Documentation in Monad

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-02-26 20:08:48 +01:00
parent 67993be27b
commit a0944d69b1

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@ -70,34 +70,49 @@ module Kleisli {a b : Level} ( : Category a b) where
= a b
open Category using (Arrow ; 𝟙 ; Object ; _∘_ ; _>>>_)
-- | Data for a monad.
-- Note that (>>=) is not expressible in a general category because objects
-- are not generally types.
record RawMonad : Set where
RR : Object Object
-- Note name-change from [voe]
pure : {X : Object} [ X , RR X ]
bind : {X Y : Object} [ X , RR Y ] [ RR X , RR Y ]
-- | functor map
-- This should perhaps be defined in a "Klesli-version" of functors as well?
fmap : {A B} [ A , B ] [ RR A , RR B ]
fmap f = bind (pure f)
-- Why is (>>=) not implementable? - Because in e.g. the category of sets is
-- `m a` a set. This is not necessarily the case.
-- | Composition of monads aka. the kleisli-arrow.
_>=>_ : {A B C : Object} [ A , RR B ] [ B , RR C ] [ A , RR C ]
f >=> g = f >>> (bind g)
-- _>>=_ : {A B C : Object} {m : RR A} → [ A , RR B ] → RR C
-- m >>= f = ?
-- | Flattening nested monads.
join : {A : Object} [ RR (RR A) , RR A ]
join = bind 𝟙
-- fmap id ≡ id
-- * Monad laws --
-- There may be better names than what I've chosen here.
IsIdentity = {X : Object}
-- aka. `>>= pure ≡ 𝟙`
bind pure 𝟙 {RR X}
IsNatural = {X Y : Object} (f : [ X , RR Y ])
-- aka. `pure >>= f ≡ f`
pure >>> (bind f) f
-- Not stricly a distributive law, since ∘ becomes >=>
IsDistributive = {X Y Z : Object} (g : [ Y , RR Z ]) (f : [ X , RR Y ])
-- `>>= g . >>= f ≡ >>= (>>= g . f) ≡ >>= (\x -> (f x) >>= g)`
(bind f) >>> (bind g) bind (f >=> g)
-- | Functor map fusion.
-- This is really a functor law. Should we have a kleisli-representation of
-- functors as well and make them a super-class?
Fusion = {X Y Z : Object} {g : [ Y , Z ]} {f : [ X , Y ]}
fmap (g f) fmap g fmap f