Backlog ======= Prove univalence for various categories Prove postulates in `Cat.Wishlist` `propHasLevel` should be in `cubical` `ntypeCommulative` might be there as well. Define and use Monad≡ Prove that the opposite category is a category. Prove univalence for the category of * sets * functors and natural transformations Prove: * `isProp (Product ...)` * `isProp (HasProducts ...)` * Functor ✓ * Applicative Functor ✗ * Lax monoidal functor ✗ * Monoidal functor ✗ * Tensorial strength ✗ * Category ✓ * Monoidal category ✗ * Monad * Monoidal monad ✓ * Kleisli monad ✓ * Problem 2.3 in voe * 1st contruction ~ monoidal ✓ * 2nd contruction ~ klesli ✓ * 1st ≃ 2nd ✗