Rename functor composition - implement monads...

In their monoidal form.
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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-02-24 12:52:16 +01:00
parent cb8533b84a
commit 8527fe0df4
2 changed files with 67 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -124,8 +124,9 @@ module _ { ' : Level} {A B C : Category '} (F : Functor B C) (G : F
; isDistributive = dist ; isDistributive = dist
} }
_∘f_ : Functor A C F[_∘_] _∘f_ : Functor A C
raw _∘f_ = _∘fr_ raw F[_∘_] = _∘fr_
_∘f_ = F[_∘_]
-- The identity functor -- The identity functor
identity : { '} {C : Category '} Functor C C identity : { '} {C : Category '} Functor C C

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@ -1,8 +1,71 @@
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-} {-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Cat.Category.Monad where module Cat.Category.Monad where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Product
open import Cubical open import Cubical
open import Cat.Category open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category.Functor open import Cat.Category.Functor as F
open import Cat.Category.NaturalTransformation
open import Cat.Categories.Fun open import Cat.Categories.Fun
-- "A monad in the monoidal form" [vlad]
module Monoidal {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
= a b
open Category hiding (IsAssociative)
open NaturalTransformation
record RawMonad : Set where
R : Functor
-- pure
ηNat : NaturalTransformation F.identity R
-- (>=>)
μNat : NaturalTransformation F[ R R ] R
module R = Functor R
module RR = Functor F[ R R ]
module _ {X : Object} where
-- module IdRX = Functor (F.identity {C = RX})
η : Transformation F.identity R
η = proj₁ ηNat
ηX : [ X , R.func* X ]
ηX = η X
RηX : [ R.func* X , R.func* (R.func* X) ] -- [ R.func* X , {!R.func* (R.func* X))!} ]
RηX = R.func→ ηX
ηRX = η (R.func* X)
IdRX : Arrow (R.func* X) (R.func* X)
IdRX = 𝟙 {R.func* X}
μ : Transformation F[ R R ] R
μ = proj₁ μNat
μX : [ RR.func* X , R.func* X ]
μX = μ X
RμX : [ R.func* (RR.func* X) , RR.func* X ]
RμX = R.func→ μX
μRX : [ RR.func* (R.func* X) , R.func* (R.func* X) ]
μRX = μ (R.func* X)
IsAssociative' : Set _
IsAssociative' = [ μX RμX ] [ μX μRX ]
IsInverse' : Set _
= [ μX ηRX ] IdRX
× [ μX RηX ] IdRX
-- We don't want the objects to be indexes of the type, but rather just
-- universally quantify over *all* objects of the category.
IsAssociative = {X : Object} IsAssociative' {X}
IsInverse = {X : Object} IsInverse' {X}
record IsMonad (raw : RawMonad) : Set where
open RawMonad raw public
isAssociative : IsAssociative
isInverse : IsInverse