Merge branch 'dev'
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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
module Cat where
import Cat.Categories.Sets
import Cat.Categories.Cat
import Cat.Categories.Rel
import Cat.Cubical
import Cat.Category
import Cat.Functor
import Cat.Category.Pathy
import Cat.Category.Bij
import Cat.Category.Free
import Cat.Category.Properties
import Cat.Category
import Cat.Cubical
import Cat.Functor
import Cat.Categories.Sets
import Cat.Categories.Cat
import Cat.Categories.Rel
import Cat.Categories.Fun
@ -22,27 +22,12 @@ eqpair eqa eqb i = eqa i , eqb i
open Functor
open Category
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A B : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
lift-eq-functors : {f g : Functor A B}
→ (eq* : f .func* ≡ g .func*)
→ (eq→ : PathP (λ i → ∀ {x y} → A .Arrow x y → B .Arrow (eq* i x) (eq* i y))
(f .func→) (g .func→))
-- → (eq→ : Functor.func→ f ≡ {!!}) -- Functor.func→ g)
-- Use PathP
-- directly to show heterogeneous equalities by using previous
-- equalities (i.e. continuous paths) to create new continuous paths.
→ (eqI : PathP (λ i → ∀ {c : A .Object} → eq→ i (A .𝟙 {c}) ≡ B .𝟙 {eq* i c})
(ident f) (ident g))
→ (eqD : PathP (λ i → { c c' c'' : A .Object} {a : A .Arrow c c'} {a' : A .Arrow c' c''}
→ eq→ i (A ._⊕_ a' a) ≡ B ._⊕_ (eq→ i a') (eq→ i a))
(distrib f) (distrib g))
→ f ≡ g
lift-eq-functors eq* eq→ eqI eqD i = record { func* = eq* i ; func→ = eq→ i ; ident = eqI i ; distrib = eqD i }
-- The category of categories
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} where
module _ (ℓ ℓ' : Level) where
module _ {A B C D : Category ℓ ℓ'} {f : Functor A B} {g : Functor B C} {h : Functor C D} where
eq* : func* (h ∘f (g ∘f f)) ≡ func* ((h ∘f g) ∘f f)
eq* = refl
eq→ : PathP
@ -58,27 +43,46 @@ module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} where
postulate eqD : PathP (λ i → { c c' c'' : A .Object} {a : A .Arrow c c'} {a' : A .Arrow c' c''}
→ eq→ i (A ._⊕_ a' a) ≡ D ._⊕_ (eq→ i a') (eq→ i a))
(distrib (h ∘f (g ∘f f))) (distrib ((h ∘f g) ∘f f))
-- eqD = {!!}
assc : h ∘f (g ∘f f) ≡ (h ∘f g) ∘f f
assc = lift-eq-functors eq* eq→ eqI eqD
assc = Functor≡ eq* eq→ eqI eqD
module _ {A B : Category ℓ ℓ'} {f : Functor A B} where
lem : (func* f) ∘ (func* (identity {C = A})) ≡ func* f
lem = refl
module _ {ℂ 𝔻 : Category ℓ ℓ'} {F : Functor ℂ 𝔻} where
module _ where
eq* : (func* F) ∘ (func* (identity {C = ℂ})) ≡ func* F
eq* = refl
-- lemmm : func→ {C = A} {D = B} (f ∘f identity) ≡ func→ f
lemmm : PathP
eq→ : PathP
(λ i →
{x y : Object A} → Arrow A x y → Arrow B (func* f x) (func* f y))
(func→ (f ∘f identity)) (func→ f)
lemmm = refl
postulate lemz : PathP (λ i → {c : A .Object} → PathP (λ _ → Arrow B (func* f c) (func* f c)) (func→ f (A .𝟙)) (B .𝟙))
(ident (f ∘f identity)) (ident f)
-- lemz = {!!}
postulate ident-r : f ∘f identity ≡ f
-- ident-r = lift-eq-functors lem lemmm {!lemz!} {!!}
postulate ident-l : identity ∘f f ≡ f
-- ident-l = lift-eq-functors lem lemmm {!refl!} {!!}
{x y : Object ℂ} → Arrow ℂ x y → Arrow 𝔻 (func* F x) (func* F y))
(func→ (F ∘f identity)) (func→ F)
eq→ = refl
eqI-r : PathP (λ i → {c : ℂ .Object}
→ PathP (λ _ → Arrow 𝔻 (func* F c) (func* F c)) (func→ F (ℂ .𝟙)) (𝔻 .𝟙))
(ident (F ∘f identity)) (ident F)
eqD-r : PathP
(λ i →
{A B C : ℂ .Object} {f : ℂ .Arrow A B} {g : ℂ .Arrow B C} →
eq→ i (ℂ ._⊕_ g f) ≡ 𝔻 ._⊕_ (eq→ i g) (eq→ i f))
((F ∘f identity) .distrib) (distrib F)
ident-r : F ∘f identity ≡ F
ident-r = Functor≡ eq* eq→ eqI-r eqD-r
module _ where
eq* : (identity ∘f F) .func* ≡ F .func*
eq→ : PathP
(λ i → {x y : Object ℂ} → ℂ .Arrow x y → 𝔻 .Arrow (eq* i x) (eq* i y))
((identity ∘f F) .func→) (F .func→)
eqI : PathP (λ i → ∀ {A : ℂ .Object} → eq→ i (ℂ .𝟙 {A}) ≡ 𝔻 .𝟙 {eq* i A})
(ident (identity ∘f F)) (ident F)
eqD : PathP (λ i → {A B C : ℂ .Object} {f : ℂ .Arrow A B} {g : ℂ .Arrow B C}
→ eq→ i (ℂ ._⊕_ g f) ≡ 𝔻 ._⊕_ (eq→ i g) (eq→ i f))
(distrib (identity ∘f F)) (distrib F)
ident-l : identity ∘f F ≡ F
ident-l = Functor≡ eq* eq→ eqI eqD
Cat : Category (lsuc (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')) (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
Cat =
@ -94,19 +98,22 @@ module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} where
module _ {ℓ : Level} (C D : Category ℓ ℓ) where
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} where
Catt = Cat ℓ ℓ'
module _ (ℂ 𝔻 : Category ℓ ℓ') where
:Object: = C .Object × D .Object
:Arrow: : :Object: → :Object: → Set ℓ
:Arrow: (c , d) (c' , d') = Arrow C c c' × Arrow D d d'
:Object: = ℂ .Object × 𝔻 .Object
:Arrow: : :Object: → :Object: → Set ℓ'
:Arrow: (c , d) (c' , d') = Arrow ℂ c c' × Arrow 𝔻 d d'
:𝟙: : {o : :Object:} → :Arrow: o o
:𝟙: = C .𝟙 , D .𝟙
:𝟙: = ℂ .𝟙 , 𝔻 .𝟙
_:⊕:_ :
{a b c : :Object:} →
:Arrow: b c →
:Arrow: a b →
:Arrow: a c
_:⊕:_ = λ { (bc∈C , bc∈D) (ab∈C , ab∈D) → (C ._⊕_) bc∈C ab∈C , D ._⊕_ bc∈D ab∈D}
_:⊕:_ = λ { (bc∈C , bc∈D) (ab∈C , ab∈D) → (ℂ ._⊕_) bc∈C ab∈C , 𝔻 ._⊕_ bc∈D ab∈D}
:isCategory: : IsCategory :Object: :Arrow: :𝟙: _:⊕:_
@ -117,10 +124,10 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (C D : Category ℓ ℓ) where
, eqpair (snd C.ident) (snd D.ident)
open module C = IsCategory (C .isCategory)
open module D = IsCategory (D .isCategory)
open module C = IsCategory (ℂ .isCategory)
open module D = IsCategory (𝔻 .isCategory)
:product: : Category ℓ ℓ
:product: : Category ℓ ℓ'
:product: = record
{ Object = :Object:
; Arrow = :Arrow:
@ -128,13 +135,13 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (C D : Category ℓ ℓ) where
; _⊕_ = _:⊕:_
proj₁ : Arrow Cat :product: C
proj₁ : Arrow Catt :product: ℂ
proj₁ = record { func* = fst ; func→ = fst ; ident = refl ; distrib = refl }
proj₂ : Arrow Cat :product: D
proj₂ : Arrow Catt :product: 𝔻
proj₂ = record { func* = snd ; func→ = snd ; ident = refl ; distrib = refl }
module _ {X : Object (Cat {ℓ} {ℓ})} (x₁ : Arrow Cat X C) (x₂ : Arrow Cat X D) where
module _ {X : Object Catt} (x₁ : Arrow Catt X ℂ) (x₂ : Arrow Catt X 𝔻) where
open Functor
-- ident' : {c : Object X} → ((func→ x₁) {dom = c} (𝟙 X) , (func→ x₂) {dom = c} (𝟙 X)) ≡ 𝟙 (catProduct C D)
@ -150,25 +157,194 @@ module _ {ℓ : Level} (C D : Category ℓ ℓ) where
-- Need to "lift equality of functors"
-- If I want to do this like I do it for pairs it's gonna be a pain.
postulate isUniqL : (Cat ⊕ proj₁) x ≡ x₁
-- isUniqL = lift-eq-functors refl refl {!!} {!!}
postulate isUniqL : (Catt ⊕ proj₁) x ≡ x₁
-- isUniqL = Functor≡ refl refl {!!} {!!}
postulate isUniqR : (Cat ⊕ proj₂) x ≡ x₂
-- isUniqR = lift-eq-functors refl refl {!!} {!!}
postulate isUniqR : (Catt ⊕ proj₂) x ≡ x₂
-- isUniqR = Functor≡ refl refl {!!} {!!}
isUniq : (Cat ⊕ proj₁) x ≡ x₁ × (Cat ⊕ proj₂) x ≡ x₂
isUniq : (Catt ⊕ proj₁) x ≡ x₁ × (Catt ⊕ proj₂) x ≡ x₂
isUniq = isUniqL , isUniqR
uniq : ∃![ x ] ((Cat ⊕ proj₁) x ≡ x₁ × (Cat ⊕ proj₂) x ≡ x₂)
uniq : ∃![ x ] ((Catt ⊕ proj₁) x ≡ x₁ × (Catt ⊕ proj₂) x ≡ x₂)
uniq = x , isUniq
isProduct : IsProduct Cat proj₁ proj₂
isProduct : IsProduct (Cat ℓ ℓ') proj₁ proj₂
isProduct = uniq
product : Product {ℂ = Cat} C D
product : Product {ℂ = (Cat ℓ ℓ')} ℂ 𝔻
product = record
{ obj = :product:
; proj₁ = proj₁
; proj₂ = proj₂
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} where
hasProducts : HasProducts (Cat ℓ ℓ')
hasProducts = record { product = product }
-- Basically proves that `Cat ℓ ℓ` is cartesian closed.
module _ (ℓ : Level) where
open Data.Product
open import Cat.Categories.Fun
Catℓ : Category (lsuc (ℓ ⊔ ℓ)) (ℓ ⊔ ℓ)
Catℓ = Cat ℓ ℓ
module _ (ℂ 𝔻 : Category ℓ ℓ) where
_𝔻⊕_ = 𝔻 ._⊕_
_ℂ⊕_ = ℂ ._⊕_
:obj: : Cat ℓ ℓ .Object
:obj: = Fun {ℂ = ℂ} {𝔻 = 𝔻}
:func*: : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × ℂ .Object → 𝔻 .Object
:func*: (F , A) = F .func* A
module _ {dom cod : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × ℂ .Object} where
F : Functor ℂ 𝔻
F = proj₁ dom
A : ℂ .Object
A = proj₂ dom
G : Functor ℂ 𝔻
G = proj₁ cod
B : ℂ .Object
B = proj₂ cod
:func→: : (pobj : NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ .Arrow A B)
→ 𝔻 .Arrow (F .func* A) (G .func* B)
:func→: ((θ , θNat) , f) = result
θA : 𝔻 .Arrow (F .func* A) (G .func* A)
θA = θ A
θB : 𝔻 .Arrow (F .func* B) (G .func* B)
θB = θ B
F→f : 𝔻 .Arrow (F .func* A) (F .func* B)
F→f = F .func→ f
G→f : 𝔻 .Arrow (G .func* A) (G .func* B)
G→f = G .func→ f
l : 𝔻 .Arrow (F .func* A) (G .func* B)
l = θB 𝔻⊕ F→f
r : 𝔻 .Arrow (F .func* A) (G .func* B)
r = G→f 𝔻⊕ θA
-- There are two choices at this point,
-- but I suppose the whole point is that
-- by `θNat f` we have `l ≡ r`
-- lem : θ B 𝔻⊕ F .func→ f ≡ G .func→ f 𝔻⊕ θ A
-- lem = θNat f
result : 𝔻 .Arrow (F .func* A) (G .func* B)
result = l
_×p_ = product
module _ {c : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × ℂ .Object} where
F : Functor ℂ 𝔻
F = proj₁ c
C : ℂ .Object
C = proj₂ c
-- NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ .Arrow A B
-- :ident: : :func→: {c} {c} (identityNat F , ℂ .𝟙) ≡ 𝔻 .𝟙
-- :ident: = trans (proj₂ 𝔻.ident) (F .ident)
-- where
-- _𝔻⊕_ = 𝔻 ._⊕_
-- open module 𝔻 = IsCategory (𝔻 .isCategory)
-- Unfortunately the equational version has some ambigous arguments.
:ident: : :func→: {c} {c} (identityNat F , ℂ .𝟙 {o = proj₂ c}) ≡ 𝔻 .𝟙
:ident: = begin
:func→: {c} {c} ((:obj: ×p ℂ) .Product.obj .𝟙 {c}) ≡⟨⟩
:func→: {c} {c} (identityNat F , ℂ .𝟙) ≡⟨⟩
(identityTrans F C 𝔻⊕ F .func→ (ℂ .𝟙)) ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 .𝟙 𝔻⊕ F .func→ (ℂ .𝟙) ≡⟨ proj₂ 𝔻.ident ⟩
F .func→ (ℂ .𝟙) ≡⟨ F .ident ⟩
𝔻 .𝟙 ∎
open module 𝔻 = IsCategory (𝔻 .isCategory)
module _ {F×A G×B H×C : Functor ℂ 𝔻 × ℂ .Object} where
F = F×A .proj₁
A = F×A .proj₂
G = G×B .proj₁
B = G×B .proj₂
H = H×C .proj₁
C = H×C .proj₂
-- Not entirely clear what this is at this point:
_P⊕_ = (:obj: ×p ℂ) .Product.obj ._⊕_ {F×A} {G×B} {H×C}
module _
-- NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ .Arrow A B
{θ×f : NaturalTransformation F G × ℂ .Arrow A B}
{η×g : NaturalTransformation G H × ℂ .Arrow B C} where
θ : Transformation F G
θ = proj₁ (proj₁ θ×f)
θNat : Natural F G θ
θNat = proj₂ (proj₁ θ×f)
f : ℂ .Arrow A B
f = proj₂ θ×f
η : Transformation G H
η = proj₁ (proj₁ η×g)
ηNat : Natural G H η
ηNat = proj₂ (proj₁ η×g)
g : ℂ .Arrow B C
g = proj₂ η×g
ηθNT : NaturalTransformation F H
ηθNT = Fun ._⊕_ {F} {G} {H} (η , ηNat) (θ , θNat)
ηθ = proj₁ ηθNT
ηθNat = proj₂ ηθNT
:distrib: :
(η C 𝔻⊕ θ C) 𝔻⊕ F .func→ (g ℂ⊕ f)
≡ (η C 𝔻⊕ G .func→ g) 𝔻⊕ (θ B 𝔻⊕ F .func→ f)
:distrib: = begin
(ηθ C) 𝔻⊕ F .func→ (g ℂ⊕ f) ≡⟨ ηθNat (g ℂ⊕ f) ⟩
H .func→ (g ℂ⊕ f) 𝔻⊕ (ηθ A) ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ 𝔻⊕ ηθ A) (H .distrib) ⟩
(H .func→ g 𝔻⊕ H .func→ f) 𝔻⊕ (ηθ A) ≡⟨ sym assoc ⟩
H .func→ g 𝔻⊕ (H .func→ f 𝔻⊕ (ηθ A)) ≡⟨⟩
H .func→ g 𝔻⊕ (H .func→ f 𝔻⊕ (ηθ A)) ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → H .func→ g 𝔻⊕ φ) assoc ⟩
H .func→ g 𝔻⊕ ((H .func→ f 𝔻⊕ η A) 𝔻⊕ θ A) ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → H .func→ g 𝔻⊕ φ) (cong (λ φ → φ 𝔻⊕ θ A) (sym (ηNat f))) ⟩
H .func→ g 𝔻⊕ ((η B 𝔻⊕ G .func→ f) 𝔻⊕ θ A) ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → H .func→ g 𝔻⊕ φ) (sym assoc) ⟩
H .func→ g 𝔻⊕ (η B 𝔻⊕ (G .func→ f 𝔻⊕ θ A)) ≡⟨ assoc ⟩
(H .func→ g 𝔻⊕ η B) 𝔻⊕ (G .func→ f 𝔻⊕ θ A) ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ 𝔻⊕ (G .func→ f 𝔻⊕ θ A)) (sym (ηNat g)) ⟩
(η C 𝔻⊕ G .func→ g) 𝔻⊕ (G .func→ f 𝔻⊕ θ A) ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → (η C 𝔻⊕ G .func→ g) 𝔻⊕ φ) (sym (θNat f)) ⟩
(η C 𝔻⊕ G .func→ g) 𝔻⊕ (θ B 𝔻⊕ F .func→ f) ∎
open IsCategory (𝔻 .isCategory)
:eval: : Functor ((:obj: ×p ℂ) .Product.obj) 𝔻
:eval: = record
{ func* = :func*:
; func→ = λ {dom} {cod} → :func→: {dom} {cod}
; ident = λ {o} → :ident: {o}
; distrib = λ {f u n k y} → :distrib: {f} {u} {n} {k} {y}
module _ (𝔸 : Category ℓ ℓ) (F : Functor ((𝔸 ×p ℂ) .Product.obj) 𝔻) where
open HasProducts (hasProducts {ℓ} {ℓ}) using (parallelProduct)
transpose : Functor 𝔸 :obj:
eq : Catℓ ._⊕_ :eval: (parallelProduct transpose (Catℓ .𝟙 {o = ℂ})) ≡ F
catTranspose : ∃![ F~ ] (Catℓ ._⊕_ :eval: (parallelProduct F~ (Catℓ .𝟙 {o = ℂ})) ≡ F)
catTranspose = transpose , eq
:isExponential: : IsExponential Catℓ ℂ 𝔻 :obj: :eval:
:isExponential: = catTranspose
-- :exponent: : Exponential (Cat ℓ ℓ) A B
:exponent: : Exponential Catℓ ℂ 𝔻
:exponent: = record
{ obj = :obj:
; eval = :eval:
; isExponential = :isExponential:
hasExponentials : HasExponentials (Cat ℓ ℓ)
hasExponentials = record { exponent = :exponent: }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Cat.Categories.Fun where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Cubical
open import Function
open import Data.Product
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Functor
module _ {ℓc ℓc' ℓd ℓd' : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓc ℓc'} {𝔻 : Category ℓd ℓd'} where
open Category
open Functor
module _ (F G : Functor ℂ 𝔻) where
-- What do you call a non-natural tranformation?
Transformation : Set (ℓc ⊔ ℓd')
Transformation = (C : ℂ .Object) → 𝔻 .Arrow (F .func* C) (G .func* C)
Natural : Transformation → Set (ℓc ⊔ (ℓc' ⊔ ℓd'))
Natural θ
= {A B : ℂ .Object}
→ (f : ℂ .Arrow A B)
→ 𝔻 ._⊕_ (θ B) (F .func→ f) ≡ 𝔻 ._⊕_ (G .func→ f) (θ A)
NaturalTransformation : Set (ℓc ⊔ ℓc' ⊔ ℓd')
NaturalTransformation = Σ Transformation Natural
-- NaturalTranformation : Set (ℓc ⊔ (ℓc' ⊔ ℓd'))
-- NaturalTranformation = ∀ (θ : Transformation) {A B : ℂ .Object} → (f : ℂ .Arrow A B) → 𝔻 ._⊕_ (θ B) (F .func→ f) ≡ 𝔻 ._⊕_ (G .func→ f) (θ A)
identityTrans : (F : Functor ℂ 𝔻) → Transformation F F
identityTrans F C = 𝔻 .𝟙
identityNatural : (F : Functor ℂ 𝔻) → Natural F F (identityTrans F)
identityNatural F {A = A} {B = B} f = begin
identityTrans F B 𝔻⊕ F→ f ≡⟨⟩
𝔻 .𝟙 𝔻⊕ F→ f ≡⟨ proj₂ 𝔻.ident ⟩
F→ f ≡⟨ sym (proj₁ 𝔻.ident) ⟩
F→ f 𝔻⊕ 𝔻 .𝟙 ≡⟨⟩
F→ f 𝔻⊕ identityTrans F A ∎
_𝔻⊕_ = 𝔻 ._⊕_
F→ = F .func→
open module 𝔻 = IsCategory (𝔻 .isCategory)
identityNat : (F : Functor ℂ 𝔻) → NaturalTransformation F F
identityNat F = identityTrans F , identityNatural F
module _ {F G H : Functor ℂ 𝔻} where
_𝔻⊕_ = 𝔻 ._⊕_
_∘nt_ : Transformation G H → Transformation F G → Transformation F H
(θ ∘nt η) C = θ C 𝔻⊕ η C
NatComp _:⊕:_ : NaturalTransformation G H → NaturalTransformation F G → NaturalTransformation F H
proj₁ ((θ , _) :⊕: (η , _)) = θ ∘nt η
proj₂ ((θ , θNat) :⊕: (η , ηNat)) {A} {B} f = begin
((θ ∘nt η) B) 𝔻⊕ (F .func→ f) ≡⟨⟩
(θ B 𝔻⊕ η B) 𝔻⊕ (F .func→ f) ≡⟨ sym assoc ⟩
θ B 𝔻⊕ (η B 𝔻⊕ (F .func→ f)) ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → θ B 𝔻⊕ φ) (ηNat f) ⟩
θ B 𝔻⊕ ((G .func→ f) 𝔻⊕ η A) ≡⟨ assoc ⟩
(θ B 𝔻⊕ (G .func→ f)) 𝔻⊕ η A ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ 𝔻⊕ η A) (θNat f) ⟩
(((H .func→ f) 𝔻⊕ θ A) 𝔻⊕ η A) ≡⟨ sym assoc ⟩
((H .func→ f) 𝔻⊕ (θ A 𝔻⊕ η A)) ≡⟨⟩
((H .func→ f) 𝔻⊕ ((θ ∘nt η) A)) ∎
open IsCategory (𝔻 .isCategory)
NatComp = _:⊕:_
module _ {A B C D : Functor ℂ 𝔻} {f : NaturalTransformation A B}
{g : NaturalTransformation B C} {h : NaturalTransformation C D} where
_g⊕f_ = _:⊕:_ {A} {B} {C}
_h⊕g_ = _:⊕:_ {B} {C} {D}
:assoc: : (_:⊕:_ {A} {C} {D} h (_:⊕:_ {A} {B} {C} g f)) ≡ (_:⊕:_ {A} {B} {D} (_:⊕:_ {B} {C} {D} h g) f)
:assoc: = {!!}
module _ {A B : Functor ℂ 𝔻} {f : NaturalTransformation A B} where
ident-r : (_:⊕:_ {A} {A} {B} f (identityNat A)) ≡ f
ident-r = {!!}
ident-l : (_:⊕:_ {A} {B} {B} (identityNat B) f) ≡ f
ident-l = {!!}
: (_:⊕:_ {A} {A} {B} f (identityNat A)) ≡ f
× (_:⊕:_ {A} {B} {B} (identityNat B) f) ≡ f
:ident: = ident-r , ident-l
:isCategory: : IsCategory (Functor ℂ 𝔻) NaturalTransformation
(λ {F} → identityNat F) (λ {a} {b} {c} → _:⊕:_ {a} {b} {c})
:isCategory: = record
{ assoc = λ {A B C D} → :assoc: {A} {B} {C} {D}
; ident = λ {A B} → :ident: {A} {B}
-- Functor categories. Objects are functors, arrows are natural transformations.
Fun : Category (ℓc ⊔ ℓc' ⊔ ℓd ⊔ ℓd') (ℓc ⊔ ℓc' ⊔ ℓd')
Fun = record
{ Object = Functor ℂ 𝔻
; Arrow = NaturalTransformation
; 𝟙 = λ {F} → identityNat F
; _⊕_ = λ {F G H} → _:⊕:_ {F} {G} {H}
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') where
open import Cat.Categories.Sets
-- Restrict the functors to Presheafs.
Presh : Category (ℓ ⊔ lsuc ℓ') (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
Presh = record
{ Object = Presheaf ℂ
; Arrow = NaturalTransformation
; 𝟙 = λ {F} → identityNat F
; _⊕_ = λ {F G H} → NatComp {F = F} {G = G} {H = H}
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
module Cat.Categories.Sets where
open import Cubical.PathPrelude
@ -11,8 +9,9 @@ open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Functor
open Category
Sets : {ℓ : Level} → Category (lsuc ℓ) ℓ
Sets {ℓ} = record
module _ {ℓ : Level} where
Sets : Category (lsuc ℓ) ℓ
Sets = record
{ Object = Set ℓ
; Arrow = λ T U → T → U
; 𝟙 = id
@ -22,6 +21,26 @@ Sets {ℓ} = record
open import Function
module _ {X A B : Set ℓ} (f : X → A) (g : X → B) where
_&&&_ : (X → A × B)
_&&&_ x = f x , g x
module _ {X A B : Set ℓ} (f : X → A) (g : X → B) where
_S⊕_ = Sets ._⊕_
lem : proj₁ S⊕ (f &&& g) ≡ f × snd S⊕ (f &&& g) ≡ g
proj₁ lem = refl
proj₂ lem = refl
isProduct : {A B : Sets .Object} → IsProduct Sets {A} {B} fst snd
isProduct f g = f &&& g , lem f g
product : (A B : Sets .Object) → Product {ℂ = Sets} A B
product A B = record { obj = A × B ; proj₁ = fst ; proj₂ = snd ; isProduct = isProduct }
SetsHasProducts : HasProducts Sets
SetsHasProducts = record { product = product }
-- Covariant Presheaf
Representable : {ℓ ℓ' : Level} → (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') → Set (ℓ ⊔ lsuc ℓ')
Representable {ℓ' = ℓ'} ℂ = Functor ℂ (Sets {ℓ'})
@ -89,6 +89,26 @@ record Product {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ'} (A B : ℂ .Object)
proj₂ : ℂ .Arrow obj B
{{isProduct}} : IsProduct ℂ proj₁ proj₂
arrowProduct : ∀ {X} → (π₁ : Arrow ℂ X A) (π₂ : Arrow ℂ X B)
→ Arrow ℂ X obj
arrowProduct π₁ π₂ = fst (isProduct π₁ π₂)
record HasProducts {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') : Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ') where
product : ∀ (A B : ℂ .Object) → Product {ℂ = ℂ} A B
open Product
objectProduct : (A B : ℂ .Object) → ℂ .Object
objectProduct A B = Product.obj (product A B)
-- The product mentioned in awodey in Def 6.1 is not the regular product of arrows.
-- It's a "parallel" product
parallelProduct : {A A' B B' : ℂ .Object} → ℂ .Arrow A A' → ℂ .Arrow B B'
→ ℂ .Arrow (objectProduct A B) (objectProduct A' B')
parallelProduct {A = A} {A' = A'} {B = B} {B' = B'} a b = arrowProduct (product A' B')
(ℂ ._⊕_ a ((product A B) .proj₁))
(ℂ ._⊕_ b ((product A B) .proj₂))
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') where
Opposite : Category ℓ ℓ'
Opposite =
@ -120,3 +140,37 @@ module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
HomFromArrow : (A : ℂ .Object) → {B B' : ℂ .Object} → (g : ℂ .Arrow B B')
→ Hom ℂ A B → Hom ℂ A B'
HomFromArrow _A = _⊕_ ℂ
module _ {ℓ ℓ'} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') {{hasProducts : HasProducts ℂ}} where
open HasProducts hasProducts
open Product hiding (obj)
_×p_ : (A B : ℂ .Object) → ℂ .Object
_×p_ A B = Product.obj (product A B)
module _ (B C : ℂ .Category.Object) where
IsExponential : (Cᴮ : ℂ .Object) → ℂ .Arrow (Cᴮ ×p B) C → Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ')
IsExponential Cᴮ eval = ∀ (A : ℂ .Object) (f : ℂ .Arrow (A ×p B) C)
→ ∃![ f~ ] (ℂ ._⊕_ eval (parallelProduct f~ (ℂ .𝟙)) ≡ f)
record Exponential : Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ') where
-- obj ≡ Cᴮ
obj : ℂ .Object
eval : ℂ .Arrow ( obj ×p B ) C
{{isExponential}} : IsExponential obj eval
-- If I make this an instance-argument then the instance resolution
-- algorithm goes into an infinite loop. Why?
exponentialsHaveProducts : HasProducts ℂ
exponentialsHaveProducts = hasProducts
transpose : (A : ℂ .Object) → ℂ .Arrow (A ×p B) C → ℂ .Arrow A obj
transpose A f = fst (isExponential A f)
record HasExponentials {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') {{_ : HasProducts ℂ}} : Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ') where
exponent : (A B : ℂ .Object) → Exponential ℂ A B
record CartesianClosed {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') : Set (ℓ ⊔ ℓ') where
{{hasProducts}} : HasProducts ℂ
{{hasExponentials}} : HasExponentials ℂ
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas --cubical #-}
module Cat.Category.Properties where
@ -48,18 +48,37 @@ epi-mono-is-not-iso f =
in {!!}
module _ {ℓ : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ} where
open import Cat.Category
open Category
open import Cat.Categories.Cat using (Cat)
module Cat = Cat.Categories.Cat
open Exponential
Catℓ = Cat ℓ ℓ
CatHasExponentials : HasExponentials Catℓ
CatHasExponentials = Cat.hasExponentials ℓ
module _ {ℓa ℓa' ℓb ℓb'} where
Exponential : Category ℓa ℓa' → Category ℓb ℓb' → Category {!!} {!!}
Exponential A B = record
{ Object = {!!}
; Arrow = {!!}
; 𝟙 = {!!}
; _⊕_ = {!!}
; isCategory = {!!}
-- Exp : Set (lsuc (lsuc ℓ))
-- Exp = Exponential (Cat (lsuc ℓ) ℓ)
-- Sets (Opposite ℂ)
_⇑_ : (A B : Catℓ .Object) → Catℓ .Object
A ⇑ B = (exponent A B) .obj
open HasExponentials CatHasExponentials
-- I need `Sets` to be a `Category ℓ ℓ` but it simlpy isn't.
Setz : Category ℓ ℓ
Setz = {!Sets!}
:func*: : ℂ .Object → (Setz ⇑ Opposite ℂ) .Object
:func*: A = {!!}
yoneda : Functor ℂ (Setz ⇑ (Opposite ℂ))
yoneda = record
{ func* = :func*:
; func→ = {!!}
; ident = {!!}
; distrib = {!!}
_⇑_ = Exponential
yoneda : ∀ {ℓ ℓ'} → {ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ'} → Functor ℂ (Sets ⇑ (Opposite ℂ))
yoneda = {!!}
@ -7,14 +7,62 @@ open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Product
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Functor
-- See chapter 1 for a discussion on how presheaf categories are CwF's.
-- See section 6.8 in Huber's thesis for details on how to implement the
-- categorical version of CTT
module CwF {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓ ℓ') where
open Category
open Functor
open import Function
open import Cubical
module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} where
Obj = Σ[ A ∈ Set ℓa ] (A → Set ℓb)
Arr : Obj → Obj → Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb)
Arr (A , B) (A' , B') = Σ[ f ∈ (A → A') ] ({x : A} → B x → B' (f x))
one : {o : Obj} → Arr o o
proj₁ one = λ x → x
proj₂ one = λ b → b
_:⊕:_ : {a b c : Obj} → Arr b c → Arr a b → Arr a c
(g , g') :⊕: (f , f') = g ∘ f , g' ∘ f'
module _ {A B C D : Obj} {f : Arr A B} {g : Arr B C} {h : Arr C D} where
:assoc: : (_:⊕:_ {A} {C} {D} h (_:⊕:_ {A} {B} {C} g f)) ≡ (_:⊕:_ {A} {B} {D} (_:⊕:_ {B} {C} {D} h g) f)
:assoc: = {!!}
module _ {A B : Obj} {f : Arr A B} where
:ident: : (_:⊕:_ {A} {A} {B} f one) ≡ f × (_:⊕:_ {A} {B} {B} one f) ≡ f
:ident: = {!!}
:isCategory: : IsCategory Obj Arr one (λ {a b c} → _:⊕:_ {a} {b} {c})
:isCategory: = record
{ assoc = λ {A} {B} {C} {D} {f} {g} {h} → :assoc: {A} {B} {C} {D} {f} {g} {h}
; ident = {!!}
Fam : Category (lsuc (ℓa ⊔ ℓb)) (ℓa ⊔ ℓb)
Fam = record
{ Object = Obj
; Arrow = Arr
; 𝟙 = one
; _⊕_ = λ {a b c} → _:⊕:_ {a} {b} {c}
Contexts = ℂ .Object
Substitutions = ℂ .Arrow
record CwF : Set {!ℓa ⊔ ℓb!} where
Terms : Functor (Opposite ℂ) Fam
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (Ns : Set ℓ) where
-- Ns is the "namespace"
ℓo = (lsuc lzero ⊔ ℓ)
@ -49,5 +97,5 @@ module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} (Ns : Set ℓ) where
; Arrow = Mor
; 𝟙 = {!!}
; _⊕_ = {!!}
; isCategory = ?
; isCategory = {!!}
@ -8,22 +8,36 @@ open import Cat.Category
record Functor {ℓc ℓc' ℓd ℓd'} (C : Category ℓc ℓc') (D : Category ℓd ℓd')
: Set (ℓc ⊔ ℓc' ⊔ ℓd ⊔ ℓd') where
open module C = Category C
open module D = Category D
open Category
func* : C.Object → D.Object
func→ : {dom cod : C.Object} → C.Arrow dom cod → D.Arrow (func* dom) (func* cod)
ident : { c : C.Object } → func→ (C.𝟙 {c}) ≡ D.𝟙 {func* c}
func* : C .Object → D .Object
func→ : {dom cod : C .Object} → C .Arrow dom cod → D .Arrow (func* dom) (func* cod)
ident : { c : C .Object } → func→ (C .𝟙 {c}) ≡ D .𝟙 {func* c}
-- TODO: Avoid use of ugly explicit arguments somehow.
-- This guy managed to do it:
distrib : { c c' c'' : C.Object} {a : C.Arrow c c'} {a' : C.Arrow c' c''}
→ func→ (a' C.⊕ a) ≡ func→ a' D.⊕ func→ a
distrib : { c c' c'' : C .Object} {a : C .Arrow c c'} {a' : C .Arrow c' c''}
→ func→ (C ._⊕_ a' a) ≡ D ._⊕_ (func→ a') (func→ a)
open Functor
open Category
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {ℂ 𝔻 : Category ℓ ℓ'} where
_ℂ⊕_ = ℂ ._⊕_
Functor≡ : {F G : Functor ℂ 𝔻}
→ (eq* : F .func* ≡ G .func*)
→ (eq→ : PathP (λ i → ∀ {x y} → ℂ .Arrow x y → 𝔻 .Arrow (eq* i x) (eq* i y))
(F .func→) (G .func→))
→ (eqI : PathP (λ i → ∀ {A : ℂ .Object} → eq→ i (ℂ .𝟙 {A}) ≡ 𝔻 .𝟙 {eq* i A})
(ident F) (ident G))
→ (eqD : PathP (λ i → {A B C : ℂ .Object} {f : ℂ .Arrow A B} {g : ℂ .Arrow B C}
→ eq→ i (ℂ ._⊕_ g f) ≡ 𝔻 ._⊕_ (eq→ i g) (eq→ i f))
(distrib F) (distrib G))
→ F ≡ G
Functor≡ eq* eq→ eqI eqD i = record { func* = eq* i ; func→ = eq→ i ; ident = eqI i ; distrib = eqD i }
module _ {ℓ ℓ' : Level} {A B C : Category ℓ ℓ'} (F : Functor B C) (G : Functor A B) where
open Functor
open Category
F* = F .func*
F→ = F .func→
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