%% FRONTMATTER \frontmatter %% \newgeometry{top=3cm, bottom=3cm,left=2.25 cm, right=2.25cm} \begingroup \thispagestyle{empty} {\Huge\thetitle}\\[.5cm] {\Large A formalization of category theory in Cubical Agda}\\[6cm] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,keepaspectratio]{isomorphism.png} \end{center} % Cover text \vfill %% \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault} \normalfont % Set cover page font {\Large\theauthor}\\[.5cm] Master's thesis in Computer Science \endgroup %% \end{titlepage} % BACK OF COVER PAGE (BLANK PAGE) \newpage %% \newgeometry{a4paper} % Temporarily change margins %% \restoregeometry \thispagestyle{empty} \null %% \begin{titlepage} % TITLE PAGE \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} \textsc{\LARGE Master's thesis \the\year}\\[4cm] % Report number is currently not in use \textbf{\LARGE \thetitle} \\[1cm] {\large \subtitle}\\[1cm] {\large \theauthor} \vfill \centering \includegraphics[width=0.2\pdfpagewidth]{logo_eng.pdf} \vspace{5mm} \textsc{Department of Computer Science and Engineering}\\ \textsc{{\researchgroup}}\\ %Name of research group (if applicable)\\ \textsc{\institution} \\ \textsc{Gothenburg, Sweden \the\year}\\ \end{center} % IMPRINT PAGE (BACK OF TITLE PAGE) \newpage \thispagestyle{plain} \textit{\thetitle}\\ \subtitle\\ \copyright\ \the\year ~ \textsc{\theauthor} \vspace{4.5cm} \setlength{\parskip}{0.5cm} \textbf{Author:}\\ \theauthor\\ \href{mailto:\authoremail>}{\texttt{<\authoremail>}} \textbf{Supervisor:}\\ \supervisor\\ \href{mailto:\supervisoremail>}{\texttt{<\supervisoremail>}}\\ \supervisordepartment \textbf{Co-supervisor:}\\ \cosupervisor\\ \href{mailto:\cosupervisoremail>}{\texttt{<\cosupervisoremail>}}\\ \cosupervisordepartment \textbf{Examiner:}\\ \examiner\\ \href{mailto:\examineremail>}{\texttt{<\examineremail>}}\\ \examinerdepartment \vfill Master's Thesis \the\year\\ % Report number currently not in use \department\\ %Division of Division name\\ %Name of research group (if applicable)\\ \institution\\ SE-412 96 Gothenburg\\ Telephone +46 31 772 1000 \setlength{\parskip}{0.5cm}\\ % Caption for cover page figure if used, possibly with reference to further information in the report %% Cover: Wind visualization constructed in Matlab showing a surface of constant wind speed along with streamlines of the flow. \setlength{\parskip}{0.5cm} %Printed by [Name of printing company]\\ Gothenburg, Sweden \the\year %% \restoregeometry %% \end{titlepage} \tableofcontents