[WIP] Propositionality for products

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-03-30 00:12:01 +02:00
parent 432cc78821
commit ba80fe96dc

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@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ module _ {a b : Level} { : Category a b} {A B : Category.Object
propHasProducts = propHasProducts'
module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
(let module = Category ) {A B : .Object} (p : Product A B) where
(let module = Category ) {A B : .Object} where
-- open Product p hiding (raw)
open import Data.Product
module _ where
raw : RawCategory _ _
raw = record
{ Object = Σ[ X .Object ] .Arrow X A × .Arrow X B
@ -155,7 +155,15 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
open RawCategory raw
isAssocitaive : IsAssociative
isAssocitaive {A , a0 , a1} {B , _} {C , c0 , c1} {D , d0 , d1} {ff@(f , f0 , f1)} {gg@(g , g0 , g1)} {hh@(h , h0 , h1)} i
{A , a0 , a1}
{B , b0 , b1}
{C , c0 , c1}
{D , d0 , d1}
{ff@(f , f0 , f1)}
{gg@(g , g0 , g1)}
{hh@(h , h0 , h1)}
= s0 i , rl i , rr i
l = hh (gg ff)
@ -192,7 +200,7 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
rr : (λ i ( [ b1 l i ]) a1) [ proj₂ (proj₂ L) proj₂ (proj₂ R) ]
rr = lemPropF prop1 l
rightIdentity : (f , f0 , f1) 𝟙 (f , f0 , f1)
rightIdentity i = l i , rl i , {!!}
rightIdentity i = l i , rl i , rr i
L = (f , f0 , f1) 𝟙
R : Arrow AA BB
@ -208,118 +216,120 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
rr : (λ i ( [ b1 l i ]) a1) [ proj₂ (proj₂ L) proj₂ (proj₂ R) ]
rr = lemPropF prop1 l
cat : IsCategory raw
cat = record
arrowsAreSets : ArrowsAreSets
arrowsAreSets {X , x0 , x1} {Y , y0 , y1} (f , f0 , f1) (g , g0 , g1) p q = {!!}
prop : {X Y} (x y : .Arrow X Y) isProp (x y)
prop = .arrowsAreSets
a0 a1 : f g
a0 i = proj₁ (p i)
a1 i = proj₁ (q i)
a : a0 a1
a = .arrowsAreSets _ _ a0 a1
res : p q
res i j = a i j , {!b i j!} , {!!}
-- b0 b1 : (λ j → ( [ y0 ∘ a i j ]) ≡ x0) [ f0 ≡ g0 ]
-- b0 = lemPropF (λ x → prop ( [ y0 ∘ x ]) x0) (a i)
-- b1 = lemPropF (λ x → prop ( [ y0 ∘ x ]) x0) (a i)
b0 : (λ j ( [ y0 a0 j ]) x0) [ f0 g0 ]
b0 = lemPropF (λ x prop ( [ y0 x ]) x0) a0
b1 : (λ j ( [ y0 a1 j ]) x0) [ f0 g0 ]
b1 = lemPropF (λ x prop ( [ y0 x ]) x0) a1
-- b : b0 ≡ b1
-- b = {!!}
isCat : IsCategory raw
isCat = record
{ isAssociative = isAssocitaive
; isIdentity = isIdentity
; arrowsAreSets = {!!}
; arrowsAreSets = arrowsAreSets
; univalent = {!!}
module cat = IsCategory cat
cat : Category _ _
cat = record
{ raw = raw
; isCategory = isCat
open Category cat
open import Cat.Equivalence
lemma : Terminal Product A B
lemma = {!!}
lemma = Equiv≃.fromIsomorphism Terminal (Product A B) (f , g , inv)
f : Terminal Product A B
f ((X , x0 , x1) , uniq) = p
rawP : RawProduct A B
rawP = record
{ object = X
; proj₁ = x0
; proj₂ = x1
-- open RawProduct rawP renaming (proj₁ to x0 ; proj₂ to x1)
module _ {Y : .Object} (p0 : [ Y , A ]) (p1 : [ Y , B ]) where
uy : isContr (Arrow (Y , p0 , p1) (X , x0 , x1))
uy = uniq {Y , p0 , p1}
open Σ uy renaming (proj₁ to Y→X ; proj₂ to contractible)
open Σ Y→X renaming (proj₁ to p0×p1 ; proj₂ to cond)
ump : ∃![ f×g ] ( [ x0 f×g ] p0 P.× [ x1 f×g ] p1)
ump = p0×p1 , cond , λ {y} x let k = contractible (y , x) in λ i proj₁ (k i)
isP : IsProduct A B rawP
isP = record { ump = ump }
p : Product A B
p = record
{ raw = rawP
; isProduct = isP
g : Product A B Terminal
g p = o , t
module p = Product p
module isp = IsProduct p.isProduct
o : Object
o = p.object , p.proj₁ , p.proj₂
module _ {Xx : Object} where
open Σ Xx renaming (proj₁ to X ; proj₂ to x)
Xo : [ X , isp.object ]
Xo = isp._P[_×_] (proj₁ x) (proj₂ x)
ump = p.ump (proj₁ x) (proj₂ x)
Xoo = proj₁ (proj₂ ump)
Xo : Arrow Xx o
Xo = Xo , Xoo
contractible : y Xo y
contractible (y , yy) = res
k : Xo y
k = proj₂ (proj₂ ump) (yy)
prp : a isProp
( ( [ p.proj₁ a ] proj₁ x)
× ( [ p.proj₂ a ] proj₂ x)
prp ab ac ad i
= .arrowsAreSets _ _ (proj₁ ac) (proj₁ ad) i
, .arrowsAreSets _ _ (proj₂ ac) (proj₂ ad) i
h :
( λ i
[ p.proj₁ k i ] proj₁ x
× [ p.proj₂ k i ] proj₂ x
) [ Xoo yy ]
h = lemPropF prp k
res : (Xo , Xoo) (y , yy)
res i = k i , h i
t : IsTerminal o
t {Xx} = Xo , contractible
ve-re : x g (f x) x
ve-re x = Propositionality.propTerminal _ _
re-ve : x f (g x) x
re-ve x = {!!}
inv : AreInverses f g
inv = record
{ verso-recto = funExt ve-re
; recto-verso = funExt re-ve
thm : isProp (Product A B)
thm = equivPreservesNType {n = ⟨-1⟩} lemma cat.Propositionality.propTerminal
-- open Univalence .isIdentity
-- open import Cat.Equivalence hiding (_≅_)
-- k : {A B : .Object} → isEquiv (A ≡ B) (A .≅ B) (.id-to-iso A B)
-- k = .univalent
-- module _ {X' Y' : Σ[ X ∈ .Object ] ( [ X , A ] × [ X , B ])} where
-- open Σ X' renaming (proj₁ to X) using ()
-- open Σ (proj₂ X') renaming (proj₁ to Xxa ; proj₂ to Xxb)
-- open Σ Y' renaming (proj₁ to Y) using ()
-- open Σ (proj₂ Y') renaming (proj₁ to Yxa ; proj₂ to Yxb)
-- module _ (p : X ≡ Y) where
-- D : ∀ y → X ≡ y → Set _
-- D y q = ∀ b → (λ i → [ q i , A ]) [ Xxa ≡ b ]
-- -- Not sure this is actually provable - but if it were it might involve
-- -- something like the ump of the product -- in which case perhaps the
-- -- objects of the category I'm constructing should not merely be the
-- -- data-part of the product but also the laws.
-- -- d : D X refl
-- d : ∀ b → (λ i → [ X , A ]) [ Xxa ≡ b ]
-- d b = {!!}
-- kk : D Y p
-- kk = pathJ D d Y p
-- a : (λ i → [ p i , A ]) [ Xxa ≡ Yxa ]
-- a = kk Yxa
-- b : (λ i → [ p i , B ]) [ Xxb ≡ Yxb ]
-- b = {!!}
-- f : X' ≡ Y'
-- f i = p i , a i , b i
-- module _ (p : X' ≡ Y') where
-- g : X ≡ Y
-- g i = proj₁ (p i)
-- step0 : (X' ≡ Y') ≃ (X ≡ Y)
-- step0 = Equiv≃.fromIsomorphism _ _ (g , f , record { verso-recto = {!refl!} ; recto-verso = refl})
-- step1 : (X ≡ Y) ≃ X .≅ Y
-- step1 = .univalent≃
-- -- Just a reminder
-- step1-5 : (X' ≅ Y') ≡ (X .≅ Y)
-- step1-5 = refl
-- step2 : (X' ≡ Y') ≃ (X .≅ Y)
-- step2 = Equivalence.compose step0 step1
-- univalent : isEquiv (X' ≡ Y') (X .≅ Y) (id-to-iso X' Y')
-- univalent = proj₂ step2
-- isCategory : IsCategory raw
-- isCategory = record
-- { isAssociative = .isAssociative
-- ; isIdentity = .isIdentity
-- ; arrowsAreSets = .arrowsAreSets
-- ; univalent = univalent
-- }
-- category : Category _ _
-- category = record
-- { raw = raw
-- ; isCategory = isCategory
-- }
-- open Category category hiding (IsTerminal ; Object)
-- -- Essential turns `p : Product A B` into a triple
-- productObject : Object
-- productObject = Product.object p , Product.proj₁ p , Product.proj₂ p
-- productObjectIsTerminal : IsTerminal productObject
-- productObjectIsTerminal = {!!}
-- proppp : isProp (IsTerminal productObject)
-- proppp = Propositionality.propIsTerminal productObject
-- module Try1 {a b : Level} (A B : Set) where
-- open import Data.Product
-- raw : RawCategory _ _
-- raw = record
-- { Object = Σ[ X ∈ Set ] (X → A) × (X → B)
-- ; Arrow = λ{ (X0 , f0 , g0) (X1 , f1 , g1) → X0 → X1}
-- ; 𝟙 = λ x → x
-- ; _∘_ = λ x x₁ x₂ → x (x₁ x₂)
-- }
-- open RawCategory raw
-- isCategory : IsCategory raw
-- isCategory = record
-- { isAssociative = refl
-- ; isIdentity = refl , refl
-- ; arrowsAreSets = {!!}
-- ; univalent = {!!}
-- }
-- t : IsTerminal ((A × B) , proj₁ , proj₂)
-- t = {!!}
thm = equivPreservesNType {n = ⟨-1⟩} lemma Propositionality.propTerminal