Andrea Vezzosi <>	Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 2:02 PM
To: Frederik Hanghøj Iversen <>
Cc: Thierry Coquand <>
On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 12:57 PM, Frederik Hanghøj Iversen
<> wrote:
> I've written the first few sections about my implementation. I was wondering
> if you could have a quick look at it. You don't need to read it
> word-for-word but I would like some indication from you if this is the sort
> of thing you would like to see in the final report.

Yes! I would say this very much fits the bill of what the main part of
the report should be, then you could have a discussion section where
you might put some analysis of the pros and cons of cubical, design
choices you made, and your experience overall.

I wonder if there should be some short introduction to Cubical Type
Theory before this chapter, so you can introduce the Path type by
itself and show some simple proof with it. e.g. how to get function

You mention a few "combinators" like propPi and lemPropF, you might
want to call them just lemmas, so it's clearer that these can be
proven in --cubical.

> I refer you specifically to "Chapter 2 - Implementation" on p. 6.
> In this chapter I plan to additionally include some text about the proof we
> did that products are mere propositions and the proof about the two
> equivalent notions of a monad.

I've read the chapter up until 2.3 and skimmed the rest for now, but I
accumulated some editing suggestions I copy here.
Remember to look for things like these when you proof-read the rest :)

You should be careful to properly introduce things before you use
them, like IsPreCategory (I'd prefer if it took the raw category as
argument btw) and its fields isIdentity, isAssociative, .. come up a
bit out of the blue from the end of page 8.
Maybe the easiest is to show the definition of IsPreCategory.

Maybe give a type for propIsIdentity and mention the other prop* are similar.

Also the notation "isIdentity_a" to apply projections is a bit unusual
so it needs to be introduced as well.
To be fair it would be simpler to stick to function application
(though I see that it would introduce more parentheses),

"The situation is a bit more complicated when we have a dependent
type" could be more clear by being more specific:
"The situation is a bit more complicated when the type of a field
depends on a previous field"

Here too it might be more concrete if you also give the code for IsCategory.

In Path ( λ i → Univalent_{p i} ) isPreCategory_a isPreCategory_b
I suggest parentheses around (p i), but also you should be consistent
on whether you want to call the proof "p" or "p_{isPreCategory}",
finally i'm guessing the two fields should be "isUnivalent" rather
than "isPreCategory".

You can cite the book on the specific definition of isEquiv,
"contractible fibers" in section 4.4, the grad lemma is also from
somewhere but I don't remember off-hand.

You have not defined what you mean by _\~=_ and isomorphism.

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