\chapter{Abstract functional extensionality} \label{app:abstract-funext} In two places in my formalization was the computational behaviours of functional extensionality used. The reduction behaviour can be disabled by marking functional extensionality as abstract. Below the fully normalized goal and context with functional extensionality marked abstract has been shown. The excerpts are from the module % \begin{center} \sourcelink{Cat.Category.Monad.Voevodsky} \end{center} % where this is also written as a comment next to the proofs. When functional extensionality is not abstract the goal and current value are the same. It is of course necessary to show the fully normalized goal and context otherwise the reduction behaviours is not forced. \subsubsection*{First goal} Goal: \begin{verbatim} PathP (λ _ → §2-3.§2 omap (λ {z} → pure)) (§2-fromMonad (.Cat.Category.Monad.toKleisli ℂ (.Cat.Category.Monad.toMonoidal ℂ (§2-3.§2.toMonad m)))) (§2-fromMonad (§2-3.§2.toMonad m)) \end{verbatim} Have: \begin{verbatim} PathP (λ i → §2-3.§2 K.IsMonad.omap (K.RawMonad.pure (K.Monad.raw (funExt (λ m₁ → K.Monad≡ (.Cat.Category.Monad.toKleisliRawEq ℂ m₁)) i (§2-3.§2.toMonad m))))) (§2-fromMonad (.Cat.Category.Monad.toKleisli ℂ (.Cat.Category.Monad.toMonoidal ℂ (§2-3.§2.toMonad m)))) (§2-fromMonad (§2-3.§2.toMonad m)) \end{verbatim} \subsubsection*{Second goal} Goal: \begin{verbatim} PathP (λ _ → §2-3.§1 omap (λ {X} → pure)) (§1-fromMonad (.Cat.Category.Monad.toMonoidal ℂ (.Cat.Category.Monad.toKleisli ℂ (§2-3.§1.toMonad m)))) (§1-fromMonad (§2-3.§1.toMonad m)) \end{verbatim} Have: \begin{verbatim} PathP (λ i → §2-3.§1 (RawFunctor.omap (Functor.raw (M.RawMonad.R (M.Monad.raw (funExt (λ m₁ → M.Monad≡ (.Cat.Category.Monad.toMonoidalRawEq ℂ m₁)) i (§2-3.§1.toMonad m)))))) (λ {X} → fst (M.RawMonad.pureNT (M.Monad.raw (funExt (λ m₁ → M.Monad≡ (.Cat.Category.Monad.toMonoidalRawEq ℂ m₁)) i (§2-3.§1.toMonad m)))) X)) (§1-fromMonad (.Cat.Category.Monad.toMonoidal ℂ (.Cat.Category.Monad.toKleisli ℂ (§2-3.§1.toMonad m)))) (§1-fromMonad (§2-3.§1.toMonad m)) \end{verbatim}