\chapter{Conclusion} This thesis highlighted some issues with the standard inductive definition of propositional equality used in Agda. Functional extensionality and univalence are examples of two propositions not admissible in Intensional Type Theory (ITT). This has a big impact on what is provable and the reusability of proofs. This issue is overcome with an extension to Agda's type system called Cubical Agda. With Cubical Agda both functional extensionality and univalence are admissible. Cubical Agda is more expressive, but there are certain issues that arise that are not present in standard Agda. For one thing ITT and standard Agda enjoys Uniqueness of Identity Proofs (UIP). This is not the case in Cubical Agda. In stead there exists a hierarchy of types with increasing \nomen{homotopical structure}. It turns out to be useful to built the formalization with this hierarchy in mind as it can simplify proofs considerably. Another issue one must overcome in Cubical Agda is when a type has a field whose type depends on a previous field. In this case paths between such types will be heterogeneous paths. This problem is related to Cubical Agda not having the K-rule \TODO{Not mentioned anywhere in the report}. In practice it turns out to be considerably more difficult to work heterogeneous paths than with homogeneous paths. The thesis demonstrated some techniques to overcome these difficulties, such as based path-induction. This thesis formalized some of the core concepts from category theory including; categories, functors, products, exponentials, Cartesian closed categories, natural transformations, the yoneda embedding, monads and more. Category theory is an interesting case-study for the application of Cubical Agda for two reasons in particular: Because category theory is the study of abstract algebra of functions, meaning that functional extensionality is particularly relevant. Another reason is that in category theory it is commonplace to identify isomorphic structures and univalence allows for making this notion precise. This thesis also demonstrated another technique that is common in category theory; namely to define categories to prove properties of other structures. Specifically a category was defined to demonstrate that any two product objects in a category are isomorphic. Furthermore the thesis showed two formulations of monads and proved that they indeed are equivalent: Namely monads in the monoidal- and Kleisli- form. The monoidal formulation is more typical to category theoretic formulations and the Kleisli formulation will be more familiar to functional programmers. In the formulation we also saw how paths can be used to extract functions. A path between two types induce an isomorphism between the two types. This e.g. permits developers to write a monad instance for a given type using the Kleisli formulation. By transporting along the path between the monoidal- and Kleisli- formulation one can reuse all the operations and results shown for monoidal- monads in the context of kleisli monads. %% %% problem with inductive type %% overcome with cubical %% the path type %% homotopy levels %% depdendent paths %% %% category theory %% algebra of functions ~ funExt %% identify isomorphic types ~ univalence %% using categories to prove properties %% computational properties %% reusability, compositional