55 lines
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55 lines
1.7 KiB
module Cat.Categories.CwF where
open import Cat.Prelude
open import Cat.Category
open import Cat.Category.Functor
open import Cat.Categories.Fam
module _ {ℓa ℓb : Level} where
record CwF : Set (lsuc (ℓa ⊔ ℓb)) where
-- "A category with families consists of"
-- "A base category"
ℂ : Category ℓa ℓb
module ℂ = Category ℂ
-- It's objects are called contexts
Contexts = ℂ.Object
-- It's arrows are called substitutions
Substitutions = ℂ.Arrow
-- A functor T
T : Functor (opposite ℂ) (Fam ℓa ℓb)
-- Empty context
[] : ℂ.Terminal
module T = Functor T
Type : (Γ : ℂ.Object) → Set ℓa
Type Γ = proj₁ (proj₁ (T.omap Γ))
module _ {Γ : ℂ.Object} {A : Type Γ} where
-- module _ {A B : Object ℂ} {γ : ℂ [ A , B ]} where
-- k : Σ (proj₁ (omap T B) → proj₁ (omap T A))
-- (λ f →
-- {x : proj₁ (omap T B)} →
-- proj₂ (omap T B) x → proj₂ (omap T A) (f x))
-- k = T.fmap γ
-- k₁ : proj₁ (omap T B) → proj₁ (omap T A)
-- k₁ = proj₁ k
-- k₂ : ({x : proj₁ (omap T B)} →
-- proj₂ (omap T B) x → proj₂ (omap T A) (k₁ x))
-- k₂ = proj₂ k
record ContextComprehension : Set (ℓa ⊔ ℓb) where
Γ&A : ℂ.Object
proj1 : ℂ [ Γ&A , Γ ]
-- proj2 : ????
-- if γ : ℂ [ A , B ]
-- then T .fmap γ (written T[γ]) interpret substitutions in types and terms respectively.
-- field
-- ump : {Δ : ℂ .Object} → (γ : ℂ [ Δ , Γ ])
-- → (a : {!!}) → {!!}