Construct the morphism for equivalence 2
I must still show that they are inverses.
This commit is contained in:
@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : RawCategory ℓa ℓb) where
asTypeIso : TypeIsomorphism (idToIso A B)
asTypeIso : TypeIsomorphism (idToIso A B)
asTypeIso = toIso _ _ univalent
asTypeIso = toIso _ _ univalent
-- FIXME Rename
inverse-from-to-iso' : AreInverses (idToIso A B) isoToId
inverse-from-to-iso' : AreInverses (idToIso A B) isoToId
inverse-from-to-iso' = snd iso
inverse-from-to-iso' = snd iso
@ -377,6 +378,62 @@ module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : RawCategory ℓa ℓb) where
lem : p~ <<< p* ≡ identity
lem : p~ <<< p* ≡ identity
lem = fst (snd (snd (idToIso _ _ p)))
lem = fst (snd (snd (idToIso _ _ p)))
module _ {A B X : Object} (iso : A ≅ B) where
p : A ≡ B
p = isoToId iso
p-dom : Arrow A X ≡ Arrow B X
p-dom = cong (λ x → Arrow x X) p
p-cod : Arrow X A ≡ Arrow X B
p-cod = cong (λ x → Arrow X x) p
lem : ∀ {A B} {x : A ≅ B} → idToIso A B (isoToId x) ≡ x
lem {x = x} i = snd inverse-from-to-iso' i x
open Σ iso renaming (fst to ι) using ()
open Σ (snd iso) renaming (fst to ι~ ; snd to inv)
coe-dom : {f : Arrow A X} → coe p-dom f ≡ f <<< ι~
coe-dom {f} = begin
coe p-dom f
≡⟨ 9-1-9 p refl f ⟩
fst (idToIso _ _ refl) <<< f <<< fst (snd (idToIso _ _ p))
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ <<< f <<< fst (snd (idToIso _ _ p))) subst-neutral ⟩
identity <<< f <<< fst (snd (idToIso _ _ p))
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → identity <<< f <<< φ) (cong (λ x → (fst (snd x))) lem) ⟩
identity <<< f <<< ι~
≡⟨ cong (_<<< ι~) leftIdentity ⟩
f <<< ι~ ∎
coe-cod : {f : Arrow X A} → coe p-cod f ≡ ι <<< f
coe-cod {f} = begin
coe p-cod f
≡⟨ 9-1-9 refl p f ⟩
fst (idToIso _ _ p) <<< f <<< fst (snd (idToIso _ _ refl))
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → fst (idToIso _ _ p) <<< f <<< φ) subst-neutral ⟩
fst (idToIso _ _ p) <<< f <<< identity
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ <<< f <<< identity) (cong fst lem) ⟩
ι <<< f <<< identity
≡⟨ sym isAssociative ⟩
ι <<< (f <<< identity)
≡⟨ cong (ι <<<_) rightIdentity ⟩
ι <<< f ∎
module _ {f : Arrow A X} {g : Arrow B X} (q : PathP (λ i → p-dom i) f g) where
domain-twist : g ≡ f <<< ι~
domain-twist = begin
g ≡⟨ sym (coe-lem q) ⟩
coe p-dom f ≡⟨ coe-dom ⟩
f <<< ι~ ∎
-- This can probably also just be obtained from the above my taking the
-- symmetric isomorphism.
domain-twist0 : f ≡ g <<< ι
domain-twist0 = begin
f ≡⟨ sym rightIdentity ⟩
f <<< identity ≡⟨ cong (f <<<_) (sym (fst inv)) ⟩
f <<< (ι~ <<< ι) ≡⟨ isAssociative ⟩
f <<< ι~ <<< ι ≡⟨ cong (_<<< ι) (sym domain-twist) ⟩
g <<< ι ∎
-- | All projections are propositions.
-- | All projections are propositions.
module Propositionality where
module Propositionality where
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ module Try0 {ℓa ℓb : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓa ℓb}
-- I have `φ p` in scope, but surely `p` and `x` are the same - though
-- I have `φ p` in scope, but surely `p` and `x` are the same - though
-- perhaps not definitonally.
-- perhaps not definitonally.
, (λ{ (iso , x) → ℂ.isoToId iso , x})
, (λ{ (iso , x) → ℂ.isoToId iso , x})
, funExt (λ{ (p , q , r) → Σ≡ (sym iso-id-inv) (toPathP {A = λ i → {!!}} {!!})})
, funExt (λ{ (p , q , r) → Σ≡ (sym iso-id-inv) {!!}})
, funExt (λ x → Σ≡ (sym id-iso-inv) {!!})
, funExt (λ x → Σ≡ (sym id-iso-inv) {!!})
: Σ (X ℂ.≅ Y) (λ iso
: Σ (X ℂ.≅ Y) (λ iso
@ -249,55 +249,9 @@ module Try0 {ℓa ℓb : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓa ℓb}
≈ ((X , xa , xb) ≅ (Y , ya , yb))
≈ ((X , xa , xb) ≅ (Y , ya , yb))
= ( λ{ ((f , f~ , inv-f) , p , q)
= ( λ{ (iso@(f , f~ , inv-f) , p , q)
→ ( f , sym (ℂ.domain-twist0 iso p) , sym (ℂ.domain-twist0 iso q))
, ( f~ , sym (ℂ.domain-twist iso p) , sym (ℂ.domain-twist iso q))
r : X ≡ Y
r = ℂ.isoToId (f , f~ , inv-f)
r-arrow : (ℂ.Arrow X A) ≡ (ℂ.Arrow Y A)
r-arrow i = ℂ.Arrow (r i) A
t : coe r-arrow xa ≡ ℂ.identity ℂ.<<< xa ℂ.<<< f~
t = {!? ≡ ?!}
lem : ∀ {A B} {x : A ℂ.≅ B} → ℂ.idToIso A B (ℂ.isoToId x) ≡ x
lem = λ{ {x = x} i → snd ℂ.inverse-from-to-iso' i x}
lem' : ∀ {A B} {x : A ≡ B} → ℂ.isoToId (ℂ.idToIso _ _ x) ≡ x
lem' = λ{ {x = x} i → fst ℂ.inverse-from-to-iso' i x}
h : ya ≡ xa ℂ.<<< f~
h = begin
ya ≡⟨ sym (coe-lem p) ⟩
coe r-arrow xa
≡⟨ ℂ.9-1-9 r refl xa ⟩
fst (ℂ.idToIso _ _ refl) ℂ.<<< xa ℂ.<<< fst (snd (ℂ.idToIso _ _ r))
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ ℂ.<<< xa ℂ.<<< fst (snd (ℂ.idToIso _ _ r))) subst-neutral ⟩
ℂ.identity ℂ.<<< xa ℂ.<<< fst (snd (ℂ.idToIso _ _ r))
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → ℂ.identity ℂ.<<< xa ℂ.<<< φ) (cong (λ x → (fst (snd x))) lem) ⟩
ℂ.identity ℂ.<<< xa ℂ.<<< f~
≡⟨ cong (ℂ._<<< f~) ℂ.leftIdentity ⟩
xa ℂ.<<< f~ ∎
complicated : Y ≡ X
complicated = (λ z → sym (ℂ.isoToId (f , f~ , inv-f)) z)
( f , (begin
ℂ [ ya ∘ f ] ≡⟨⟩
ya ℂ.<<< f ≡⟨ sym ℂ.leftIdentity ⟩
ℂ.identity ℂ.<<< (ya ℂ.<<< f)
≡⟨ ℂ.isAssociative ⟩
ℂ.identity ℂ.<<< ya ℂ.<<< f
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ ℂ.<<< ya ℂ.<<< f) (sym subst-neutral) ⟩
fst (ℂ.idToIso _ _ refl) ℂ.<<< ya ℂ.<<< f
≡⟨ cong (λ φ → fst (ℂ.idToIso _ _ refl) ℂ.<<< ya ℂ.<<< φ)
f ≡⟨ {!cong (λ x → (fst (snd x))) ((lem {x = f~ , f , swap inv-f}))!} ⟩
-- f ≡⟨ cong fst (sym (lem {f , f~ , inv-f})) ⟩
-- fst ( ℂ.idToIso X Y ( ℂ.isoToId (f , f~ , inv-f))) ≡⟨ {!fst inv-f!} ⟩
fst (snd (ℂ.idToIso Y X (λ z → sym (ℂ.isoToId (f , f~ , inv-f)) z))) ∎)
_ ℂ.<<< ya ℂ.<<< fst (snd (ℂ.idToIso _ _ _))
≡⟨ sym (ℂ.9-1-9 (sym r) refl ya) ⟩
coe (sym r-arrow) ya
≡⟨ coe-lem (λ i → p (~ i)) ⟩
xa ∎) , {!!})
, ( f~ , sym h , {!!})
, lemA (fst inv-f)
, lemA (fst inv-f)
, lemA (snd inv-f)
, lemA (snd inv-f)
@ -308,26 +262,26 @@ module Try0 {ℓa ℓb : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓa ℓb}
iso = fst f , fst f~ , cong fst inv-f , cong fst inv-f~
iso = fst f , fst f~ , cong fst inv-f , cong fst inv-f~
p : X ≡ Y
p : X ≡ Y
p = ℂ.isoToId iso
p = ℂ.isoToId iso
lem : xa ≡ _
pA : ℂ.Arrow X A ≡ ℂ.Arrow Y A
lem = begin
pA = cong (λ x → ℂ.Arrow x A) p
xa ≡⟨ sym (fst (snd f)) ⟩
pB : ℂ.Arrow X B ≡ ℂ.Arrow Y B
ya ℂ.<<< fst f ≡⟨ sym ℂ.leftIdentity ⟩
pB = cong (λ x → ℂ.Arrow x B) p
ℂ.identity ℂ.<<< (ya ℂ.<<< fst f) ≡⟨ ℂ.isAssociative ⟩
k0 = begin
ℂ.identity ℂ.<<< ya ℂ.<<< fst f ≡⟨ {!sym (ℂ.9-1-9 ? refl ya)!} ⟩
coe pB xb ≡⟨ ℂ.coe-dom iso ⟩
_ ℂ.<<< ya ℂ.<<< _ ≡⟨ sym (ℂ.9-1-9 (sym p) refl ya) ⟩
xb ℂ.<<< fst f~ ≡⟨ snd (snd f~) ⟩
coe (λ i → ℂ.Arrow (p (~ i)) A) ya ∎
yb ∎
lem0 = begin
k1 = begin
xa ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
coe pA xa ≡⟨ ℂ.coe-dom iso ⟩
coe _ xa ≡⟨ {!!} ⟩
xa ℂ.<<< fst f~ ≡⟨ fst (snd f~) ⟩
ya ℂ.<<< fst f ∎
ya ∎
helper : PathP (λ i → ℂ.Arrow (p i) A) xa ya
helper : PathP (λ i → pA i) xa ya
helper = {!snd f!}
helper = coe-lem-inv k1
in iso , ? , {!!}})
in iso , coe-lem-inv k1 , coe-lem-inv k0})
, record
, record
{ fst = funExt (λ x → lemSig
{ fst = funExt (λ x → lemSig
(λ x → propSig prop0 (λ _ → prop1))
(λ x → propSig prop0 (λ _ → prop1))
_ _
_ _
(Σ≡ {!ℂ!} (ℂ.propIsomorphism _ _ _)))
(Σ≡ {!!} (ℂ.propIsomorphism _ _ _)))
; snd = funExt (λ{ (f , _) → lemSig propIsomorphism _ _ {!refl!}})
; snd = funExt (λ{ (f , _) → lemSig propIsomorphism _ _ {!refl!}})
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