Remove bad lemma for showing univalence

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Frederik Hanghøj Iversen 2018-04-05 15:23:05 +02:00
parent e69ace21a0
commit be56027c37
2 changed files with 0 additions and 158 deletions

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@ -127,67 +127,6 @@ record RawCategory (a b : Level) : Set (lsuc (a ⊔ b)) where
Univalent[Contr] : Set _
Univalent[Contr] = A isContr (Σ[ X Object ] A X)
module _ (A : Object)
-- It may be that we need something weaker than this, in that there
-- may be some other lemmas available to us.
-- For instance, `need0` should be available to us when we prove `need1`.
(need0 : (s : Σ Object (A ≅_)) (open Σ s renaming (fst to Y) using ()) A Y)
(need2 : (iso : A A)
(open Σ iso renaming (fst to f ; snd to iso-f))
(open Σ iso-f renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to areInv))
(identity , identity) (f , f~)
) where
c : Σ Object (A ≅_)
c = A , idIso A
module _ (y : Σ Object (A ≅_)) where
open Σ y renaming (fst to Y ; snd to isoY)
q : A Y
q = need0 y
-- Some error with primComp
isoAY : A Y
isoAY = {!idToIso A Y q!}
lem : PathP (λ i A q i) (idIso A) isoY
lem = d* isoAY
D : (Y : Object) (A Y) Set _
D Y p = (A≅Y : A Y) PathP (λ i A p i) (idIso A) A≅Y
d : D A refl
d A≅Y i = a0 i , a1 i , a2 i
open Σ A≅Y renaming (fst to f ; snd to iso-f)
open Σ iso-f renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to areInv)
aaa : (identity , identity) (f , f~)
aaa = need2 A≅Y
a0 : identity f
a0 i = fst (aaa i)
a1 : identity f~
a1 i = snd (aaa i)
-- we do have this!
-- I just need to rearrange the proofs a bit.
prop : {A B} (fg : Arrow A B × Arrow B A) isProp (IsInverseOf (fst fg) (snd fg))
a2 : PathP (λ i IsInverseOf (a0 i) (a1 i)) isIdentity areInv
a2 = lemPropF prop aaa
d* : D Y q
d* = pathJ D d Y q
p : (A , idIso A) (Y , isoY)
p i = q i , lem i
univ-lem : isContr (Σ Object (A ≅_))
univ-lem = c , p
: ( {A} (s : Σ Object (_≅_ A)) A fst s)
( {A} (iso : A A) (identity , identity) (fst iso , fst (snd iso)))
univalence-lemma s u A = univ-lem A s u
-- From: Thierry Coquand <>
-- Date: Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 3:12 PM

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@ -198,103 +198,6 @@ module Try0 {a b : Level} { : Category a b}
-- alt : isContr (Σ Object (X ≡_))
-- alt = (X , refl) , alt'
univalent' : Univalent[Contr]
univalent' = univalence-lemma p q
module _ {𝕏 : Object} where
open Σ 𝕏 renaming (fst to X ; snd to x0x1)
open Σ x0x1 renaming (fst to x0 ; snd to x1)
-- x0 : X → A in
-- x1 : X → B in
module _ (𝕐-isoY : Σ Object (𝕏 ≅_)) where
open Σ 𝕐-isoY renaming (fst to 𝕐 ; snd to isoY)
open Σ 𝕐 renaming (fst to Y ; snd to y0y1)
open Σ y0y1 renaming (fst to y0 ; snd to y1)
open Σ isoY renaming (fst to 𝓯 ; snd to iso-𝓯)
open Σ iso-𝓯 renaming (fst to 𝓯~; snd to inv-𝓯)
open Σ 𝓯 renaming (fst to f ; snd to inv-f)
open Σ 𝓯~ renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to inv-f~)
open Σ inv-𝓯 renaming (fst to left ; snd to right)
-- y0 : Y → A in
-- y1 : Y → B in
-- f : X → Y in
-- inv-f : [ y0 ∘ f ] ≡ x0 × [ y1 ∘ f ] ≡ x1
-- left : 𝓯~ ∘ 𝓯 ≡ identity
-- left~ : 𝓯𝓯~ ≡ identity
iso : X .≅ Y
= f
, f~
, ( begin
[ f~ f ] ≡⟨ (λ i fst (left i))
, ( begin
[ f f~ ] ≡⟨ (λ i fst (right i))
p0 : X Y
p0 = .iso-to-id iso
-- I note `left2` and right2` here as a reminder.
left2 : PathP
(λ i [ x0 fst (left i) ] x0 × [ x1 fst (left i) ] x1)
(snd (𝓯~ 𝓯)) (snd identity)
left2 i = snd (left i)
right2 : PathP
(λ i [ y0 fst (right i) ] y0 × [ y1 fst (right i) ] y1)
(snd (𝓯 𝓯~)) (snd identity)
right2 i = snd (right i)
-- My idea:
-- x0, x1 and y0 and y1 are product arrows as in the diagram
-- X
-- ↙ ↘
-- A ⇣ ⇡ B
-- ↖ ↗
-- Y (All hail unicode)
-- The dotted lines indicate the unique product arrows. Since they are
-- unique they necessarily be each others inverses. Alas, more than
-- this we must show that they are actually (heterogeneously)
-- identical as in `p1`:
p1 : PathP (λ i .Arrow (p0 i) A × .Arrow (p0 i) B) x0x1 y0y1
p1 = {!!}
-- This, however, should probably somehow follow from them being
-- inverses on objects that are propositionally equal cf. `p0`.
helper : {A B : Object} {f : Arrow A B} {g : Arrow B A}
IsInverseOf f g
(p : A B)
PathP (λ i Arrow (p i) (p (~ i))) f g
helper = {!!}
p : (X , x0x1) (Y , y0y1)
p i = p0 i , {!!}
module _ (iso : 𝕏 𝕏) where
open Σ iso renaming (fst to 𝓯 ; snd to inv-𝓯)
open Σ inv-𝓯 renaming (fst to 𝓯~) using ()
open Σ 𝓯 renaming (fst to f ; snd to inv-f)
open Σ 𝓯~ renaming (fst to f~ ; snd to inv-f~)
q0' : .identity f
q0' i = {!!}
prop : x isProp ( [ x0 x ] x0 × [ x1 x ] x1)
prop x = propSig
( .arrowsAreSets ( [ x0 x ]) x0)
(λ _ .arrowsAreSets ( [ x1 x ]) x1)
q0'' : PathP (λ i [ x0 q0' i ] x0 × [ x1 q0' i ] x1) (snd identity) inv-f
q0'' = lemPropF prop q0'
q0 : identity 𝓯
q0 i = q0' i , q0'' i
q1' : .identity f~
q1' = {!!}
q1'' : PathP (λ i ( [ x0 q1' i ]) x0 × ( [ x1 q1' i ]) x1) (snd identity) inv-f~
q1'' = lemPropF prop q1'
q1 : identity 𝓯~
q1 i = q1' i , {!!}
q : (identity , identity) (𝓯 , 𝓯~)
q i = q0 i , q1 i
univalent : Univalent
univalent {X , x} {Y , y} = {!res!}