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658 lines
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%% \usecolortheme[named=seagull]{structure}
\title{Univalent Categories}
\subtitle{A formalization of category theory in Cubical Agda}
\newcommand{\myname}{Frederik Hangh{\o}j Iversen}
\footnotesize Supervisors: Thierry Coquand, Andrea Vezzosi\\
Examiner: Andreas Abel
\institute{Chalmers University of Technology}
\frametitle{Motivating example}
\framesubtitle{Functional extensionality}
Consider the functions
\var{zeroLeft} & ≜ \lambda (n \tp \bN) \mto (0 + n \tp \bN) \\
\var{zeroRight} & ≜ \lambda (n \tp \bN) \mto (n + 0 \tp \bN)
We have
∏_{n \tp \bN} \var{zeroLeft}\ n ≡ \var{zeroRight}\ n
But not
\var{zeroLeft} ≡ \var{zeroRight}
We need
\funExt \tp ∏_{a \tp A} f\ a ≡ g\ a → f ≡ g
\frametitle{Motivating example}
Consider the set
$\{x \mid \phi\ x \land \psi\ x\}$
If we show $∀ x . \psi\ x ≡ \top$
then we want to conclude
$\{x \mid \phi\ x \land \psi\ x\} ≡ \{x \mid \phi\ x\}$
We need univalence:
$$(A ≃ B) ≃ (A ≡ B)$$
We will return to $≃$, but for now think of it as an
isomorphism, so it induces maps:
\var{toPath} & \tp (A ≃ B) → (A ≡ B) \\
\var{toEquiv} & \tp (A ≡ B) → (A ≃ B)
Heterogeneous paths
\Path \tp (P \tp \I → \MCU) → P\ 0 → P\ 1 → \MCU
For $P \tp \I → \MCU$, $A \tp \MCU$ and $a_0, a_1 \tp A$
inhabitants of $\Path\ P\ a_0\ a_1$ are like functions
p \tp ∏_{i \tp \I} P\ i
Which satisfy $p\ 0 & = a_0$ and $p\ 1 & = a_1$
Homogenous paths
a_0 ≡ a_1 ≜ \Path\ (\var{const}\ A)\ a_0\ a_1
\framesubtitle{Functional extenstionality}
\funExt & \tp ∏_{a \tp A} f\ a ≡ g\ a → f ≡ g
\funExt\ p ≜ λ i\ a → p\ a\ i
\funExt\ (\var{const}\ \refl)
\var{zeroLeft} ≡ \var{zeroRight}
\framesubtitle{Homotopy levels}
& \isContr && \tp \MCU → \MCU \\
& \isContr\ A && ≜ ∑_{c \tp A} ∏_{a \tp A} a ≡ c
& \isProp && \tp \MCU → \MCU \\
& \isProp\ A && ≜ ∏_{a_0, a_1 \tp A} a_0 ≡ a_1
& \isSet && \tp \MCU → \MCU \\
& \isSet\ A && ≜ ∏_{a_0, a_1 \tp A} \isProp\ (a_0 ≡ a_1)
& \isGroupoid && \tp \MCU → \MCU \\
& \isGroupoid\ A && ≜ ∏_{a_0, a_1 \tp A} \isSet\ (a_0 ≡ a_1)
\framesubtitle{A few lemmas}
Let $D$ be a type-family:
D \tp ∏_{b \tp A} ∏_{p \tp a ≡ b} \MCU
And $d$ and in inhabitant of $D$ at $\refl$:
d \tp D\ a\ \refl
We then have the function:
\pathJ\ D\ d \tp ∏_{b \tp A} ∏_{p \tp a ≡ b} D\ b\ p
\framesubtitle{A few lemmas}
A & \tp \MCU \\
P & \tp A → \MCU \\
\var{propP} & \tp ∏_{x \tp A} \isProp\ (P\ x) \\
p & \tp a_0 ≡ a_1 \\
p_0 & \tp P\ a_0 \\
p_1 & \tp P\ a_1
We have
\lemPropF\ \var{propP}\ p
\Path\ (\lambda\; i \mto P\ (p\ i))\ p_0\ p_1
\framesubtitle{A few lemmas}
$∏$ preserves $\isProp$:
\left(∏_{a \tp A} \isProp\ (P\ a)\right)
→ \isProp\ \left(∏_{a \tp A} P\ a\right)
$∑$ preserves $\isProp$:
\mathit{propSig} \tp \isProp\ A → \left(∏_{a \tp A} \isProp\ (P\ a)\right) → \isProp\ \left(∑_{a \tp A} P\ a\right)
\frametitle{Pre categories}
\Object & \tp \Type \\
\Arrow & \tp \Object → \Object → \Type \\
\identity & \tp \Arrow\ A\ A \\
\lll & \tp \Arrow\ B\ C → \Arrow\ A\ B → \Arrow\ A\ C
h \lll (g \lll f) ≡ (h \lll g) \lll f
(\identity \lll f ≡ f)
(f \lll \identity ≡ f)
\isSet\ (\Arrow\ A\ B)
\frametitle{Pre categories}
\isProp\ \left( (\identity \comp f ≡ f) × (f \comp \identity ≡ f) \right)
\isProp\ \IsPreCategory
\var{isAssociative} & \tp \var{IsAssociative}\\
\isIdentity & \tp \var{IsIdentity}\\
\var{arrowsAreSets} & \tp \var{ArrowsAreSets}
& \var{propIsAssociative} && a.\var{isAssociative}\
&& b.\var{isAssociative} && i \\
& \propIsIdentity && a.\isIdentity\
&& b.\isIdentity && i \\
& \var{propArrowsAreSets} && a.\var{arrowsAreSets}\
&& b.\var{arrowsAreSets} && i
\var{IsIdentity} & ≜
∏_{A\ B \tp \Object} ∏_{f \tp \Arrow\ A\ B} \phi\ f
%% \\
%% & \mathrel{\ } \identity \lll f ≡ f × f \lll \identity ≡ f
\phi\ f ≜
( \identity \lll f ≡ f )
( f \lll \identity ≡ f)
Let $\approxeq$ denote isomorphism of objects. We can then construct
the identity isomorphism in any category:
\identity , \identity , \var{isIdentity} \tp A \approxeq A
Likewise since paths are substitutive we can promote a path to an isomorphism:
\idToIso \tp A ≡ B → A ≊ B
For a category to be univalent we require this to be an equivalence:
\isEquiv\ (A ≡ B)\ (A \approxeq B)\ \idToIso
\framesubtitle{Univalence, cont'd}
$$\isEquiv\ (A ≡ B)\ (A \approxeq B)\ \idToIso$$
$$(A ≡ B) ≃ (A \approxeq B)$$
$$(A ≡ B) ≅ (A \approxeq B)$$
Name the above maps:
$$\idToIso \tp A ≡ B → A ≊ B$$
$$\isoToId \tp (A \approxeq B) → (A ≡ B)$$
\isProp\ \IsCategory = ∏_{a, b \tp \IsCategory} a ≡ b
So, for
a\ b \tp \IsCategory
the proof obligation is the pair:
p & \tp a.\isPreCategory ≡ b.\isPreCategory \\
& \mathrel{\ } \Path\ (\lambda\; i → (p\ i).Univalent)\ a.\isPreCategory\ b.\isPreCategory
\framesubtitle{Propositionality, cont'd}
First path given by:
\var{propIsPreCategory}\ a\ b
a.\isPreCategory ≡ b.\isPreCategory
Use $\lemPropF$ for the latter.
Univalence is indexed by an identity proof. So $A ≜
IsIdentity\ identity$ and $B ≜ \var{Univalent}$.
\lemPropF\ \var{propUnivalent}\ p
\framesubtitle{A theorem}
Let the isomorphism $(ι, \inv{ι}) \tp A \approxeq B$.
The isomorphism induces the path
p ≜ \idToIso\ (\iota, \inv{\iota}) \tp A ≡ B
and consequently an arrow:
p_{\var{dom}} ≜ \congruence\ (λ x → \Arrow\ x\ X)\ p
\Arrow\ A\ X ≡ \Arrow\ B\ X
The proposition is:
∏_{f \tp A → X}
\var{coe}\ p_{\var{dom}}\ f ≡ f \lll \inv{\iota}
\framesubtitle{A theorem, proof}
\var{coe}\ p_{\var{dom}}\ f
& ≡ f \lll \inv{(\idToIso\ p)} && \text{By path-induction} \\
& ≡ f \lll \inv{\iota}
&& \text{$\idToIso$ and $\isoToId$ are inverses}\\
Induction will be based at $A$. Let $\widetilde{B}$ and $\widetilde{p}
\tp A ≡ \widetilde{B}$ be given.
Define the family:
D\ \widetilde{B}\ \widetilde{p} ≜
\var{coe}\ \widetilde{p}_{\var{dom}}\ f
f \lll \inv{(\idToIso\ \widetilde{p})}
The base-case becomes:
d \tp D\ A\ \refl =
\var{coe}\ \refl_{\var{dom}}\ f ≡ f \lll \inv{(\idToIso\ \refl)}
\framesubtitle{A theorem, proof, cont'd}
d \tp
\var{coe}\ \refl_{\var{dom}}\ f ≡ f \lll \inv{(\idToIso\ \refl)}
\var{coe}\ \refl^*\ f
& ≡ f
&& \text{$\refl$ is a neutral element for $\var{coe}$}\\
& ≡ f \lll \identity \\
& ≡ f \lll \var{subst}\ \refl\ \identity
&& \text{$\refl$ is a neutral element for $\var{subst}$}\\
& ≡ f \lll \inv{(\idToIso\ \refl)}
&& \text{By definition of $\idToIso$}\\
In conclusion, the theorem is inhabited by:
\pathJ\ D\ d\ B\ p
\frametitle{Span category} \framesubtitle{Definition} Given a base
category $\bC$ and two objects in this category $\pairA$ and $\pairB$
we can construct the \nomenindex{span category}:
∑_{X \tp Object} \Arrow\ X\ \pairA × \Arrow\ X\ \pairB
Arrows between objects $A ,\ a_{\pairA} ,\ a_{\pairB}$ and
$B ,\ b_{\pairA} ,\ b_{\pairB}$:
∑_{f \tp \Arrow\ A\ B}
b_{\pairA} \lll f ≡ a_{\pairA} ×
b_{\pairB} \lll f ≡ a_{\pairB}
\frametitle{Span category}
(X , x_{𝒜} , x_{ℬ}) ≡ (Y , y_{𝒜} , y_{ℬ})
p \tp & X ≡ Y \\
& \Path\ (λ i → \Arrow\ (p\ i)\ 𝒜)\ x_{𝒜}\ y_{𝒜} \\
& \Path\ (λ i → \Arrow\ (p\ i)\ ℬ)\ x_{ℬ}\ y_{ℬ}
\var{iso} \tp & X \approxeq Y \\
& \Path\ (λ i → \Arrow\ (\widetilde{p}\ i)\ 𝒜)\ x_{𝒜}\ y_{𝒜} \\
& \Path\ (λ i → \Arrow\ (\widetilde{p}\ i)\ ℬ)\ x_{ℬ}\ y_{ℬ}
(X , x_{𝒜} , x_{ℬ}) ≊ (Y , y_{𝒜} , y_{ℬ})
\frametitle{Span category}
\framesubtitle{Univalence, proof}
%% (f, \inv{f}, \var{inv}_f, \var{inv}_{\inv{f}})
%% \tp
(X, x_{𝒜}, x_{ℬ}) \approxeq (Y, y_{𝒜}, y_{ℬ})
\var{iso} \tp & X \approxeq Y \\
& \Path\ (λ i → \Arrow\ (\widetilde{p}\ i)\ 𝒜)\ x_{𝒜}\ y_{𝒜} \\
& \Path\ (λ i → \Arrow\ (\widetilde{p}\ i)\ ℬ)\ x_{ℬ}\ y_{ℬ}
Let $(f, \inv{f}, \var{inv}_f, \var{inv}_{\inv{f}})$ be an inhabitant
of the antecedent.\pause
Projecting out the first component gives us the isomorphism
(\fst\ f, \fst\ \inv{f}
, \congruence\ \fst\ \var{inv}_f
, \congruence\ \fst\ \var{inv}_{\inv{f}}
\tp X \approxeq Y
This gives rise to the following paths:
\widetilde{p} & \tp X ≡ Y \\
\widetilde{p}_{𝒜} & \tp \Arrow\ X\ 𝒜 ≡ \Arrow\ Y\ 𝒜 \\
\frametitle{Span category}
\framesubtitle{Univalence, proof, cont'd}
It remains to construct:
& \Path\ (λ i → \widetilde{p}_{𝒜}\ i)\ x_{𝒜}\ y_{𝒜}
This is achieved with the following lemma:
∏_{q \tp A ≡ B} \var{coe}\ q\ x_{𝒜} ≡ y_{𝒜}
\Path\ (λ i → q\ i)\ x_{𝒜}\ y_{𝒜}
Which is used without proof.\pause
So the construction reduces to:
\var{coe}\ \widetilde{p}_{𝒜}\ x_{𝒜} ≡ y_{𝒜}
This is proven with:
\var{coe}\ \widetilde{p}_{𝒜}\ x_{𝒜}
& ≡ x_{𝒜} \lll \fst\ \inv{f} && \text{\ref{eq:coeDom}} \\
& ≡ y_{𝒜} && \text{Property of span category}
\frametitle{Propositionality of products}
We have
\isProp\ \var{Terminal}
We can show:
\var{Terminal} ≃ \var{Product}\ ℂ\ 𝒜\ ℬ
And since equivalences preserve homotopy levels we get:
\isProp\ \left(\var{Product}\ \bC\ 𝒜\ ℬ\right)
\framesubtitle{Monoidal form}
\EndoR & \tp \Endo ℂ \\
& \tp \NT{\EndoR^0}{\EndoR} \\
& \tp \NT{\EndoR^2}{\EndoR}
Let $\fmap$ be the map on arrows of $\EndoR$. Likewise
$\pure$ and $\join$ are the maps of the natural transformations
$\pureNT$ and $\joinNT$ respectively.
\join \lll \fmap\ \join
& ≡ \join \lll \join \\
\join \lll \pure\ & ≡ \identity \\
\join \lll \fmap\ \pure & ≡ \identity
\framesubtitle{Kleisli form}
\omapR & \tp \Object → \Object \\
\pure & \tp % ∏_{X \tp Object}
\Arrow\ X\ (\omapR\ X) \\
\bind & \tp
\Arrow\ X\ (\omapR\ Y)
\Arrow\ (\omapR\ X)\ (\omapR\ Y)
\fish & \tp
\Arrow\ A\ (\omapR\ B)
\Arrow\ B\ (\omapR\ C)
\Arrow\ A\ (\omapR\ C) \\
f \fish g & ≜ f \rrr (\bind\ g)
\bind\ \pure & ≡ \identity_{\omapR\ X} \\
\pure \fish f & ≡ f \\
(\bind\ f) \rrr (\bind\ g) & ≡ \bind\ (f \fish g)
In the monoidal formulation we can define $\bind$:
\bind\ f ≜ \join \lll \fmap\ f
And likewise in the Kleisli formulation we can define $\join$:
\join ≜ \bind\ \identity
The laws are logically equivalent. So we get:
\var{Monoidal} ≃ \var{Kleisli}