Stuff about the free category

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-02-06 11:27:22 +01:00
parent 9f1e82168f
commit a27292dd53

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@ -2,41 +2,61 @@
module Cat.Categories.Free where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Cubical hiding (Path)
open import Cubical hiding (Path ; isSet ; empty)
open import Data.Product
open import Cat.Category as C
open import Cat.Category
open IsCategory
open Category
-- data Path { : Level} {A : Set } : (a b : A) → Set where
-- emptyPath : {a : A} → Path a a
-- concatenate : {a b c : A} → Path a b → Path b c → Path a b
module _ { ' : Level} ( : Category ') where
open module = Category
module = Category
Path : (a b : .Object) Set '
emptyPath : (o : .Object) Path o o
concatenate : {a b c : .Object} Path b c Path a b Path a c
-- import Data.List
-- P : (a b : Object ) → Set (')
-- P = {!Data.List.List ?!}
-- Generalized paths:
-- data P { : Level} {A : Set } (R : A → A → Set ) : (a b : A) → Set where
-- e : {a : A} → P R a a
-- c : {a b c : A} → R a b → P R b c → P R a c
-- Path's are like lists with directions.
-- This implementation is specialized to categories.
data Path : (a b : Object ) Set ( ') where
empty : {A : Object } Path A A
cons : {A B C} [ B , C ] Path A B Path A C
concatenate : {A B C : Object } Path B C Path A B Path A C
concatenate empty p = p
concatenate (cons x q) p = cons x (concatenate q p)
module _ {A B C D : .Object} {r : Path A B} {q : Path B C} {p : Path C D} where
p-assoc : concatenate {A} {C} {D} p (concatenate {A} {B} {C} q r)
concatenate {A} {B} {D} (concatenate {B} {C} {D} p q) r
module _ {A B : .Object} {p : Path A B} where
ident-r : concatenate {A} {A} {B} p (emptyPath A) p
ident-l : concatenate {A} {B} {B} (emptyPath B) p p
RawFree : RawCategory '
module _ {A B C D : Object } where
p-assoc : {r : Path A B} {q : Path B C} {p : Path C D} concatenate p (concatenate q r) concatenate (concatenate p q) r
p-assoc {r} {q} {p} = {!!}
module _ {A B : Object } {p : Path A B} where
-- postulate
-- ident-r : concatenate {A} {A} {B} p (lift 𝟙) ≡ p
-- ident-l : concatenate {A} {B} {B} (lift 𝟙) p ≡ p
module _ {A B : Object } where
isSet : IsSet (Path A B)
isSet = {!!}
RawFree : RawCategory ( ')
RawFree = record
{ Object = .Object
{ Object = Object
; Arrow = Path
; 𝟙 = λ {o} emptyPath o
; _∘_ = λ {a b c} concatenate {a} {b} {c}
; 𝟙 = λ {o} {!lift 𝟙!}
; _∘_ = λ {a b c} {!concatenate {a} {b} {c}!}
RawIsCategoryFree : IsCategory RawFree
RawIsCategoryFree = record
{ assoc = p-assoc
; ident = ident-r , ident-l
{ assoc = {!p-assoc!}
; ident = {!ident-r , ident-l!}
; arrowIsSet = {!!}
; univalent = {!!}