111 lines
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111 lines
3.3 KiB
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}
module Cat.Category.Monad where
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Product
open import Cubical
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category.Functor as F
open import Cat.Category.NaturalTransformation
open import Cat.Categories.Fun
-- "A monad in the monoidal form" [vlad]
module Monoidal {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓa ℓb) where
ℓ = ℓa ⊔ ℓb
open Category ℂ hiding (IsAssociative)
open NaturalTransformation ℂ ℂ
record RawMonad : Set ℓ where
R : Functor ℂ ℂ
-- pure
ηNat : NaturalTransformation F.identity R
-- (>=>)
μNat : NaturalTransformation F[ R ∘ R ] R
module R = Functor R
module RR = Functor F[ R ∘ R ]
module _ {X : Object} where
-- module IdRX = Functor (F.identity {C = RX})
η : Transformation F.identity R
η = proj₁ ηNat
ηX : ℂ [ X , R.func* X ]
ηX = η X
RηX : ℂ [ R.func* X , R.func* (R.func* X) ] -- ℂ [ R.func* X , {!R.func* (R.func* X))!} ]
RηX = R.func→ ηX
ηRX = η (R.func* X)
IdRX : Arrow (R.func* X) (R.func* X)
IdRX = 𝟙 {R.func* X}
μ : Transformation F[ R ∘ R ] R
μ = proj₁ μNat
μX : ℂ [ RR.func* X , R.func* X ]
μX = μ X
RμX : ℂ [ R.func* (RR.func* X) , RR.func* X ]
RμX = R.func→ μX
μRX : ℂ [ RR.func* (R.func* X) , R.func* (R.func* X) ]
μRX = μ (R.func* X)
IsAssociative' : Set _
IsAssociative' = ℂ [ μX ∘ RμX ] ≡ ℂ [ μX ∘ μRX ]
IsInverse' : Set _
= ℂ [ μX ∘ ηRX ] ≡ IdRX
× ℂ [ μX ∘ RηX ] ≡ IdRX
-- We don't want the objects to be indexes of the type, but rather just
-- universally quantify over *all* objects of the category.
IsAssociative = {X : Object} → IsAssociative' {X}
IsInverse = {X : Object} → IsInverse' {X}
record IsMonad (raw : RawMonad) : Set ℓ where
open RawMonad raw public
isAssociative : IsAssociative
isInverse : IsInverse
record Monad : Set ℓ where
raw : RawMonad
isMonad : IsMonad raw
open IsMonad isMonad public
-- "A monad in the Kleisli form" [vlad]
module Kleisli {ℓa ℓb : Level} (ℂ : Category ℓa ℓb) where
ℓ = ℓa ⊔ ℓb
open Category ℂ hiding (IsIdentity)
record RawMonad : Set ℓ where
RR : Object → Object
η : {X : Object} → ℂ [ X , RR X ]
rr : {X Y : Object} → ℂ [ X , RR Y ] → ℂ [ RR X , RR Y ]
-- Name suggestions are welcome!
IsIdentity = {X : Object}
→ rr η ≡ 𝟙 {RR X}
IsNatural = {X Y : Object} (f : ℂ [ X , RR Y ])
→ (ℂ [ rr f ∘ η ]) ≡ f
IsDistributive = {X Y Z : Object} (g : ℂ [ Y , RR Z ]) (f : ℂ [ X , RR Y ])
→ ℂ [ rr g ∘ rr f ] ≡ rr (ℂ [ rr g ∘ f ])
record IsMonad (raw : RawMonad) : Set ℓ where
open RawMonad raw public
isIdentity : IsIdentity
isNatural : IsNatural
isDistributive : IsDistributive
record Monad : Set ℓ where
raw : RawMonad
isMonad : IsMonad raw
open IsMonad isMonad public