) x) proj₁ (y x)
open Σ hX renaming (fst to X) using ()
module _ {y : X A × B} (eq : fst Function.∘′ y f × snd Function.∘′ y g) (x : X) where
p1 : fst ((f &&& g) x) fst (y x)
p1 = begin
proj₁ ((f &&& g) x) ≡⟨⟩
f x ≡⟨ (λ i sym (proj₁ eq) i x)
proj₁ (y x)
p2 : proj₂ ((f &&& g) x) proj₂ (y x)
p2 = λ i sym (proj₂ eq) i x
fst ((f &&& g) x) ≡⟨⟩
f x ≡⟨ (λ i sym (fst eq) i x)
fst (y x)
p2 : snd ((f &&& g) x) snd (y x)
p2 = λ i sym (snd eq) i x
umpUniq : (f &&& g) x y x
umpUniq i = p1 i , p2 i

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@ -29,10 +29,6 @@
module Cat.Category where
open import Cat.Prelude
( proj₁ to fst
; proj₂ to snd
import Function
@ -136,10 +132,10 @@ record RawCategory (a b : Level) : Set (lsuc (a ⊔ b)) where
-- It may be that we need something weaker than this, in that there
-- may be some other lemmas available to us.
-- For instance, `need0` should be available to us when we prove `need1`.
(need0 : (s : Σ Object (A ≅_)) (open Σ s renaming (proj₁ to Y) using ()) A Y)
(need0 : (s : Σ Object (A ≅_)) (open Σ s renaming (fst to Y) using ()) A Y)
(need2 : (iso : A A)
(open Σ iso renaming (proj₁ to f ; proj₂ to iso-f))
(open Σ iso-f renaming (proj₁ to f~ ; proj₂ to areInv))
(open Σ iso renaming (fst to f ; snd to iso-f))
(open Σ iso-f renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to areInv))
(identity , identity) (f , f~)
) where
@ -147,7 +143,7 @@ record RawCategory (a b : Level) : Set (lsuc (a ⊔ b)) where
c = A , idIso A
module _ (y : Σ Object (A ≅_)) where
open Σ y renaming (proj₁ to Y ; proj₂ to isoY)
open Σ y renaming (fst to Y ; snd to isoY)
q : A Y
q = need0 y
@ -163,8 +159,8 @@ record RawCategory (a b : Level) : Set (lsuc (a ⊔ b)) where
d : D A refl
d A≅Y i = a0 i , a1 i , a2 i
open Σ A≅Y renaming (proj₁ to f ; proj₂ to iso-f)
open Σ iso-f renaming (proj₁ to f~ ; proj₂ to areInv)
open Σ A≅Y renaming (fst to f ; snd to iso-f)
open Σ iso-f renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to areInv)
aaa : (identity , identity) (f , f~)
aaa = need2 A≅Y
a0 : identity f
@ -309,8 +305,8 @@ record IsCategory {a b : Level} ( : RawCategory a b) : Set (lsuc
propIsTerminal T x y i {X} = res X i
module _ (X : Object) where
open Σ (x {X}) renaming (proj₁ to fx ; proj₂ to cx)
open Σ (y {X}) renaming (proj₁ to fy ; proj₂ to cy)
open Σ (x {X}) renaming (fst to fx ; snd to cx)
open Σ (y {X}) renaming (fst to fy ; snd to cy)
fp : fx fy
fp = cx fy
prop : (x : Arrow X T) isProp ( f x f)
@ -328,10 +324,10 @@ record IsCategory {a b : Level} ( : RawCategory a b) : Set (lsuc
propTerminal : isProp Terminal
propTerminal Xt Yt = res
open Σ Xt renaming (proj₁ to X ; proj₂ to Xit)
open Σ Yt renaming (proj₁ to Y ; proj₂ to Yit)
open Σ (Xit {Y}) renaming (proj₁ to Y→X) using ()
open Σ (Yit {X}) renaming (proj₁ to X→Y) using ()
open Σ Xt renaming (fst to X ; snd to Xit)
open Σ Yt renaming (fst to Y ; snd to Yit)
open Σ (Xit {Y}) renaming (fst to Y→X) using ()
open Σ (Yit {X}) renaming (fst to X→Y) using ()
open import Cat.Equivalence hiding (_≅_)
-- Need to show `left` and `right`, what we know is that the arrows are
-- unique. Well, I know that if I compose these two arrows they must give
@ -361,8 +357,8 @@ record IsCategory {a b : Level} ( : RawCategory a b) : Set (lsuc
propIsInitial I x y i {X} = res X i
module _ (X : Object) where
open Σ (x {X}) renaming (proj₁ to fx ; proj₂ to cx)
open Σ (y {X}) renaming (proj₁ to fy ; proj₂ to cy)
open Σ (x {X}) renaming (fst to fx ; snd to cx)
open Σ (y {X}) renaming (fst to fy ; snd to cy)
fp : fx fy
fp = cx fy
prop : (x : Arrow I X) isProp ( f x f)
@ -375,10 +371,10 @@ record IsCategory {a b : Level} ( : RawCategory a b) : Set (lsuc
propInitial : isProp Initial
propInitial Xi Yi = res
open Σ Xi renaming (proj₁ to X ; proj₂ to Xii)
open Σ Yi renaming (proj₁ to Y ; proj₂ to Yii)
open Σ (Xii {Y}) renaming (proj₁ to Y→X) using ()
open Σ (Yii {X}) renaming (proj₁ to X→Y) using ()
open Σ Xi renaming (fst to X ; snd to Xii)
open Σ Yi renaming (fst to Y ; snd to Yii)
open Σ (Xii {Y}) renaming (fst to Y→X) using ()
open Σ (Yii {X}) renaming (fst to X→Y) using ()
open import Cat.Equivalence hiding (_≅_)
-- Need to show `left` and `right`, what we know is that the arrows are
-- unique. Well, I know that if I compose these two arrows they must give
@ -508,7 +504,7 @@ module Opposite {a b : Level} where
open import Cat.Equivalence as Equivalence hiding (_≅_)
k : Equivalence.Isomorphism (.id-to-iso A B)
k = Equiv≃.toIso _ _ .univalent
open Σ k renaming (proj₁ to f ; proj₂ to inv)
open Σ k renaming (fst to f ; snd to inv)
open AreInverses inv
_⊙_ = Function._∘_
@ -531,12 +527,12 @@ module Opposite {a b : Level} where
l = id-to-iso A B p
r = flopDem (.id-to-iso A B p)
open Σ l renaming (proj₁ to l-obv ; proj₂ to l-areInv)
open Σ l-areInv renaming (proj₁ to l-invs ; proj₂ to l-iso)
open Σ l-iso renaming (proj₁ to l-l ; proj₂ to l-r)
open Σ r renaming (proj₁ to r-obv ; proj₂ to r-areInv)
open Σ r-areInv renaming (proj₁ to r-invs ; proj₂ to r-iso)
open Σ r-iso renaming (proj₁ to r-l ; proj₂ to r-r)
open Σ l renaming (fst to l-obv ; snd to l-areInv)
open Σ l-areInv renaming (fst to l-invs ; snd to l-iso)
open Σ l-iso renaming (fst to l-l ; snd to l-r)
open Σ r renaming (fst to r-obv ; snd to r-areInv)
open Σ r-areInv renaming (fst to r-invs ; snd to r-iso)
open Σ r-iso renaming (fst to r-l ; snd to r-r)
l-obv≡r-obv : l-obv r-obv
l-obv≡r-obv = refl
l-invs≡r-invs : l-invs r-invs

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module _ { '} ( : Category ') {{hasProducts : HasProducts }}
{{isExponential}} : IsExponential obj eval
transpose : (A : Object) [ A × B , C ] [ A , obj ]
transpose A f = proj₁ (isExponential A f)
transpose A f = fst (isExponential A f)
record HasExponentials { ' : Level} ( : Category ') {{_ : HasProducts }} : Set ( ') where
open Category

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
module MI = M.IsMonad m
forthIsMonad : K.IsMonad (forthRaw raw)
K.IsMonad.isIdentity forthIsMonad = proj₂ MI.isInverse
K.IsMonad.isIdentity forthIsMonad = snd MI.isInverse
K.IsMonad.isNatural forthIsMonad = MI.isNatural
K.IsMonad.isDistributive forthIsMonad = MI.isDistributive
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ module _ {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
inv-l = begin
joinT X pureT (R.omap X) ≡⟨⟩
join pure ≡⟨ proj₁ isInverse
join pure ≡⟨ fst isInverse
inv-r = begin
joinT X R.fmap (pureT X) ≡⟨⟩
join fmap pure ≡⟨ proj₂ isInverse
join fmap pure ≡⟨ snd isInverse
back : K.Monad M.Monad
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
Rfmap (f >>> pureT B) >>> joinT B ≡⟨⟩
Rfmap (f >>> pureT B) >>> joinT B ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ >>> joinT B) R.isDistributive
Rfmap f >>> Rfmap (pureT B) >>> joinT B ≡⟨ .isAssociative
joinT B Rfmap (pureT B) Rfmap f ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ Rfmap f) (proj₂ isInverse)
joinT B Rfmap (pureT B) Rfmap f ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ Rfmap f) (snd isInverse)
identity Rfmap f ≡⟨ .leftIdentity
Rfmap f

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@ -165,12 +165,12 @@ record IsMonad (raw : RawMonad) : Set where
R.fmap f join
pureNT : NaturalTransformation R⁰ R
proj₁ pureNT = pureT
proj₂ pureNT = pureN
fst pureNT = pureT
snd pureNT = pureN
joinNT : NaturalTransformation R
proj₁ joinNT = joinT
proj₂ joinNT = joinN
fst joinNT = joinT
snd joinNT = joinN
isNaturalForeign : IsNaturalForeign
isNaturalForeign = begin

View file

@ -29,14 +29,14 @@ record RawMonad : Set where
-- Note that `pureT` and `joinT` differs from their definition in the
-- kleisli formulation only by having an explicit parameter.
pureT : Transformation Functors.identity R
pureT = proj₁ pureNT
pureT = fst pureNT
pureN : Natural Functors.identity R pureT
pureN = proj₂ pureNT
pureN = snd pureNT
joinT : Transformation F[ R R ] R
joinT = proj₁ joinNT
joinT = fst joinNT
joinN : Natural F[ R R ] R joinT
joinN = proj₂ joinNT
joinN = snd joinNT
Romap = Functor.omap R
Rfmap = Functor.fmap R
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ record IsMonad (raw : RawMonad) : Set where
joinT Y R.fmap f pureT X ≡⟨ sym .isAssociative
joinT Y (R.fmap f pureT X) ≡⟨ cong (λ φ joinT Y φ) (sym (pureN f))
joinT Y (pureT (R.omap Y) f) ≡⟨ .isAssociative
joinT Y pureT (R.omap Y) f ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ f) (proj₁ isInverse)
joinT Y pureT (R.omap Y) f ≡⟨ cong (λ φ φ f) (fst isInverse)
identity f ≡⟨ .leftIdentity
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ private
xX = x {X}
yX = y {X}
e1 = Category.arrowsAreSets _ _ (proj₁ xX) (proj₁ yX)
e2 = Category.arrowsAreSets _ _ (proj₂ xX) (proj₂ yX)
e1 = Category.arrowsAreSets _ _ (fst xX) (fst yX)
e2 = Category.arrowsAreSets _ _ (snd xX) (snd yX)
open IsMonad
propIsMonad : (raw : _) isProp (IsMonad raw)

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ module voe {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
-- | to talk about voevodsky's construction.
module _ (omap : Omap ) (pure : {X : Object} Arrow X (omap X)) where
module E = AreInverses (Monoidal≅Kleisli .proj₂ .proj₂)
module E = AreInverses (Monoidal≅Kleisli .snd .snd)
Monoidal→Kleisli : M.Monad K.Monad
Monoidal→Kleisli = E.obverse

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module _ (F G : Functor 𝔻) where
propIsNatural θ x y i {A} {B} f = 𝔻.arrowsAreSets _ _ (x f) (y f) i
NaturalTransformation≡ : {α β : NaturalTransformation}
(eq₁ : α .proj₁ β .proj₁)
(eq₁ : α .fst β .fst)
α β
NaturalTransformation≡ eq = lemSig propIsNatural _ _ eq
@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ module _ {F G H : Functor 𝔻} where
T[ θ η ] C = 𝔻 [ θ C η C ]
NT[_∘_] : NaturalTransformation G H NaturalTransformation F G NaturalTransformation F H
proj₁ NT[ (θ , _) (η , _) ] = T[ θ η ]
proj₂ NT[ (θ , θNat) (η , ηNat) ] {A} {B} f = begin
fst NT[ (θ , _) (η , _) ] = T[ θ η ]
snd NT[ (θ , θNat) (η , ηNat) ] {A} {B} f = begin
𝔻 [ T[ θ η ] B F.fmap f ] ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 [ 𝔻 [ θ B η B ] F.fmap f ] ≡⟨ sym 𝔻.isAssociative
𝔻 [ θ B 𝔻 [ η B F.fmap f ] ] ≡⟨ cong (λ φ 𝔻 [ θ B φ ]) (ηNat f)

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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
module Cat.Category.Product where
open import Cubical.NType.Properties
open import Cat.Prelude hiding (_×_ ; proj₁ ; proj₂)
import Data.Product as P
open import Cat.Prelude as P hiding (_×_ ; fst ; snd)
-- module P = Cat.Prelude
open import Cat.Category
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ module _ {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
object : Object
proj₁ : [ object , A ]
proj₂ : [ object , B ]
fst : [ object , A ]
snd : [ object , B ]
-- FIXME Not sure this is actually a proposition - so this name is
-- misleading.
@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ module _ {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
open RawProduct raw public
ump : {X : Object} (f : [ X , A ]) (g : [ X , B ])
∃![ f×g ] ( [ proj₁ f×g ] f P.× [ proj₂ f×g ] g)
∃![ f×g ] ( [ fst f×g ] f P.× [ snd f×g ] g)
-- | Arrow product
_P[_×_] : {X} (π₁ : [ X , A ]) (π₂ : [ X , B ])
[ X , object ]
_P[_×_] π₁ π₂ = P.proj₁ (ump π₁ π₂)
_P[_×_] π₁ π₂ = P.fst (ump π₁ π₂)
record Product : Set (a b) where
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ module _ {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
-- The product mentioned in awodey in Def 6.1 is not the regular product of
-- arrows. It's a "parallel" product
module _ {A A' B B' : Object} where
open Product
open Product (product A B) hiding (_P[_×_]) renaming (proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd)
open Product using (_P[_×_])
open Product (product A B) hiding (_P[_×_]) renaming (fst to fst ; snd to snd)
_|×|_ : [ A , A' ] [ B , B' ] [ A × B , A' × B' ]
f |×| g = product A' B'
P[ [ f fst ]
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} { : Category a b} {A B : Category.Object
module _ {X : Object} (f : [ X , A ]) (g : [ X , B ]) where
module _ (f×g : Arrow X y.object) where
help : isProp ({y} ( [ y.proj₁ y ] f) P.× ( [ y.proj₂ y ] g) f×g y)
help : isProp ({y} ( [ y.fst y ] f) P.× ( [ y.snd y ] g) f×g y)
help = propPiImpl (λ _ propPi (λ _ arrowsAreSets _ _))
res = ∃-unique (x.ump f g) (y.ump f g)
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ module _ {a b : Level} { : Category a b} {A B : Category.Object
module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
(let module = Category ) {A B : .Object} where
open import Data.Product
open P
module _ where
raw : RawCategory _ _
@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
isAssocitaive : IsAssociative
isAssocitaive {A'@(A , a0 , a1)} {B , _} {C , c0 , c1} {D'@(D , d0 , d1)} {ff@(f , f0 , f1)} {gg@(g , g0 , g1)} {hh@(h , h0 , h1)} i
= s0 i , lemPropF propEqs s0 {proj₂ l} {proj₂ r} i
= s0 i , lemPropF propEqs s0 {P.snd l} {P.snd r} i
l = hh (gg ff)
r = hh gg ff
-- s0 : h .∘ (g .∘ f) ≡ h .∘ g .∘ f
s0 : proj₁ l proj₁ r
s0 : fst l fst r
s0 = .isAssociative {f = f} {g} {h}
@ -143,15 +143,15 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
isIdentity {AA@(A , a0 , a1)} {BB@(B , b0 , b1)} {f , f0 , f1} = leftIdentity , rightIdentity
leftIdentity : identity (f , f0 , f1) (f , f0 , f1)
leftIdentity i = l i , lemPropF propEqs l {proj₂ L} {proj₂ R} i
leftIdentity i = l i , lemPropF propEqs l {snd L} {snd R} i
L = identity (f , f0 , f1)
R : Arrow AA BB
R = f , f0 , f1
l : proj₁ L proj₁ R
l : fst L fst R
l = .leftIdentity
rightIdentity : (f , f0 , f1) identity (f , f0 , f1)
rightIdentity i = l i , lemPropF propEqs l {proj₂ L} {proj₂ R} i
rightIdentity i = l i , lemPropF propEqs l {snd L} {snd R} i
L = (f , f0 , f1) identity
R : Arrow AA BB
@ -165,29 +165,50 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
open Univalence isIdentity
module _ (A : Object) where
c : Σ Object (A ≅_)
c = A , {!!}
univalent[Contr] : isContr (Σ Object (A ≅_))
univalent[Contr] = {!!} , {!!}
-- module _ (X : Object) where
-- center : Σ Object (X ≅_)
-- center = X , idIso X
-- module _ (y : Σ Object (X ≅_)) where
-- open Σ y renaming (fst to Y ; snd to X≅Y)
-- contractible : (X , idIso X) ≡ (Y , X≅Y)
-- contractible = {!!}
-- univalent[Contr] : isContr (Σ Object (X ≅_))
-- univalent[Contr] = center , contractible
-- module _ (y : Σ Object (X ≡_)) where
-- open Σ y renaming (fst to Y ; snd to p)
-- a0 : X ≡ Y
-- a0 = {!!}
-- a1 : PathP (λ i → X ≡ a0 i) refl p
-- a1 = {!!}
-- where
-- P : (Z : Object) → X ≡ Z → Set _
-- P Z p = PathP (λ i → X ≡ Z)
-- alt' : (X , refl) ≡ y
-- alt' i = a0 i , a1 i
-- alt : isContr (Σ Object (X ≡_))
-- alt = (X , refl) , alt'
univalent' : Univalent[Contr]
univalent' = univalence-lemma p q
module _ {𝕏 : Object} where
open Σ 𝕏 renaming (proj₁ to X ; proj₂ to x0x1)
open Σ x0x1 renaming (proj₁ to x0 ; proj₂ to x1)
open Σ 𝕏 renaming (fst to X ; snd to x0x1)
open Σ x0x1 renaming (fst to x0 ; snd to x1)
-- x0 : X → A in
-- x1 : X → B in
module _ (𝕐-isoY : Σ Object (𝕏 ≅_)) where
open Σ 𝕐-isoY renaming (proj₁ to 𝕐 ; proj₂ to isoY)
open Σ 𝕐 renaming (proj₁ to Y ; proj₂ to y0y1)
open Σ y0y1 renaming (proj₁ to y0 ; proj₂ to y1)
open Σ isoY renaming (proj₁ to 𝓯 ; proj₂ to iso-𝓯)
open Σ iso-𝓯 renaming (proj₁ to 𝓯~; proj₂ to inv-𝓯)
open Σ 𝓯 renaming (proj₁ to f ; proj₂ to inv-f)
open Σ 𝓯~ renaming (proj₁ to f~ ; proj₂ to inv-f~)
open Σ inv-𝓯 renaming (proj₁ to left ; proj₂ to right)
open Σ 𝕐-isoY renaming (fst to 𝕐 ; snd to isoY)
open Σ 𝕐 renaming (fst to Y ; snd to y0y1)
open Σ y0y1 renaming (fst to y0 ; snd to y1)
open Σ isoY renaming (fst to 𝓯 ; snd to iso-𝓯)
open Σ iso-𝓯 renaming (fst to 𝓯~; snd to inv-𝓯)
open Σ 𝓯 renaming (fst to f ; snd to inv-f)
open Σ 𝓯~ renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to inv-f~)
open Σ inv-𝓯 renaming (fst to left ; snd to right)
-- y0 : Y → A in
-- y1 : Y → B in
-- f : X → Y in
@ -199,24 +220,24 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
= f
, f~
, ( begin
[ f~ f ] ≡⟨ (λ i proj₁ (left i))
[ f~ f ] ≡⟨ (λ i fst (left i))
, ( begin
[ f f~ ] ≡⟨ (λ i proj₁ (right i))
[ f f~ ] ≡⟨ (λ i fst (right i))
p0 : X Y
p0 = .iso-to-id iso
-- I note `left2` and right2` here as a reminder.
left2 : PathP
(λ i [ x0 proj₁ (left i) ] x0 × [ x1 proj₁ (left i) ] x1)
(proj₂ (𝓯~ 𝓯)) (proj₂ identity)
left2 i = proj₂ (left i)
(λ i [ x0 fst (left i) ] x0 × [ x1 fst (left i) ] x1)
(snd (𝓯~ 𝓯)) (snd identity)
left2 i = snd (left i)
right2 : PathP
(λ i [ y0 proj₁ (right i) ] y0 × [ y1 proj₁ (right i) ] y1)
(proj₂ (𝓯 𝓯~)) (proj₂ identity)
right2 i = proj₂ (right i)
(λ i [ y0 fst (right i) ] y0 × [ y1 fst (right i) ] y1)
(snd (𝓯 𝓯~)) (snd identity)
right2 i = snd (right i)
-- My idea:
-- x0, x1 and y0 and y1 are product arrows as in the diagram
@ -245,23 +266,23 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
p : (X , x0x1) (Y , y0y1)
p i = p0 i , {!!}
module _ (iso : 𝕏 𝕏) where
open Σ iso renaming (proj₁ to 𝓯 ; proj₂ to inv-𝓯)
open Σ inv-𝓯 renaming (proj₁ to 𝓯~) using ()
open Σ 𝓯 renaming (proj₁ to f ; proj₂ to inv-f)
open Σ 𝓯~ renaming (proj₁ to f~ ; proj₂ to inv-f~)
open Σ iso renaming (fst to 𝓯 ; snd to inv-𝓯)
open Σ inv-𝓯 renaming (fst to 𝓯~) using ()
open Σ 𝓯 renaming (fst to f ; snd to inv-f)
open Σ 𝓯~ renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to inv-f~)
q0' : .identity f
q0' i = {!!}
prop : x isProp ( [ x0 x ] x0 × [ x1 x ] x1)
prop x = propSig
( .arrowsAreSets ( [ x0 x ]) x0)
(λ _ .arrowsAreSets ( [ x1 x ]) x1)
q0'' : PathP (λ i [ x0 q0' i ] x0 × [ x1 q0' i ] x1) (proj₂ identity) inv-f
q0'' : PathP (λ i [ x0 q0' i ] x0 × [ x1 q0' i ] x1) (snd identity) inv-f
q0'' = lemPropF prop q0'
q0 : identity 𝓯
q0 i = q0' i , q0'' i
q1' : .identity f~
q1' = {!!}
q1'' : PathP (λ i ( [ x0 q1' i ]) x0 × ( [ x1 q1' i ]) x1) (proj₂ identity) inv-f~
q1'' : PathP (λ i ( [ x0 q1' i ]) x0 × ( [ x1 q1' i ]) x1) (snd identity) inv-f~
q1'' = lemPropF prop q1'
q1 : identity 𝓯~
q1 i = q1' i , {!!}
@ -275,11 +296,11 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
open import Cubical.Univalence
module _ (c : (X , x) (Y , y)) where
-- module _ (c : _ ≅ _) where
open Σ c renaming (proj₁ to f_c ; proj₂ to inv_c)
open Σ inv_c renaming (proj₁ to g_c ; proj₂ to ainv_c)
open Σ ainv_c renaming (proj₁ to left ; proj₂ to right)
open Σ c renaming (fst to f_c ; snd to inv_c)
open Σ inv_c renaming (fst to g_c ; snd to ainv_c)
open Σ ainv_c renaming (fst to left ; snd to right)
c0 : X .≅ Y
c0 = proj₁ f_c , proj₁ g_c , (λ i proj₁ (left i)) , (λ i proj₁ (right i))
c0 = fst f_c , fst g_c , (λ i fst (left i)) , (λ i fst (right i))
f0 : X Y
f0 = .iso-to-id c0
module _ {A : .Object} (α : .Arrow X A) where
@ -296,7 +317,7 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
prp : isSet (.Object × .Arrow Y A × .Arrow Y B)
prp = setSig {sA = {!!}} {(λ _ setSig {sA = .arrowsAreSets} {λ _ .arrowsAreSets})}
ve-re : (p : (X , x) (Y , y)) f (id-to-iso _ _ p) p
-- ve-re p i j = {!.arrowsAreSets!} , .arrowsAreSets _ _ (let k = proj₁ (proj₂ (p i)) in {!!}) {!!} {!!} {!!} , {!!}
-- ve-re p i j = {!.arrowsAreSets!} , .arrowsAreSets _ _ (let k = fst (snd (p i)) in {!!}) {!!} {!!} {!!} , {!!}
ve-re p = let k = prp {!!} {!!} {!!} {!p!} in {!!}
re-ve : (iso : (X , x) (Y , y)) id-to-iso _ _ (f iso) iso
re-ve = {!!}
@ -332,17 +353,17 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
rawP : RawProduct A B
rawP = record
{ object = X
; proj₁ = x0
; proj₂ = x1
; fst = x0
; snd = x1
-- open RawProduct rawP renaming (proj₁ to x0 ; proj₂ to x1)
-- open RawProduct rawP renaming (fst to x0 ; snd to x1)
module _ {Y : .Object} (p0 : [ Y , A ]) (p1 : [ Y , B ]) where
uy : isContr (Arrow (Y , p0 , p1) (X , x0 , x1))
uy = uniq {Y , p0 , p1}
open Σ uy renaming (proj₁ to Y→X ; proj₂ to contractible)
open Σ Y→X renaming (proj₁ to p0×p1 ; proj₂ to cond)
open Σ uy renaming (fst to Y→X ; snd to contractible)
open Σ Y→X renaming (fst to p0×p1 ; snd to cond)
ump : ∃![ f×g ] ( [ x0 f×g ] p0 P.× [ x1 f×g ] p1)
ump = p0×p1 , cond , λ {y} x let k = contractible (y , x) in λ i proj₁ (k i)
ump = p0×p1 , cond , λ {y} x let k = contractible (y , x) in λ i fst (k i)
isP : IsProduct A B rawP
isP = record { ump = ump }
p : Product A B
@ -356,31 +377,31 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
module p = Product p
module isp = IsProduct p.isProduct
o : Object
o = p.object , p.proj₁ , p.proj₂
o = p.object , p.fst , p.snd
module _ {Xx : Object} where
open Σ Xx renaming (proj₁ to X ; proj₂ to x)
open Σ Xx renaming (fst to X ; snd to x)
Xo : [ X , isp.object ]
Xo = isp._P[_×_] (proj₁ x) (proj₂ x)
ump = p.ump (proj₁ x) (proj₂ x)
Xoo = proj₁ (proj₂ ump)
Xo = isp._P[_×_] (fst x) (snd x)
ump = p.ump (fst x) (snd x)
Xoo = fst (snd ump)
Xo : Arrow Xx o
Xo = Xo , Xoo
contractible : y Xo y
contractible (y , yy) = res
k : Xo y
k = proj₂ (proj₂ ump) (yy)
k = snd (snd ump) (yy)
prp : a isProp
( ( [ p.proj₁ a ] proj₁ x)
× ( [ p.proj₂ a ] proj₂ x)
( ( [ p.fst a ] fst x)
× ( [ p.snd a ] snd x)
prp ab ac ad i
= .arrowsAreSets _ _ (proj₁ ac) (proj₁ ad) i
, .arrowsAreSets _ _ (proj₂ ac) (proj₂ ad) i
= .arrowsAreSets _ _ (fst ac) (fst ad) i
, .arrowsAreSets _ _ (snd ac) (snd ad) i
h :
( λ i
[ p.proj₁ k i ] proj₁ x
× [ p.proj₂ k i ] proj₂ x
[ p.fst k i ] fst x
× [ p.snd k i ] snd x
) [ Xoo yy ]
h = lemPropF prp k
res : (Xo , Xoo) (y , yy)
@ -396,8 +417,8 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
-- RawProduct does not have eta-equality.
e : Product.raw (f (g p)) Product.raw p
RawProduct.object (e i) = p.object
RawProduct.proj₁ (e i) = p.proj₁
RawProduct.proj₂ (e i) = p.proj₂
RawProduct.fst (e i) = p.fst
RawProduct.snd (e i) = p.snd
inv : AreInverses f g
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re

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@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ module Cat.Prelude where
open import Agda.Primitive public
-- FIXME Use:
-- open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma public
open import Agda.Builtin.Sigma public
-- Rather than
open import Data.Product public
renaming (∃! to ∃!≈)
using (_×_ ; Σ-syntax ; swap)
-- TODO Import Data.Function under appropriate names.
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
-- * Utilities --
-- | Unique existensials.
-- | Unique existentials.
∃! : {a b} {A : Set a}
(A Set b) Set (a b)
∃! = ∃!≈ _≡_
@ -57,15 +58,15 @@ module _ ( : Level) where
syntax ∃!-syntax (λ x B) = ∃![ x ] B
module _ {a b} {A : Set a} {P : A Set b} (f g : ∃! P) where
open Σ (proj₂ f) renaming (proj₂ to u)
open Σ (snd f) renaming (snd to u)
∃-unique : proj₁ f proj₁ g
∃-unique = u (proj₁ (proj₂ g))
∃-unique : fst f fst g
∃-unique = u (fst (snd g))
module _ {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : A Set b} {a b : Σ A B}
(proj₁ : (λ _ A) [ proj₁ a proj₁ b ])
(proj₂ : (λ i B (proj₁≡ i)) [ proj₂ a proj₂ b ]) where
(fst : (λ _ A) [ fst a fst b ])
(snd : (λ i B (fst≡ i)) [ snd a snd b ]) where
Σ≡ : a b
proj₁ (Σ≡ i) = proj₁ i
proj₂ (Σ≡ i) = proj₂ i
fst (Σ≡ i) = fst i
snd (Σ≡ i) = snd i