More stuff about kleisli \equiv monoidal

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-03-05 10:28:16 +01:00
parent b079f5e426
commit 8f8800cb67
7 changed files with 166 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
module Cat where
import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category
import Cat.Category.Functor
import Cat.Category.Product
import Cat.Category.Exponential
import Cat.Category.CartesianClosed
import Cat.Category.NaturalTransformation
import Cat.Category.Yoneda
import Cat.Category.Monad
open import Cat.Category.Functor
open import Cat.Category.Product
open import Cat.Category.Exponential
open import Cat.Category.CartesianClosed
open import Cat.Category.NaturalTransformation
open import Cat.Category.Yoneda
open import Cat.Category.Monad
import Cat.Categories.Sets
import Cat.Categories.Cat
import Cat.Categories.Rel
import Cat.Categories.Free
import Cat.Categories.Fun
import Cat.Categories.Cube
import Cat.Categories.CwF
open import Cat.Categories.Sets
open import Cat.Categories.Cat
open import Cat.Categories.Rel
open import Cat.Categories.Free
open import Cat.Categories.Fun
open import Cat.Categories.Cube
open import Cat.Categories.CwF

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ open Category hiding (_∘_)
open Functor
module _ { ' : Level} (Ns : Set ) where
-- Ns is the "namespace"
o = (suc zero )
@ -43,7 +44,6 @@ module _ { ' : Level} (Ns : Set ) where
𝟚 = Bool
module _ (I J : FiniteDecidableSubset) where
Hom' : Set
Hom' = elmsof I elmsof J 𝟚
isInl : {a b : Level} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} A B Set

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@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ singleton : ∀ {} {𝓤 : Set } {r} {R : 𝓤𝓤 → Set r} {
singleton f = cons f empty
module _ { ' : Level} ( : Category ') where
module = Category
open Category
p-isAssociative : {A B C D : Object} {r : Path Arrow A B} {q : Path Arrow B C} {p : Path Arrow C D}
p ++ (q ++ r) (p ++ q) ++ r
p-isAssociative {r = r} {q} {empty} = refl

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@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ module _ {c c' d d'}
= c c' d d'
𝓤 = Set
Omap = Object Object 𝔻
Fmap : Omap Set _
Fmap omap = {A B}
[ A , B ] 𝔻 [ omap A , omap B ]
record RawFunctor : 𝓤 where
func* : Object Object 𝔻
@ -30,6 +34,30 @@ module _ {c c' d d'}
IsDistributive = {A B C : Object } {f : [ A , B ]} {g : [ B , C ]}
func→ ( [ g f ]) 𝔻 [ func→ g func→ f ]
-- | Equality principle for raw functors
-- The type of `func→` depend on the value of `func*`. We can wrap this up
-- into an equality principle for this type like is done for e.g. `Σ` using
-- `pathJ`.
module _ {x y : RawFunctor} where
open RawFunctor
P : (omap : Omap) (eq : func* x omap) Set _
P y eq = (fmap' : Fmap y) (λ i Fmap (eq i))
[ func→ x fmap' ]
module _
(eq : (λ i Omap) [ func* x func* y ])
(kk : P (func* x) refl)
p : P (func* y) eq
p = pathJ P kk (func* y) eq
eq→ : (λ i Fmap (eq i)) [ func→ x func→ y ]
eq→ = p (func→ y)
RawFunctor≡ : x y
func* (RawFunctor≡ i) = eq i
func→ (RawFunctor≡ i) = eq→ i
record IsFunctor (F : RawFunctor) : 𝓤 where
open RawFunctor F public
@ -98,6 +126,16 @@ module _ { ' : Level} { 𝔻 : Category '} where
eqIsF : (λ i IsFunctor 𝔻 (eqR i)) [ isFunctor F isFunctor G ]
eqIsF = IsFunctorIsProp' (isFunctor F) (isFunctor G)
FunctorEq : {F G : Functor 𝔻}
raw F raw G
raw (FunctorEq eq i) = eq i
isFunctor (FunctorEq {F} {G} eq i)
= res i
res : (λ i IsFunctor 𝔻 (eq i)) [ isFunctor F isFunctor G ]
res = IsFunctorIsProp' (isFunctor F) (isFunctor G)
module _ { ' : Level} {A B C : Category '} (F : Functor B C) (G : Functor A B) where
F* = func* F

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@ -279,18 +279,18 @@ module Kleisli {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
module R = Functor R
module R = Functor R⁰
module R² = Functor
ηTrans : Transformation R⁰ R
ηTrans A = pure
ηNatural : Natural R⁰ R ηTrans
η : Transformation R⁰ R
η A = pure
ηNatural : Natural R⁰ R η
ηNatural {A} {B} f = begin
ηTrans B R⁰.func→ f ≡⟨⟩
η B R⁰.func→ f ≡⟨⟩
pure f ≡⟨ sym (isNatural _)
bind (pure f) pure ≡⟨⟩
fmap f pure ≡⟨⟩
R.func→ f ηTrans A
μTrans : Transformation R
μTrans C = join
μNatural : Natural R μTrans
R.func→ f η A
μ : Transformation R
μ C = join
μNatural : Natural R μ
μNatural f = begin
join R².func→ f ≡⟨⟩
bind 𝟙 R².func→ f ≡⟨⟩
@ -320,11 +320,11 @@ module Kleisli {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
ηNatTrans : NaturalTransformation R⁰ R
proj₁ ηNatTrans = ηTrans
proj₁ ηNatTrans = η
proj₂ ηNatTrans = ηNatural
μNatTrans : NaturalTransformation R
proj₁ μNatTrans = μTrans
proj₁ μNatTrans = μ
proj₂ μNatTrans = μNatural
isNaturalForeign : IsNaturalForeign
@ -405,7 +405,8 @@ module Kleisli {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
-- This is problem 2.3 in [voe].
module _ {a b : Level} { : Category a b} where
open Category using (Object ; Arrow ; 𝟙 ; _∘_)
module = Category
open using (Object ; Arrow ; 𝟙 ; _∘_ ; _>>>_)
open Functor using (func* ; func→)
module M = Monoidal
module K = Kleisli
@ -482,22 +483,79 @@ module _ {a b : Level} { : Category a b} where
-- I believe all the proofs here should be `refl`.
module _ (m : K.Monad) where
open K.RawMonad (K.Monad.raw m)
open K.Monad m
-- open K.RawMonad (K.Monad.raw m)
bindEq : {X Y}
K.RawMonad.bind (forthRaw (backRaw m)) {X} {Y}
K.RawMonad.bind (K.Monad.raw m)
bindEq {X} {Y} = begin
K.RawMonad.bind (forthRaw (backRaw m)) ≡⟨⟩
(λ f μ Y func→ R f) ≡⟨⟩
(λ f join fmap f) ≡⟨⟩
(λ f bind (f >>> pure) >>> bind 𝟙) ≡⟨ funExt lem
(λ f bind f) ≡⟨⟩
μ = proj₁ μNatTrans
lem : (f : Arrow X (RR Y)) bind (f >>> pure) >>> bind 𝟙 bind f
lem f = begin
bind (f >>> pure) >>> bind 𝟙
≡⟨ isDistributive _ _
bind ((f >>> pure) >>> bind 𝟙)
≡⟨ cong bind .isAssociative
bind (f >>> (pure >>> bind 𝟙))
≡⟨ cong (λ φ bind (f >>> φ)) (isNatural _)
bind (f >>> 𝟙)
≡⟨ cong bind (proj₂ .isIdentity)
bind f
_&_ : {a b} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} A (A B) B
x & f = f x
forthRawEq : forthRaw (backRaw m) K.Monad.raw m
K.RawMonad.RR (forthRawEq _) = RR
K.RawMonad.pure (forthRawEq _) = pure
-- stuck
K.RawMonad.bind (forthRawEq i) = {!!}
K.RawMonad.bind (forthRawEq i) = bindEq i
fortheq : (m : K.Monad) forth (back m) m
fortheq m = K.Monad≡ (forthRawEq m)
module _ (m : M.Monad) where
open M.RawMonad (M.Monad.raw m)
rawEq* : Functor.func* (K.Monad.R (forth m)) Functor.func* R
rawEq* = refl
left = Functor.raw (K.Monad.R (forth m))
right = Functor.raw R
P : (omap : Omap )
(eq : RawFunctor.func* left omap)
(fmap' : Fmap omap)
Set _
P _ eq fmap' = (λ i Fmap (eq i))
[ RawFunctor.func→ left fmap' ]
-- rawEq→ : (λ i → Fmap (refl i)) [ Functor.func→ (K.Monad.R (forth m)) ≡ Functor.func→ R ]
rawEq→ : P (RawFunctor.func* right) refl (RawFunctor.func→ right)
-- rawEq→ : (fmap' : Fmap {!!}) → RawFunctor.func→ left ≡ fmap'
rawEq→ = begin
(λ {A} {B} RawFunctor.func→ left) ≡⟨ {!!}
(λ {A} {B} RawFunctor.func→ right)
-- destfmap =
source = (Functor.raw (K.Monad.R (forth m)))
-- p : (fmap' : Fmap (RawFunctor.func* source)) → (λ i → Fmap (refl i)) [ func→ source ≡ fmap' ]
-- p = {!!}
rawEq : Functor.raw (K.Monad.R (forth m)) Functor.raw R
rawEq = RawFunctor≡ {x = left} {right} refl λ fmap' {!rawEq→!}
Req : M.RawMonad.R (backRaw (forth m)) R
Req = FunctorEq rawEq
ηeq : M.RawMonad.η (backRaw (forth m)) η
ηeq = {!!}
postulate ηNatTransEq : {!!} [ M.RawMonad.ηNatTrans (backRaw (forth m)) ηNatTrans ]
open NaturalTransformation
backRawEq : backRaw (forth m) M.Monad.raw m
-- stuck
M.RawMonad.R (backRawEq i) = {!!}
M.RawMonad.ηNatTrans (backRawEq i) = {!!}
M.RawMonad.R (backRawEq i) = Req i
M.RawMonad.ηNatTrans (backRawEq i) = let t = NaturalTransformation≡ F.identity R ηeq in {!t i!}
M.RawMonad.μNatTrans (backRawEq i) = {!!}
backeq : (m : M.Monad) back (forth m) m

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Product
open import Cubical
open import Cubical.NType.Properties
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category.Functor hiding (identity)
@ -48,17 +49,13 @@ module NaturalTransformation {c c' d d' : Level}
NaturalTransformation : Set (c c' d')
NaturalTransformation = Σ Transformation Natural
-- TODO: Since naturality is a mere proposition this principle can be
-- simplified.
-- Think I need propPi and that arrows are sets
postulate propIsNatural : (θ : _) isProp (Natural θ)
NaturalTransformation≡ : {α β : NaturalTransformation}
(eq₁ : α .proj₁ β .proj₁)
(eq₂ : PathP
(λ i {A B : Object } (f : [ A , B ])
𝔻 [ eq₁ i B F.func→ f ]
𝔻 [ G.func→ f eq₁ i A ])
(α .proj₂) (β .proj₂))
α β
NaturalTransformation≡ eq eq₂ i = eq₁ i , eq₂ i
NaturalTransformation≡ eq = lemSig propIsNatural _ _ eq
identityTrans : (F : Functor 𝔻) Transformation F F
identityTrans F C = 𝟙 𝔻

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ open Equality.Data.Product
open import Cat.Categories.Cat using (RawCat)
module _ { : Level} { : Category } (unprovable : IsCategory (RawCat )) where
open import Cat.Categories.Fun
open import Cat.Categories.Sets
module Cat = Cat.Categories.Cat
@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ module _ { : Level} { : Category } (unprovable : IsCategory (RawCat
open Functor
𝓢 = Sets
open Fun (opposite ) 𝓢
Cat : Category _ _
Cat = record { raw = RawCat ; isCategory = unprovable}
prshf = presheaf { = }