Make some names more explicit

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-01-21 19:23:24 +01:00
parent 26d210dcc3
commit 922570a5bd
1 changed files with 32 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ open Functor
open Category
module _ { ' : Level} {A B : Category '} where
lift-eq-functors : {f g : Functor A B}
(eq* : Functor.func* f Functor.func* g)
(eq→ : PathP (λ i {x y} Arrow A x y Arrow B (eq* i x) (eq* i y))
(func→ f) (func→ g))
(eq* : f .func* g .func*)
(eq→ : PathP (λ i {x y} A .Arrow x y B .Arrow (eq* i x) (eq* i y))
(f .func→) (g .func→))
-- → (eq→ : Functor.func→ f ≡ {!!}) -- Functor.func→ g)
-- Use PathP
-- directly to show heterogeneous equalities by using previous
@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ module _ { ' : Level} {A B : Category '} where
(eqI : PathP (λ i {c : A .Object} eq→ i (A .𝟙 {c}) B .𝟙 {eq* i c})
(ident f) (ident g))
(eqD : PathP (λ i { c c' c'' : A .Object} {a : A .Arrow c c'} {a' : A .Arrow c' c''}
eq→ i (A ._⊕_ a' a) B ._⊕_ (eq→ i a') (eq→ i a))
(distrib f) (distrib g))
eq→ i (A ._⊕_ a' a) B ._⊕_ (eq→ i a') (eq→ i a))
(distrib f) (distrib g))
f g
lift-eq-functors eq* eq→ eqI eqD i = record { func* = eq* i ; func→ = eq→ i ; ident = eqI i ; distrib = eqD i }
@ -43,8 +43,25 @@ module _ { ' : Level} {A B : Category '} where
module _ { ' : Level} where
module _ {A B C D : Category '} {f : Functor A B} {g : Functor B C} {h : Functor C D} where
postulate assc : h ∘f (g ∘f f) (h ∘f g) ∘f f
-- assc = lift-eq-functors refl refl {!refl!} λ i j → {!!}
eq* : func* (h ∘f (g ∘f f)) func* ((h ∘f g) ∘f f)
eq* = refl
eq→ : PathP
(λ i {x y : A .Object} A .Arrow x y D .Arrow (eq* i x) (eq* i y))
(func→ (h ∘f (g ∘f f))) (func→ ((h ∘f g) ∘f f))
eq→ = refl
id-l = (h ∘f (g ∘f f)) .ident -- = func→ (h ∘f (g ∘f f)) (𝟙 A) ≡ 𝟙 D
id-r = ((h ∘f g) ∘f f) .ident -- = func→ ((h ∘f g) ∘f f) (𝟙 A) ≡ 𝟙 D
postulate eqI : PathP
(λ i {c : A .Object} eq→ i (A .𝟙 {c}) D .𝟙 {eq* i c})
(ident ((h ∘f (g ∘f f))))
(ident ((h ∘f g) ∘f f))
postulate eqD : PathP (λ i { c c' c'' : A .Object} {a : A .Arrow c c'} {a' : A .Arrow c' c''}
eq→ i (A ._⊕_ a' a) D ._⊕_ (eq→ i a') (eq→ i a))
(distrib (h ∘f (g ∘f f))) (distrib ((h ∘f g) ∘f f))
-- eqD = {!!}
assc : h ∘f (g ∘f f) (h ∘f g) ∘f f
assc = lift-eq-functors eq* eq→ eqI eqD
module _ {A B : Category '} {f : Functor A B} where
lem : (func* f) (func* (identity {C = A})) func* f
@ -71,9 +88,10 @@ module _ { ' : Level} where
; 𝟙 = identity
; _⊕_ = _∘f_
-- What gives here? Why can I not name the variables directly?
; isCategory = {!!}
-- ; assoc = λ {_ _ _ _ f g h} → assc {f = f} {g = g} {h = h}
-- ; ident = ident-r , ident-l
; isCategory = record
{ assoc = λ {_ _ _ _ f g h} assc {f = f} {g = g} {h = h}
; ident = ident-r , ident-l
module _ { : Level} (C D : Category ) where
@ -132,11 +150,11 @@ module _ { : Level} (C D : Category ) where
-- Need to "lift equality of functors"
-- If I want to do this like I do it for pairs it's gonna be a pain.
isUniqL : (Cat proj₁) x x₁
isUniqL = lift-eq-functors refl refl {!!} {!!}
postulate isUniqL : (Cat proj₁) x x₁
-- isUniqL = lift-eq-functors refl refl {!!} {!!}
isUniqR : (Cat proj₂) x x₂
isUniqR = lift-eq-functors refl refl {!!} {!!}
postulate isUniqR : (Cat proj₂) x x₂
-- isUniqR = lift-eq-functors refl refl {!!} {!!}
isUniq : (Cat proj₁) x x₁ × (Cat proj₂) x x₂
isUniq = isUniqL , isUniqR