Proof: Being an initial- terminal- object is a mere proposition

Also tries to use this to prove that being a product is a mere
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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-03-27 12:20:24 +02:00
parent 9898685491
commit b7a80d0b86
2 changed files with 147 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -238,6 +238,37 @@ record IsCategory {a b : Level} ( : RawCategory a b) : Set (lsuc
propUnivalent : isProp Univalent
propUnivalent a b i = propPi (λ iso propIsContr) a b i
propIsTerminal : T isProp (IsTerminal T)
propIsTerminal T x y i {X} = res X i
module _ (X : Object) where
open Σ (x {X}) renaming (proj₁ to fx ; proj₂ to cx)
open Σ (y {X}) renaming (proj₁ to fy ; proj₂ to cy)
fp : fx fy
fp = cx fy
prop : (x : Arrow X T) isProp ( f x f)
prop x = propPi (λ y arrowsAreSets x y)
cp : (λ i f fp i f) [ cx cy ]
cp = lemPropF prop fp
res : (fx , cx) (fy , cy)
res i = fp i , cp i
-- Merely the dual of the above statement.
propIsInitial : I isProp (IsInitial I)
propIsInitial I x y i {X} = res X i
module _ (X : Object) where
open Σ (x {X}) renaming (proj₁ to fx ; proj₂ to cx)
open Σ (y {X}) renaming (proj₁ to fy ; proj₂ to cy)
fp : fx fy
fp = cx fy
prop : (x : Arrow I X) isProp ( f x f)
prop x = propPi (λ y arrowsAreSets x y)
cp : (λ i f fp i f) [ cx cy ]
cp = lemPropF prop fp
res : (fx , cx) (fy , cy)
res i = fp i , cp i
-- | Propositionality of being a category
module _ {a b : Level} ( : RawCategory a b) where
open RawCategory

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas --cubical #-}
module Cat.Category.Product where
open import Cat.Prelude hiding (_×_ ; proj₁ ; proj₂)
@ -118,3 +118,118 @@ module _ {a b : Level} { : Category a b} {A B : Category.Object
propHasProducts : isProp (HasProducts )
propHasProducts = propHasProducts'
module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
(let module = Category ) {A B : .Object} (p : Product A B) where
-- open Product p hiding (raw)
open import Data.Product
raw : RawCategory _ _
raw = record
{ Object = Σ[ X .Object ] .Arrow X A × .Arrow X B
; Arrow = λ{ (A , _) (B , _) .Arrow A B}
; 𝟙 = λ{ {A , _} .𝟙 {A}}
; _∘_ = ._∘_
open RawCategory raw
open Univalence .isIdentity
open import Cat.Equivalence hiding (_≅_)
k : {A B : .Object} isEquiv (A B) (A .≅ B) (.id-to-iso A B)
k = .univalent
module _ {X' Y' : Σ[ X .Object ] ( [ X , A ] × [ X , B ])} where
open Σ X' renaming (proj₁ to X) using ()
open Σ (proj₂ X') renaming (proj₁ to Xxa ; proj₂ to Xxb)
open Σ Y' renaming (proj₁ to Y) using ()
open Σ (proj₂ Y') renaming (proj₁ to Yxa ; proj₂ to Yxb)
module _ (p : X Y) where
D : y X y Set _
D y q = b (λ i [ q i , A ]) [ Xxa b ]
-- Not sure this is actually provable - but if it were it might involve
-- something like the ump of the product -- in which case perhaps the
-- objects of the category I'm constructing should not merely be the
-- data-part of the product but also the laws.
-- d : D X refl
d : b (λ i [ X , A ]) [ Xxa b ]
d b = {!!}
kk : D Y p
kk = pathJ D d Y p
a : (λ i [ p i , A ]) [ Xxa Yxa ]
a = kk Yxa
b : (λ i [ p i , B ]) [ Xxb Yxb ]
b = {!!}
f : X' Y'
f i = p i , a i , b i
module _ (p : X' Y') where
g : X Y
g i = proj₁ (p i)
step0 : (X' Y') (X Y)
step0 = Equiv≃.fromIsomorphism _ _ (g , f , record { verso-recto = {!refl!} ; recto-verso = refl})
step1 : (X Y) X .≅ Y
step1 = .univalent≃
-- Just a reminder
step1-5 : (X' Y') (X .≅ Y)
step1-5 = refl
step2 : (X' Y') (X .≅ Y)
step2 = Equivalence.compose step0 step1
univalent : isEquiv (X' Y') (X .≅ Y) (id-to-iso X' Y')
univalent = proj₂ step2
isCategory : IsCategory raw
isCategory = record
{ isAssociative = .isAssociative
; isIdentity = .isIdentity
; arrowsAreSets = .arrowsAreSets
; univalent = univalent
category : Category _ _
category = record
{ raw = raw
; isCategory = isCategory
open Category category hiding (IsTerminal ; Object)
-- Essential turns `p : Product A B` into a triple
productObject : Object
productObject = Product.object p , Product.proj₁ p , Product.proj₂ p
productObjectIsTerminal : IsTerminal productObject
productObjectIsTerminal = {!!}
proppp : isProp (IsTerminal productObject)
proppp = Propositionality.propIsTerminal productObject
module Try1 {a b : Level} (A B : Set) where
open import Data.Product
raw : RawCategory _ _
raw = record
{ Object = Σ[ X Set ] (X A) × (X B)
; Arrow = λ{ (X0 , f0 , g0) (X1 , f1 , g1) X0 X1}
; 𝟙 = λ x x
; _∘_ = λ x x₁ x₂ x (x₁ x₂)
open RawCategory raw
isCategory : IsCategory raw
isCategory = record
{ isAssociative = refl
; isIdentity = refl , refl
; arrowsAreSets = {!!}
; univalent = {!!}
t : IsTerminal ((A × B) , proj₁ , proj₂)
t = {!!}