{-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas --cubical #-} module Cat.Category where open import Agda.Primitive open import Data.Unit.Base open import Data.Product renaming ( proj₁ to fst ; proj₂ to snd ; ∃! to ∃!≈ ) open import Data.Empty import Function open import Cubical open import Cubical.NType.Properties using ( propIsEquiv ) open import Cat.Wishlist ∃! : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} → (A → Set b) → Set (a ⊔ b) ∃! = ∃!≈ _≡_ ∃!-syntax : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} → (A → Set b) → Set (a ⊔ b) ∃!-syntax = ∃ syntax ∃!-syntax (λ x → B) = ∃![ x ] B record RawCategory (ℓ ℓ' : Level) : Set (lsuc (ℓ' ⊔ ℓ)) where no-eta-equality field Object : Set ℓ Arrow : Object → Object → Set ℓ' 𝟙 : {o : Object} → Arrow o o _∘_ : {A B C : Object} → Arrow B C → Arrow A B → Arrow A C infixl 10 _∘_ domain : { a b : Object } → Arrow a b → Object domain {a = a} _ = a codomain : { a b : Object } → Arrow a b → Object codomain {b = b} _ = b -- Thierry: All projections must be `isProp`'s -- According to definitions 9.1.1 and 9.1.6 in the HoTT book the -- arrows of a category form a set (arrow-is-set), and there is an -- equivalence between the equality of objects and isomorphisms -- (univalent). record IsCategory {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : RawCategory ℓa ℓb) : Set (lsuc (ℓa ⊔ ℓb)) where open RawCategory ℂ module Raw = RawCategory ℂ IsAssociative : Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb) IsAssociative = ∀ {A B C D} {f : Arrow A B} {g : Arrow B C} {h : Arrow C D} → h ∘ (g ∘ f) ≡ (h ∘ g) ∘ f IsIdentity : ({A : Object} → Arrow A A) → Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb) IsIdentity id = {A B : Object} {f : Arrow A B} → f ∘ id ≡ f × id ∘ f ≡ f field assoc : IsAssociative ident : IsIdentity 𝟙 arrowIsSet : ∀ {A B : Object} → isSet (Arrow A B) propIsAssociative : isProp IsAssociative propIsAssociative x y i = arrowIsSet _ _ x y i propIsIdentity : ∀ {f : ∀ {A} → Arrow A A} → isProp (IsIdentity f) propIsIdentity a b i = arrowIsSet _ _ (fst a) (fst b) i , arrowIsSet _ _ (snd a) (snd b) i propArrowIsSet : isProp (∀ {A B} → isSet (Arrow A B)) propArrowIsSet a b i = isSetIsProp a b i IsInverseOf : ∀ {A B} → (Arrow A B) → (Arrow B A) → Set ℓb IsInverseOf = λ f g → g ∘ f ≡ 𝟙 × f ∘ g ≡ 𝟙 propIsInverseOf : ∀ {A B f g} → isProp (IsInverseOf {A} {B} f g) propIsInverseOf x y = λ i → let h : fst x ≡ fst y h = arrowIsSet _ _ (fst x) (fst y) hh : snd x ≡ snd y hh = arrowIsSet _ _ (snd x) (snd y) in h i , hh i Isomorphism : ∀ {A B} → (f : Arrow A B) → Set ℓb Isomorphism {A} {B} f = Σ[ g ∈ Arrow B A ] IsInverseOf f g inverse : ∀ {A B} {f : Arrow A B} → Isomorphism f → Arrow B A inverse iso = fst iso _≅_ : (A B : Object) → Set ℓb _≅_ A B = Σ[ f ∈ Arrow A B ] (Isomorphism f) idIso : (A : Object) → A ≅ A idIso A = 𝟙 , (𝟙 , ident) id-to-iso : (A B : Object) → A ≡ B → A ≅ B id-to-iso A B eq = transp (\ i → A ≅ eq i) (idIso A) -- TODO: might want to implement isEquiv differently, there are 3 -- equivalent formulations in the book. Univalent : Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb) Univalent = {A B : Object} → isEquiv (A ≡ B) (A ≅ B) (id-to-iso A B) field univalent : Univalent module _ {A B : Object} where Epimorphism : {X : Object } → (f : Arrow A B) → Set ℓb Epimorphism {X} f = ( g₀ g₁ : Arrow B X ) → g₀ ∘ f ≡ g₁ ∘ f → g₀ ≡ g₁ Monomorphism : {X : Object} → (f : Arrow A B) → Set ℓb Monomorphism {X} f = ( g₀ g₁ : Arrow X A ) → f ∘ g₀ ≡ f ∘ g₁ → g₀ ≡ g₁ module _ {A B : Object} {f : Arrow A B} where isoIsProp : isProp (Isomorphism f) isoIsProp a@(g , η , ε) a'@(g' , η' , ε') = lemSig (λ g → propIsInverseOf) a a' geq where open Cubical.NType.Properties geq : g ≡ g' geq = begin g ≡⟨ sym (fst ident) ⟩ g ∘ 𝟙 ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → g ∘ φ) (sym ε') ⟩ g ∘ (f ∘ g') ≡⟨ assoc ⟩ (g ∘ f) ∘ g' ≡⟨ cong (λ φ → φ ∘ g') η ⟩ 𝟙 ∘ g' ≡⟨ snd ident ⟩ g' ∎ module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} {C : RawCategory ℓa ℓb} {ℂ : IsCategory C} where open IsCategory ℂ open import Cubical.NType open import Cubical.NType.Properties propUnivalent : isProp Univalent propUnivalent a b i = propPi (λ iso → propHasLevel ⟨-2⟩) a b i module _ {ℓa} {ℓb} {ℂ : RawCategory ℓa ℓb} where -- TODO, provable by using arrow-is-set and that isProp (isEquiv _ _ _) -- This lemma will be useful to prove the equality of two categories. IsCategory-is-prop : isProp (IsCategory ℂ) IsCategory-is-prop x y i = record -- Why choose `x`'s `propIsAssociative`? -- Well, probably it could be pulled out of the record. { assoc = x.propIsAssociative x.assoc y.assoc i ; ident = x.propIsIdentity x.ident y.ident i ; arrowIsSet = x.propArrowIsSet x.arrowIsSet y.arrowIsSet i ; univalent = eqUni i } where module x = IsCategory x module y = IsCategory y xuni : x.Univalent xuni = x.univalent yuni : y.Univalent yuni = y.univalent open RawCategory ℂ T : I → Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb) T i = {A B : Object} → isEquiv (A ≡ B) (A x.≅ B) (λ A≡B → transp (λ j → Σ-syntax (Arrow A (A≡B j)) (λ f → Σ-syntax (Arrow (A≡B j) A) (λ g → g ∘ f ≡ 𝟙 × f ∘ g ≡ 𝟙))) ( 𝟙 , 𝟙 , x.propIsIdentity x.ident y.ident i ) ) open Cubical.NType.Properties test : (λ _ → x.Univalent) [ xuni ≡ xuni ] test = refl t = {!!} P : (uni : x.Univalent) → xuni ≡ uni → Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb) P = {!!} eqUni : T [ xuni ≡ yuni ] eqUni = pathJprop {x = x.Univalent} P {!!} i record Category (ℓa ℓb : Level) : Set (lsuc (ℓa ⊔ ℓb)) where field raw : RawCategory ℓa ℓb {{isCategory}} : IsCategory raw private module ℂ = RawCategory raw Object : Set ℓa Object = ℂ.Object Arrow = ℂ.Arrow 𝟙 = ℂ.𝟙 _∘_ = ℂ._∘_ _[_,_] : (A : Object) → (B : Object) → Set ℓb _[_,_] = ℂ.Arrow _[_∘_] : {A B C : Object} → (g : ℂ.Arrow B C) → (f : ℂ.Arrow A B) → ℂ.Arrow A C _[_∘_] = ℂ._∘_ module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓa ℓb) where private open Category ℂ OpRaw : RawCategory ℓa ℓb RawCategory.Object OpRaw = Object RawCategory.Arrow OpRaw = Function.flip Arrow RawCategory.𝟙 OpRaw = 𝟙 RawCategory._∘_ OpRaw = Function.flip _∘_ open IsCategory isCategory OpIsCategory : IsCategory OpRaw IsCategory.assoc OpIsCategory = sym assoc IsCategory.ident OpIsCategory = swap ident IsCategory.arrowIsSet OpIsCategory = arrowIsSet IsCategory.univalent OpIsCategory = {!!} Opposite : Category ℓa ℓb raw Opposite = OpRaw Category.isCategory Opposite = OpIsCategory -- As demonstrated here a side-effect of having no-eta-equality on constructors -- means that we need to pick things apart to show that things are indeed -- definitionally equal. I.e; a thing that would normally be provable in one -- line now takes more than 20!! module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} {ℂ : Category ℓa ℓb} where private open RawCategory module C = Category ℂ rawOp : Category.raw (Opposite (Opposite ℂ)) ≡ Category.raw ℂ Object (rawOp _) = C.Object Arrow (rawOp _) = C.Arrow 𝟙 (rawOp _) = C.𝟙 _∘_ (rawOp _) = C._∘_ open Category open IsCategory module IsCat = IsCategory (ℂ .isCategory) rawIsCat : (i : I) → IsCategory (rawOp i) assoc (rawIsCat i) = IsCat.assoc ident (rawIsCat i) = IsCat.ident arrowIsSet (rawIsCat i) = IsCat.arrowIsSet univalent (rawIsCat i) = IsCat.univalent Opposite-is-involution : Opposite (Opposite ℂ) ≡ ℂ raw (Opposite-is-involution i) = rawOp i isCategory (Opposite-is-involution i) = rawIsCat i module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓa ℓb) where open Category unique = isContr IsInitial : Object ℂ → Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb) IsInitial I = {X : Object ℂ} → unique (ℂ [ I , X ]) IsTerminal : Object ℂ → Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb) -- ∃![ ? ] ? IsTerminal T = {X : Object ℂ} → unique (ℂ [ X , T ]) Initial : Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb) Initial = Σ (Object ℂ) IsInitial Terminal : Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb) Terminal = Σ (Object ℂ) IsTerminal