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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-02-20 16:42:56 +01:00
parent 8ef61d9db0
commit 860c91f913

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@ -137,53 +137,27 @@ module _ {a b : Level} {C : RawCategory a b} { : IsCategory C} wh
propUnivalent a b i = propPi (λ iso propHasLevel ⟨-2⟩) a b i
module _ {a} {b} { : RawCategory a b} where
-- TODO, provable by using arrow-is-set and that isProp (isEquiv _ _ _)
-- This lemma will be useful to prove the equality of two categories.
IsCategory-is-prop : isProp (IsCategory )
IsCategory-is-prop x y i = record
-- Why choose `x`'s `propIsAssociative`?
-- Well, probably it could be pulled out of the record.
{ assoc = x.propIsAssociative x.assoc y.assoc i
; ident = ident' i
; arrowIsSet = x.propArrowIsSet x.arrowIsSet y.arrowIsSet i
; univalent = eqUni i
module x = IsCategory x
module y = IsCategory y
ident' = x.propIsIdentity x.ident y.ident
ident'' = ident' i
xuni : x.Univalent
xuni = x.univalent
yuni : y.Univalent
yuni = y.univalent
open RawCategory
Pp : (x.ident y.ident) I Set (a b)
Pp eqIdent i = {A B : Object}
isEquiv (A B) (A B)
(λ A≡B
(λ j
Σ-syntax (Arrow A (A≡B j))
(λ f Σ-syntax (Arrow (A≡B j) A) (λ g g f 𝟙 × f g 𝟙)))
( 𝟙
, 𝟙
, ident' i
open RawCategory
module _ (x y : IsCategory ) where
module IC = IsCategory
module X = IsCategory x
module Y = IsCategory y
ident = X.propIsIdentity X.ident Y.ident
done : x y
T : I Set (a b)
T = Pp {!ident'!}
open Cubical.NType.Properties
test : (λ _ x.Univalent) [ xuni xuni ]
test = refl
t = {!!}
P : (uni : x.Univalent) xuni uni Set (a b)
P = {!!}
-- T i0 ≡ x.Univalent
-- T i1 ≡ y.Univalent
eqUni : T [ xuni yuni ]
T i = {A B : Object}
isEquiv (A B) (A B)
(λ eq transp (λ i₁ A eq i₁) (𝟙 , 𝟙 , ident i))
eqUni : T [ X.univalent Y.univalent ]
eqUni = {!!}
IC.assoc (done i) = X.propIsAssociative X.assoc Y.assoc i
IC.ident (done i) = ident i
IC.arrowIsSet (done i) = X.propArrowIsSet X.arrowIsSet Y.arrowIsSet i
IC.univalent (done i) = eqUni i
propIsCategory : isProp (IsCategory )
propIsCategory = done
record Category (a b : Level) : Set (lsuc (a b)) where